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Attendees:  Steven, Tim, Lynette, Jason, Hilary, Simeon, Huda

Regrets: Huda

Agenda & Notes

Review actions from 2019-03-15 Cornell LD4P2 Meeting notes

  • Steven Folsom keep track of cataloger perspective on work to support LC Names is in QA with context 
    Steven Folsom to reach out to Nancy to see what data we get from the "Profiles Wrangler" survey about QA needs, will then reach out to cohort to check results and see if anything is missing
    • 2019-03-08 - Received a confirmation from Nancy that they are happy to share. The survey closes 2019-03-08.
    • 2019-03-15 - Paloma mentioned before the survey closed that and were named. Waiting for a complete list. The former, I (Steven) don't believe, is LOD; we'll have to confirm and come up with a plan.
      • List of datasets named in the Profile Wrangler Survey:
        • RBMS (No RDF yet, but the editorial group is working towards it)

        • Language of Bindings, Ligatus - lobt (no RDF)

        • Canadian Subject Headings (No RDF)

        • RVM - Répertoire de vedettes-matière (No RDF)

        • wikidata (direct access via QA work)

        • ISNI (No RDF)

        • LCDGT (pending in QA)

        • OLAC video games (pending in QA)


        • Creative Common licenses

        • Video Game Ontology

      • Steven will make sure there is a github issue for each vocabulary and try to find an owner for each. We will need to find out whether there are URIs for these terms – might not be able to support all

  • Jason Kovari will check with Tim Thompson whether it is OK to use the same transformation of RBMS vocabs that was used in LD4L-Labs
  • E. Lynette Rayle LDPath gem has two problems: 1) bug in LDPath parsing paths, 2) it is doing load for graph every time it tries to access something (SLOW)... may need to fork LDPath gem to make more efficient since will not need to reload graph every time (for our use case)
    • 2019-03-15 - Tracking in Issue #56, have not yet put example in LDPath repo for Chris
    • 2019-03-22 - Still working on example for LDPath issue. Will hope to speak with Chris at LDCX
  • E. Lynette Rayle investigate & document algorithm for selection of languages with label and/or no label. In cases like AgroVoc where languages are handled well then we just want to document the (good) algorithm; but in other cases where language information is wrong we need to be able to turn that off (need more config for this)
    • 2019-03-08 – 08 - very nearly done... will be in QA release, hopefully today. Config will have wildcard for "all-languages" which will then not select data for just a single language
    • 2019-03-15 22 - Documentation has been started but still has some TODOs to fill in information. Created issue to track (Issue #61)
  • Huda Khan & Steven Folsom to go through spreadsheet assessing difficulty and "linked data wow" factor (BfB)
    • 2019-02-22 Discussion of whether we are doing anything that will impact our source (MARC) data or whether this work is just additions at the discovery layer (that may come from other sources such as SHARE-VDE clusters) – agreement that we are interested in experiments that will merge any useful data at the indexing stage. If we wanted to move any of this to production then we'd need to have conversations about linking in MARC but that could be done later / if / when. Huda Khanand Steven Folsomwill meet next week to come up with proposals with an assessment of tractability and wow factor.
    • 2019-03-01 Met yesterday and assessed "wow" in spreadsheet, suggested that three: relationships, knowledge cards and semantic navigation have the best potential for "wow".  Huda Khanand Steven Folsom to come up with wireframe proposals to present to D&A group on March 19.
    • Based on D.O.G. and D.A.G. work, generated set of ideas (to elicit feedback).  Based on bringing in relationships from external data (that hopefully go beyond what is already in the authorities).  Areas to try: cross-references, relationships, other sources (e.g. databases, etc.).
  • Huda Khan is working on whether usability work on catalogs has been done internally as well as externally to CUL. Code4Lib journal and another has some details
    • 2019-01-18: Have been looking at usability work and literature. Found some older material on Blacklight tests (when facets new), not so much after that. Some log analysis on SearchWorks. Also looking at linked data browser tools. Interesting dissertation from a few years ago on LD exploratory search. See discovery folder, literature exploration NOTES DOCUMENT, initial discussions with Tim regarding knowledge panels etc. , and also Stanford NOTES FROM LAST SUMMER
    • 2019-02-15: Astrid is doing more user sessions in the next week or so. Huda will then review.  Also discovery discussion group had a meeting. For reference, knowledge panel slides with screenshots/examples plus questions 
    • 2019-02-22 Huda Khan will schedule a DOG (discovery on the ground) meeting with goal of working toward plans/proposals for implementation (DIG) (flow  DAG → DOG → DIG → DUG)
    • 2019-03-01 DOG meeting on Monday with Cornell and Stanford folks
    • 2019-03-08 Astrid has completed user sessions, Huda has completed literature review. Will work together to experiment with designs (building on work from Chalet meeting). Results so far suggest specialized research users have very little interest in knowledge panels, but it seems that undergrad users may have interest. Plan UX testing of ideas with undergraduates.
    • 2019-03-14 Astrid has completed interviews with faculty and librarians, now talking with students. Huda will add results of literature review to confluence. Consider this item done
  • Jason Kovariwill discuss in LTS whether there a URIs from Share-VDE data that are useful and might be added to catalog
    • 2019-02-22 – 2019-03-15 ON 22 ON HOLD until we have the real good (with clusters) Cornell data back from Casalini (not sure when expected early March). Then have discussion in LTS – people will need to see / explore data before forming opinions on utility
      • Output for QUADS in SVDE:

<> a <> ;

     <> “CORNELL136709” ;

     <> <> .

CORNELL136709 refers to


  • is May 16 – do we move all work areas to github projects or to adopt something else?
  • Wikimedian-in-residence Cornell visit
    • What data in wikidata is of most interest for discovery and other projects?
    • How accurate/good is wikidata in various domains?
    • Stanford priority to get some knowledge card work done in time for May meeting – we are interested in working on this too
    • → see google doc
  • Cohort engagement 
  • Discovery developer search
  • Authority Lookups for Sinopia (Production QA instance:
  • Prep for Cataloging Sinatra and other 45's (Discogs data,
    • Tim will update discogs code to use user token instead of keys that don't currently work in discogs
    • - not expecting to be able to make progress until Sinopia update in early April
    • Tim working in getting up to speed with React
  • Sinatra Profile Work
  • Enhanced Discovery (see also
    • Huda /Astrid/Tim (DOG) will continue interviews with students and then generate mockups/prototypes to test ideas
    • Cornell D&A - meeting Tuesday to test water with ideas, gather any addition feedback or understanding of users
    • LD4 DAG - Focus on indexing this week
    • is now chairing the LD4 DAG with Tom Cramer
    • LD4 "DOG" continues for the meantime with discussions around findings, processes for investigation and implementation (i.e. "on the ground").  At appropriate juncture, good to bring in additional Cornell discovery/Stanford discovery implementation folks.
    • Simeon – I think we need a set of real user discovery stories to use as examples when we talk about discovery. As I hear, "my current example is Lincoln" it all sounds so arbitrary. I think we should be saying "Let's take the example of an undergraduate student searching for "lincoln" in order to find material for an American History 101 assignment on this and that (this example came from a user study we did in Cornell's Olin library...)" even if the actual terms and results are the same.
      • John Updike story is from the old D&A integration layer stories
      • Might get some stories from the Harvard and Chicago input in the DAG
      • Also input/user stories from Astrid Usong based on her user interviews
    • ACTION - Jason Kovari and Huda Khan will work on some more expansive stories that relate well with our collections
    • Suggestion that bringing together archives and special collections with the catalog would be interesting
    • Is there an opportunity for gamification around the catalog? Could have this as an opportunity for supervised reconciliation work, or correction of errors
    • Importance of transparency about data sources and how/who decides what sources are appropriate – under what circumstances is it appropriate to use data from Wikipedia/Wikidata?
    • ==> PLAN TO FOCUS ON IDEAS FOR A NEAR TERM WORKPLAN NEXT FRIDAYLD4 conference - Astrid & Huda talking, what else related to enhanced discovery?
  • Travel and meetings (see LD4P2 Cornell Meeting Attendances)
    • LD4 conference and pre-meeting with Harvard folkspartners
      • Expect to send: Jason, Steven, Huda, Lynette, Simeon
      • Simeon has reserved minivan for Wed 8 through Sun 12 May
      • Everyone work on agenda document.
    • LD4P June 2019 Meeting: Agenda formation:
      • Michelle (2019-03-21, email): "June in-person partner meeting in DC: planning hasn't started yet, it would be good to have at least one person from each of Cornell/Harvard/Iowa SLIS/LC/PCC/Stanford involved in the planning. Let me know if you want to take part."
      • Partner meeting is day after cohort; can we wait to plan until after May meeting?
  • Next meetings:
    • Lynette and Steven not available for 29 Mar meeting
    • Jason not available for 5 Apr meeting
    • Steven out April 19th.