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  • This line was added.
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Comment: Update for DSpace 7.4 and the new assetstore.cfg file


DSpace 6 database schema (Postgres). Right-click the image and choose "Save as" to save in full resolution. Instructions on updating this schema diagram are in How to update database schema diagram.

  • DSpace uses FlywayDB to perform automated database initialization and upgrades.  Flyway's role is to initialize the database tables (and default content) prior to Hibernate initialization.
    • The class manages all Flyway API calls, and executes the SQL migrations under the package and the Java migrations under the package. 
    • Once all database migrations have run, a series of Flyway Callbacks are triggered to initialize the (empty) database with required default content.  For example, callbacks exist for adding default DSpace Groups (GroupServiceInitializer), default Metadata & Format Registries (DatabaseRegistryUpdater), and the default Site object (SiteServiceInitializer). All Callbacks are under the package.
    • While Flyway is automatically initialized and executed during startup, various Database Utilities are also available on the command line.  These utilities allow you to manually trigger database upgrades or check the status of your database.
  • DSpace uses Hibernate ORM as the object relational mapping layer between the DSpace database and the DSpace code.
    • The main Hibernate configuration can be found at [dspace]/config/hibernate.cfg.xml
    • Hibernate initialization is triggered via Spring (beans) defined [dspace]/config/spring/api/core-hibernate.xml.  This Spring configuration pulls in some settings from DSpace Configuration, namely all Database (db.*) settings defined there.
    • All DSpace Object Classes provide a DAO (Data Access Object) implementation class that extends a GenericDAO interface defined in org.dspace.core.GenericDAO class.  The default (abstract) implementation is in org.dspace.core.AbstractHibernateDAO class.
    • The DSpace Context object (org.dspace.core.Context) provides access to the configured org.dspace.core.DBConnection (Database Connection), which is HibernateDBConnection by default.  The org.dspace.core.HibernateDBConnection class provides access the the Hibernate Session interface (org.hibernate.Session) and its Transactions. 
      • Each Hibernate Session opens a single database connection when it is created, and holds onto it until the Session is closed.  A Session may consist of one or more Transactions. Sessions are NOT thread-safe (so individual objects cannot be shared between threads).
      • Hibernate will intelligently cache objects in the current Hibernate Session (on object access), allowing for optimized performance.  
      • DSpace provides methods on the Context object to specifically remove (Context.uncacheEntity()) or reload (Context.reloadEntity()) objects within Hibernate's Session cache.
      • DSpace also provides special Context object "modes" to optimize Hibernate performance for read-only access (Mode.READ_ONLY) or batch processing (Mode.BATCH_EDIT).  These modes can be specified when constructing a new Context object
    Hibernate ORM as the object relational mapping layer between the DSpace database and the DSpace code.
    • The main Hibernate configuration can be found at [dspace]/config/hibernate.cfg.xml
    • Hibernate initialization is triggered via Spring (beans) defined [dspace]/config/spring/api/core-hibernate.xml.  This Spring configuration pulls in some settings from DSpace Configuration, namely all Database (db.*) settings defined there.
    • All DSpace Object Classes provide a DAO (Data Access Object) implementation class that extends a GenericDAO interface defined in org.dspace.core.GenericDAO class.  The default (abstract) implementation is in org.dspace.core.AbstractHibernateDAO class.
    • The DSpace Context object (org.dspace.core.Context) provides access to the configured org.dspace.core.DBConnection (Database Connection), which is HibernateDBConnection by default.  The org.dspace.core.HibernateDBConnection class provides access the the Hibernate Session interface (org.hibernate.Session) and its Transactions. 
      • Each Hibernate Session opens a single database connection when it is created, and holds onto it until the Session is closed.  A Session may consist of one or more Transactions. Sessions are NOT thread-safe (so individual objects cannot be shared between threads).
      • Hibernate will intelligently cache objects in the current Hibernate Session (on object access), allowing for optimized performance.  
      • DSpace provides methods on the Context object to specifically remove (Context.uncacheEntity()) or reload (Context.reloadEntity()) objects within Hibernate's Session cache.
      • DSpace also provides special Context object "modes" to optimize Hibernate performance for read-only access (Mode.READ_ONLY) or batch processing (Mode.BATCH_EDIT).  These modes can be specified when constructing a new Context object.
    DSpace uses FlywayDB to perform automated database initialization and upgrades
    • The class manages all Flyway API calls, and executes the SQL migrations under the package and the Java migrations under the package. 
    • Once all database migrations have run, a series of Flyway Callbacks are triggered to initialize the (empty) database with required default content.  For example, callbacks exist for adding default DSpace Groups (GroupServiceInitializer), default Metadata & Format Registries (DatabaseRegistryUpdater), and the default Site object (SiteServiceInitializer). All Callbacks are under the package.
    • While Flyway is automatically initialized and executed during startup, various Database Utilities are also available on the command line.  These utilities allow you to manually trigger database upgrades or check the status of your database
      • .

Most of the functionality that DSpace uses can be offered by any standard SQL database that supports transactions.  However, at this time, DSpace only provides Flyway migration scripts for PostgreSQL and Oracle (and has only been tested with those database backends).  Additional database backends should be possible, but would minimally require creating custom Flyway migration scripts for that database backend.


Code Block
# clean up the database nightly
40 2 * * * /usr/local/pgsql/bin/vacuumdb --analyze dspace > /dev/null 2>&1


Backups: The DSpace database can be backed up and restored using usual PostgreSQL Backup and Restore methods, for example with pg_dump and psql. However when restoring a database, you will need to perform these additional steps:


The database manager is configured with the following properties in dspace.cfg:


The JDBC URL to use for accessing the database. This should not point to a connection pool, since DSpace already implements a connection pool.


JDBC driver class name. Since presently, DSpace uses PostgreSQL-specific features, this should be org.postgresql.Driver.


Username to use when accessing the database.


Corresponding password ot use when accessing the database.

Custom RDBMS tables, columns or views


Configuring the Bitstream Store


titleChanged in DSpace 7.4

While the old bitstore.xml file (defined at [dspace]/config/spring/api/bitstore.xml


Configuring Traditional Storage


) still exists in DSpace 7.4, a new configuration file has been added for configuring the Bitstream Store: [dspace]/



If you have previously configured bitstore.xml, and only have a single assetstore, we recommend resetting bitstore.xml to the default configuration, and use the new assetstore.cfg file for configuring your Bitstream Store. This is of course very general advice, and your specific situation may require more care, particularly if you have more than one Bitstream Store (see below, and this likely doesn't apply to you, but it could).

BitStores (aka assetstores) are configured with [dspace]/config/modules/assetstore.cfg

Configuring Traditional Storage

By default, DSpace uses a traditional filesystem bitstore of [dspace]/assetstore/

To configure traditional filesystem bitstore, as a specific directory, configure the bitstore like this:

Code Block
#-----------------STORAGE CONFIGURATIONS------------------------#
# Configuration properties used by the bitstore.xml config file #
#                                                               #

# assetstore.dir, look at DSPACE/config/spring/api/bitstore.xml for more options
assetstore.dir = ${dspace.dir}/assetstore

# Configures the primary store to be local or S3.
# This value will be used as `incoming` default store inside the `bitstore.xml`
# Possible values are:
#     - 0: to use the `localStore`;
#     - 1: to use the `s3Store`.
# If you want to add additional assetstores, they must be added to that bitstore.xml
# and new values should be provided as key-value pairs in the `stores` map of the
# `bitstore.xml` configuration.
assetstore.index.primary = 0

This would configure store number 0 named localStore, which is a DSBitStore (filesystem), at the filesystem path of ${dspace.dir}/assetstore (i.e. [dspace]/assetstore/)

It is also possible to use multiple local filesystems. The following example is specific to the older bitstore.xml configuration, and it should still work, but is un-tested with DSpace 7.4. In the example below, key #0 is localStore at ${dspace.dir}/assetstore, and key #1 is localStore2 at /data/assetstore2. Note that incoming is set to store "1", which in this case refers to localStore2. That means that any new files (bitstreams) uploaded to DSpace will be stored in localStore2, but some existing bitstreams may still exist in localStore.

Code Block
<bean name="" class="">
    <property name="incoming" value="1"/>
    <property name="stores">
            <entry key="0" value-ref="localStore"/>
            <entry key="1" value-ref="localStore2"/>
<bean name="localStore" class="" scope="singleton">
    <property name="baseDir" value="${dspace.dir}/assetstore"/>
<bean name="localStore2" class="" scope="singleton">
    <property name="baseDir" value="/data/assetstore2"/>

Configuring Amazon S3 Storage

To use Amazon S3 as a bitstore, in assetstore.cfg point assetstore.index.primary to 1, set assetstore.s3.enabled to true, and configure it with awsAccessKey, awsSecretKey, and bucketName. NOTE: Before you can specify these settings, you obviously will have to create an account in the Amazon AWS console, and create an IAM user with credentials and privileges to an existing S3 bucket. You can also use an IAM Role, which would allow your Amazon EC2 instance to talk directly to your S3 bucket without using any credentials. If you do configure an IAM Role with AWS, you'll still need to provide values for awsAccessKey and awsSecretKey, but they are un-used by DSpace, and can be anything at all. In the example below, we assume you are using an IAM Role, and are providing the text "use-the-role-please" as the value for these two keys. This is of course not a valid AWS key, for either example.

Code Block
# Configures the primary store to be local or S3.
# This value will be used as `incoming` default store inside the `bitstore.xml`
# Possible values are:
#     - 0: to use the `localStore`;
#     - 1: to use the `s3Store`.
# If you want to add additional assetstores, they must be added to that bitstore.xml
# and new values should be provided as key-value pairs in the `stores` map of the
# `bitstore.xml` configuration.
assetstore.index.primary = 1

#-------------- Amazon S3 Specific Configurations --------------#
# The below configurations are only used if the primary storename
# is set to 's3Store' or the 's3Store' is configured as a secondary store
# in your bitstore.xml

# Enables or disables the store initialization during startup, without initialization the store won't work.
# if changed to true, a lazy initialization will be tried on next store usage, be careful an excecption could be thrown
assetstore.s3.enabled = true

# For using a relative path (xx/xx/xx/xxx...) set to true, default it false
# When true: it splits the path into subfolders, each of these
# are 2-chars (2-bytes) length, the last is the filename and could have
# at max 3-chars (3-bytes).
# When false: is used the absolute path using full filename.
assetstore.s3.useRelativePath = false

# S3 bucket name to store assets in. If unspecified, by default DSpace will
# create a bucket based on the hostname of `dspace.ui.url` setting.
assetstore.s3.bucketName = your-bucket-name-goes-here

# Subfolder to organize assets within the bucket, in case this bucket
# is shared. Optional, default is root level of bucket
assetstore.s3.subfolder = your-optional-subfolder-goes-here

# please don't use root credentials in production but rely on the aws credentials default
# discovery mechanism to configure them (ENV VAR, EC2 Iam role, etc.)
# The preferred approach for security reason is to use the IAM user credentials, but isn't always possible.
# More information about credentials here:
# More information about IAM usage here:
assetstore.s3.awsAccessKey = use-the-role-please
assetstore.s3.awsSecretKey = use-the-role-please

# If the credentials are left empty,
# then this setting is ignored and the default AWS region will be used.
# NOTE: AWS is funny about regions, it's probably best to explicitly provide the one you intend to use,
# if you want to keep track of where your bitstreams are
assetstore.s3.awsRegionName = us-west-2

To configure traditional filesystem bitstore, as a specific directory, configure the bitstore like this:

Code Block
<bean name="" class="">
	<property name="incoming" value="0"/>
    <property name="stores">
        	<entry key="0" value-ref="localStore"/>

<bean name="localStore" class="" scope="singleton">
        <property name="baseDir" value="${dspace.dir}/assetstore"/>

This would configure store number 0 named localStore, which is a DSBitStore (filesystem), at the filesystem path of ${dspace.dir}/assetstore (i.e. [dspace]/assetstore/)


It is also possible to use multiple local filesystems. In the below example, key #0 is localStore at ${dspace.dir}/assetstore, and key #1 is localStore2 at /data/assetstore2. Note that incoming is set to store "1", which in this case refers to localStore2. That means that any new files (bitstreams) uploaded to DSpace will be stored in localStore2, but some existing bitstreams may still exist in localStore.

Code Block
<bean name="" class="">
    <property name="incoming" value="1"/>
    <property name="stores">
            <entry key="0" value-ref="localStore"/>
            <entry key="1" value-ref="localStore2"/>
<bean name="localStore" class="" scope="singleton">
    <property name="baseDir" value="${dspace.dir}/assetstore"/>
<bean name="localStore2" class="" scope="singleton">
    <property name="baseDir" value="/data/assetstore2"/>

Configuring Amazon S3 Storage

To use Amazon S3 as a bitstore, add a bitstore entry s3Store, using S3BitStoreService, and configure it with awsAccessKey, awsSecretKey, and bucketName. NOTE: Before you can specify these settings, you obviously will have to create an account in the Amazon AWS console, and create an IAM user with credentials and privileges to an existing S3 bucket.

Code Block
<bean name="" class="">
    <property name="incoming" value="1"/>
    <property name="stores">
            <entry key="0" value-ref="localStore"/>
            <entry key="1" value-ref="s3Store"/>
<bean name="localStore" class="" scope="singleton">
    <property name="baseDir" value="${dspace.dir}/assetstore"/>
<bean name="s3Store" class="" scope="singleton">
    <!-- AWS Security credentials, with policies for specified bucket -->
    <property name="awsAccessKey" value=""/>
    <property name="awsSecretKey" value=""/>
    <!-- S3 bucket name to store assets in. example: longsight-dspace-auk -->
    <property name="bucketName" value=""/>
    <!-- AWS S3 Region to use: {us-east-1, us-west-1, eu-west-1, eu-central-1, ap-southeast-1, ... } -->
    <!-- Optional, sdk default is us-east-1 -->
    <property name="awsRegionName" value=""/>
    <!-- Subfolder to organize assets within the bucket, in case this bucket is shared  -->
    <!-- Optional, default is root level of bucket -->
    <property name="subfolder" value=""/>


The incoming property specifies which assetstore receives incoming assets (i.e. when new files are uploaded, they will be stored in the "incoming" assetstore). This defaults to store 0. NOTE: in the assetstore.cfg file, this setting is called assetstore.index.primary.

S3BitStore has parameters for awsAccessKey, awsSecretKey, bucketName, awsRegionName (optional), and subfolder (optional).
