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Attendees:  Huda, Jason, Steven, Tim, Lynette, Simeon

Regrets: Dean (vacation)Zoom: 

Agenda & Notes

Review actions from 2018-09-14 Cornell LD4P2 Meeting notes

Status updates and planning

  • Cohort
    • Proposals reviewed, think decided but not sure whether notifications have gone out.
    • Need to decide what documentation to push out to the cohort before the October meeting (certainly include authority support plan) and what feedback we want to get
    • Huda working on a set to workflow pictures/descriptions to how we will support working with authorities in Sinopia (and what will not be supported). May include the idea of "import" from Share-VDE and clarification that this is making a clone/copy that will not then be synchronized back to Share-VDE.
      • Huda Khan will clarify scope with Stanford for development of workflow descriptions for October meeting. Should we cover workflow of Share-VDE import or will Stanford?
  • Authority Lookups for Sinopia Authority Lookups for Sandbox (Production QA instance:
    • QA Priorities: update to use engine (done pending deployment), keeping historical data (mostly done), logging of use (not done yet), then finish refactoring (no recent work), then performance (some reporting added) and/or new authorities
    • Vocabulary support:
    • RBMS has a set of vocabularies that are used for ARM. These are not currently in any stable environment. There is some conversion to RDF and they exist in the ARM repo. Expected to change about twice a year. 
      • Jason Kovari to work with RBMS and appropriate cohort participants to understand requirements and permissions issues for "publishing" an RDF version of these vocabularies. If there is the go ahead then will follow vocabulary proposal process
    • Huda has been working on representation of genres in linked data in relation to how catalogers negotiate the authority data. Goal is to understand current behaviors so we can think about how to present/enable this in our interface. Shows that catalogers are moving around the authority structure in complicated ways
      • Huda Khan will verify that all information used in navigating music genre authority hierarchy example is surfaced via QA
  • Prep for Cataloging Sinatra and other 45's (Discogs data)
    • Application profile - Steven, Jason, Tracey had an initial meeting on the application profile. Steven & Tracey will start work on this using past SHACL work and BFE profiles for audio works. Will work with Sinopia profile editor as it evolves (LC version currently broken), hope to surface issues early
    • Discogs data / API - Tim working on reconciliation and profiles, having trouble because LC BFE profile editor giving 503, will install local version. Some questions of data mapping between BF and Discogs. Goal is to get as much data from Discogs as possible in order to seed a BF record in Sinopia.
    • Tim Worrall , E. Lynette Rayle , Steven Folsom to discuss question of whether discogs JSON → BF RDF conversion is done within QA service or implemented in service or JavaScript after getting data from QA. Come up with a picture of boundaries between components/data for process of getting source data from Discogs to starting record in BFE
  •  Enhanced Discovery
    • Had
    Enhanced Discovery
    • Planning Tue 2018-09-18 meeting with D&A, 11am. – all will attend
      • Clear that we will need to seed ideas for review, separate out back-end from front-end enhancements.
      • Should perhaps mine their "thousand" Jira issues to look for ideas
    • Coordination with Stanford
      • Prep for Cataloging Sinatra and other 45's (Discogs data)
        • Application profile
        • Discogs data / API
          • Don't expect anyone working on Blacklight from Stanford to be at DC meeting
      • Travel and meetings
        • LD4P2 Cornell Meeting Attendances
        • LD4P2 meeting LC - 15-16 Oct in DC 
        • Jason , Steven, Lynette, Huda, Tim, Dean, Simeon is 7 people, budget is $1500 each – all go ahead provided within budget, pre-travel to dept head and Simeonhas put in proposal for the WikiCIte meeting (that conflicts with SWIB)

      Next meetings:

      • 2018-09-28 - Simeon out, Jason out –> will still have working meeting
      • Lynette here next week then out with other meetings through October meeting