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A The Depositor resource is a representation of an organization which deposits data into the Chronopolis System.


is an entity which will give data to Chronopolis in order for it to be preserved. A Depositor consists of its base fields (sourceOrganization...), contact information, and a list of Chronopolis Nodes which they will replicate data to. A Depositor MUST exist before a Bag can be ingested for them.

Adding and Updating Depositors

Choosing Replicating Nodes

In previous incarnations of Chronopolis, a Bag was simply sent to all Nodes which existed or a predefined set passed in upon creation. As Chronopolis has expanded, it seemed to make sense to have this be able to be set beforehand in the database of the Ingest Server, which is where we find ourselves now. This allows us to easily control the distribution of a Bag depending on which service ingested the content - i.e. dpn content flows to ucsd-dpn, tdl content flows to tdl, ucsd, and umiacs. Note that the Depositor does not control where the data goes, this is simply an administrative tool.

Nodes can be added or removed in the Ingest Server's Web UI or through the REST API. A User must have administrative privileges to update a Depositor's replicating nodes.

~~example here~~

See Also:

API Description

Depositor Model


idLongThe id of the Depositor in the database
namespaceStringThe namespace of a Depositor used as a unique identifier
sourceOrganzationStringThe fully qualified name of the Depositor's organization
organizationAddressStringThe address of the Depositor's organization
replicatingNodesSet<String>The Chronopolis Nodes which will receive Replications for the Depositor
contactsSet<DepositorContact>All the DepositorContacts
createdAtZonedDateTimeWhen the Depositor was created
updatedAtZonedDateTimeWhen the Depositor was last updated

DepositorContact Model

nameStringThe name of the Contact
emailStringThe email for the Contact; this uniquely identifies a Contact for a given Depositor
phoneNumberStringThe phone number for a Contact; this must be a valid E.123 number

Ingest Usage


Code Block
titleDepositor Json Example

titleDepositor API

Create A Depositor

Get All Depositors

Get A Depositor

Create A Depositor Contact

Delete A Depositor Contact

Add A Replicating Node

Delete A Replicating Node