Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Create the webapp directory (you may use any name you want):
    mkdir -p [dspace]/webapps-jython/WEB-INF/lib
    Tip: The jython webapp is just another webapp like the individual DSpace webapps. So while you could put it next to the DSpace webapps into [dspace]/webapps/jython/, it's preferable to choose a different location (e.g. [dspace]/webapps-jython/) because the [dspace]/webapps/ directory is replaced every time you run "ant update" (the old webapps directory will not be deleted, it will be renamed to "webapps-[timestamp]").
  2. Download the latest Jython installer jar (e.g. jython-installer-2.7.1.jar) from (the website was last updated around 2015 [issue2658]; check Maven Central for latest jython version)
    curl -O -J
  3. Get jython.jar and the Lib directory.;
    1. either unzip the installer jar:
      unzip -d [dspace]/lib/ jython-installer-2.7.1.jar jython.jar 'Lib/*'
      unzip -d [dspace]/webapps-jython/WEB-INF/lib/ jython-installer-2.7.1.jar jython.jar 'Lib/*'
    2. or use it to install Jython: 
      java -jar jython-installer-2.7.1.jar --console
      Note: Installation location doesn't matter, this is not necessary for DSpace. You can safely delete it after you retrieve jython.jar and Lib
  4. Associate .py files with Jython's PyServlet

    Code Block


  5. Create a Hello World servlet:

    Code Block
    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    from javax.servlet.http import HttpServlet
    class hello(HttpServlet):
        def doGet(self, request, response):
            self.doPost(request, response)
        def doPost(self, request, response):
            toClient = response.getWriter()
            toClient.println("<h1>Hello World!</h1>")
            toClient.println(u"<p>To make sure that utf-8 works, here's a Czech pangram for you:</p><p>Příliš žluťoučký kůň úpěl ďábelské ódy.</p>")

    Access to DSpace classes from Jython

  6. Copy DSpace jars to the jython webapp's lib directory:
    cp -r [dspace]/lib/* [dspace]/webapps-jython/WEB-INF/lib/
  7. Start up DSpace kernel on webapp startup and point it to your DSpace configuration:

    Code Block
        <!-- DSpace Configuration Information -->
        <!-- new ConfigurationService initialization for dspace.dir -->
            <description>The location of the main DSpace configuration file</description>

  8. Define the context in Tomcat's configuration. There are several ways how you can do that, so just use the same way you use for configuring DSpace contexts. The recommended one is to use a context fragment:

    Code Block
    titlesudo vim /etc/tomcat7tomcat8/Catalina/localhost/jython.xml
    <Context docBase="/dspace/webapps-jython" reloadable="true" cachingAllowed="false" />

    A few seconds after you save the file, Tomcat will notice it and load the "jython" context.


  1. Copy the .jar to /dspace/webapps-jython/WEB-INF/lib/
  2. Reload the context
    sudo touch /etc/tomcat7tomcat8/Catalina/localhost/jython.xml

Tip: If you forgot which libraries you added (because it's hard to spot them among dozens of libraries which belong to DSpace), here's how you can filter out the DSpace libraries, which should leave you only with a list of libraries you added:

Code Block
diff -u <(ls -1 /dspace/webapps-jython/WEB-INF/lib > /tmp/jython.txt 
/) <(ls -1 /dspace/lib/) > /tmp/dspace.txt 
diff -u /tmp/jython.txt /tmp/dspace.txt | view -

Adding Python libraries

| view -

Adding Python libraries

Python Python libraries can either be added to /dspace/webapps-jython/WEB-INF/lib/Lib/ or to context root (/dspace/webapps-jython/).


An artificial example demonstrating a few techniques that are now possible thanks to the above:

  • You can use zxJDBC, a pythonic (DB API 2.0) interface allowing the use of databases accessible via JDBC. The driver (postgresql-*.jar or ojdbc6.jar) used here is available in classpath because we copied it from /dspace/lib/.
  • You can use Java libraries, demonstrated here by java.util.Properties used to read dspace.cfg.
  • Here we read the database driver, connection string, user and password from dspace.cfg and then pass it to zxJDBC to create a connection.
  • We could use DB API 2.0 methods like cursor.fetchall() to get query results. Here I chose to use the Python zip() function to return the query results in a custom format.
  • You can use a context manager (Python "with" keyword) around a zxJDBC cursor to manage the scope of the DB transaction.
  • You can't use the Python "with" keyword around the java.util.Properties as it is a Java class which doesn't implement a Python context manager.
  • DB connection here is open in init() and closed in destroy() only to demonstrate the servlet's constructor and destructor. You should not keep a DB connection open for the whole time the servlet is loaded.


I'm not yet sure why, but some exceptions are neither logged to tomcat, nor to dspace.log, nor to the output HTML.

Example: As mentioned above, the python requests library fails to fetch certain pages with error: invalid stored block lengths


Code Block
class err_example(HttpServlet):
    def # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from javax.servlet.http import HttpServlet
import requests

class err_example(HttpServlet):
    def doGet(self, request, response):
        toClient = response.getWriter()
            r = requests.get('')  # errors out on certain gzipped pages; see
            import sys, traceback
            traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout)  # log to catalina.out
            traceback.print_exc(file=toClient)  # log to HTML output

See also
