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  • 3 main themes emerged from our last meeting
    • 1. Introduction to DSpace
      • Foundational overview for new repository managers or are new to DSpace
    • 2. Task oriented documentation
      • E.g., how to set up a submission form, how to set up an embargo, etc.
    • 3. Advanced configuration settings
      • E.g., developer requests (tasks/features you can’t do from the admin UI)
  • Aiming for a more lightweight approach as we are all volunteering our time
    • Some documentation is better than no documentation
  • Lots of enthusiasm in last meeting for sharing documentation from own institutions
    • Remove any locally specific information, repurpose the general info

  • Preparing for the documentation
    • Timing for writing docs? What works best for folks?
      • On your own time? Testing ‘jog’? (2 or 3 weeks)
      • Various comments
        • "I think it would be nice for folks to divide themselves into subgroups to have clearer goals.
        • I also like the idea of a jog.”
        • “Focused time would be helpful for people to schedule dedicated time to work on this.
        • I also like some space between a couple 2-week time frames - could make it easier for more people to participate depending on their interests and abilities.”
        • Suggestion to solicit submissions of existing documentation from schools which can then be repurposed

  • Next steps
    • First step: Set up working groups for the 3 themes via call on DCAT Google Group, then we can decide on dates; different working groups can identify dates that work best for their group
    • We can also involve the National User Groups
  • Additional comments:
    • Welcome volunteers to write in multiple languages
    • Okay to get started right away by adding pages to the wiki 
    • Suggestion to ask community what docs they need or would like to see improved


  • Kimberly will send a call to DCAT Google Group for working groups and call for new chairfor interest for DCAT Chair, 2024-2025

Thanks to notetaker, Julia Gilmore.
