Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
git clone${ORG}/${REPO}
cd ${REPO}
git checkout -b ${CURR}-RC origin/${CURR}-RC # ifcheck out the release branch if named differently
mvn release:clean


If mvn release:clean fails, you may need to revert the RC commit


with git revert HEAD.  If the parent snapshot is not available, build an old version of fcrepo to populate it locally.

Preparing the release commits

The mvn release:prepare command will update Update all the POM files to set the tags and versions to the release version, then create a commit along with a Git tag. Then change all the versions to the next snapshot. This results in extra commits being automatically added to the local git repositorydevelopment version and change the tag back to HEAD. This will be committed to the current branch as well.

Code Block
mvn release:prepare -DreleaseVersion=${CURR} -DdevelopmentVersion=${NEXT} -Dtag=${REPO}-${CURR} -DautoVersionSubmodules=true -DpushChanges=false

You may be warned to update project versions. It will give you an option of which versions to update (0: All, 1: Project Dependencies, ....). 1 is the default and is what you should select.

For any dependency it will ask for:

  1. the release version, this should be set to the correct released version (i.e. no -SNAPSHOT). In most cases this is the most current released version. 
  2. the next development version, this will normally be one minor version above the release version with -SNAPSHOT appended. (i.e. for release version 6.3.0, the development version is 6.4.0-SNAPSHOT)


titleYour GPG passphrase may not be masked in terminal.


titleIf you have more than one GPG key? Click here to expand...

The above command arguments are:

  • -DreleaseVersion - this is the numeric version you are releasing, i.e. 6.1.0, 5.6.1, etc
  • -DdevelopmentVersion - this is the next snapshot version. It should be one minor version above the release version and it should always end with -SNAPSHOT. i.e. 6.2.0-SNAPSHOT, 5.7.0-SNAPSHOT
  • -Dtag - this is the git release tag which will point to the release commit. It is <repository name>-<release version>. i.e. fcrepo-camel-toolbox-6.1.0, fcrepo-import-export-6.2.0, fcrepo-6.5.0
  • -DautoVersionSubmodules=true - because Fedora is made up of a bunch of modules, this ensure they also get processed.
  • -DpushChanges=false - this ensure changes are not automatically pushed to Github.

You may be warned to update project versions. It will give you an option of which versions to update with options like (0: All, 1: Project Dependencies, ....). 1 (Project Dependencies) is the default and is the correct choice to select.

For any dependency it may ask for:

  1. the release version, this should be set to the correct released version (i.e. no -SNAPSHOT). This is the most current released version of that project, not the one you are currently releasing
  2. the next development version, this will normally be one minor version above the release version with -SNAPSHOT appended. (i.e. for release version 6.3.0, the development version is 6.4.0-SNAPSHOT)

titleYour GPG passphrase may not be masked in terminal.

titleIf you have more than one GPG key? Click here to expand...

If you have more than one personal key on your GPG keyring, you can specify the correct key by adding

-Darguments=-Dgpg.keyname=<Your Key ID>

to the above mvn command.

Code Block
titlefor example
mvn release:prepare -DreleaseVersion=${CURR} -DdevelopmentVersion=${NEXT} -DautoVersionSubmodules=true -DpushChanges=false -Darguments=-Dgpg.keyname=<your signing key ID>

verify local updates
verify local updates
Inspect/Verify local updates

Code Block
git diff

If you have more than one personal key on your GPG keyring, you can specify the correct key by adding

-Darguments=-Dgpg.keyname=<Your Key ID>

to the above mvn command.

Code Block
titlefor example
mvn release:prepare -DreleaseVersion=${CURR} -DdevelopmentVersion=${NEXT} -DautoVersionSubmodules=true -DpushChanges=false -Darguments=-Dgpg.keyname=<your signing key ID>


Code Block
git diff HEAD~1

This will show changes from the commit before HEAD to HEAD. It should only show the changes from the release version to the new snapshot version and in at least one place the tag from ${REPO}-${CURR} to HEAD .

i.e. From 6.0.0 → 6.1.0-SNAPSHOT and fcrepo-6.0.0 → HEAD

See for an example

Code Block
git diff HEAD~2 HEAD~1

This will show changes from the commit 2 before HEAD to the commit before HEADHEAD. It should only show the changes from the old SNAPSHOT release version to the final release new snapshot version and in at least one place the tag from HEAD to ${REPO}-${CURR} to HEAD .

i.e. from From 6.0.0 -SNAPSHOT → 6.01.0-SNAPSHOT and HEAD → fcrepo-6.0.0 → HEAD

See for an exampleRemove your local copies of Fedora artifacts to be sure of a clean build, and build the release.

Code Block
rm -rf ~/.m2/repository/org/fcrepo
git checkout $REPO-$CURR # detached head state i.e. > git checkout fcrepo-6.0.0
mvn clean install

This ensures that all the dependencies can be downloaded from maven to build the artifacts.


Up until this point, all of the changes made are strictly in your local repository and working directory.

From this point on, the changes you make will be visible to the world and in some cases difficult to back-out of. 

Be aware.


Code Block
git push origin --tags

The maven release task relies on the tag existing in the repository, make there is not a branch with the same name or it will be used instead and cause errors.


This does not push the changes on to any branch. The commits exist on Github but are not associated with a branch, this will come later in case something goes wrong with Sonatype.

Sonatype Release

Release the build artifacts to the Sonatype repository.

Code Block
mvn release:perform -DperformRelease -Dgoals=deploy


titleYour GPG passphrase may not be masked in terminal.


titleIf you have more than one GPG key? Click here to expand...

If you have more than one personal key on your GPG keyring, you can specify the correct key by adding

-Darguments=-Dgpg.keyname=<Your Key ID>

to the above mvn command.

Code Block
titlefor example
mvn release:perform -DperformRelease -Dgoals=deploy -Darguments=-Dgpg.keyname=<your signing key ID>




If you get a warning like:


[ERROR] Provider message:
[ERROR] The git-clone command failed.
[ERROR] Command output:
[ERROR] Cloning into '/working_directory/fcrepo/fcrepo-storage-ocfl/target/checkout'...
[ERROR] Permission denied (publickey).
[ERROR] fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
[ERROR] Please make sure you have the correct access rights
[ERROR] and the repository exists.

You may need to generate a SSH key, associate it with your Github account and with your local ssh client. More instructions are available on Github


The above has pushed artifacts to Sonatype in a staging repository. Now you can log in to Sonatype and release them if everything went well


Click Staging Repositories in left navigation


Search for "fcrepo" in upper right search box (project will not have the repository name in title)


git diff HEAD~2 HEAD~1

This will show changes from the commit 2 before HEAD to the commit before HEAD. It should only show the changes from the old SNAPSHOT version to the final release version and in at least one place the tag from HEAD to ${REPO}-${CURR}.

i.e. from 6.0.0-SNAPSHOT → 6.0.0 and HEAD → fcrepo-6.0.0

See for an example

Remove your local copies of Fedora artifacts to be sure of a clean build, and build the release.

Code Block
rm -rf ~/.m2/repository/org/fcrepo
git checkout $REPO-$CURR # detached head state i.e. > git checkout fcrepo-6.0.0
mvn clean install

This ensures that all the dependencies can be downloaded from maven to build the artifacts.


Up until this point, all of the changes made are strictly in your local repository and working directory.

From this point on, the changes you make will be visible to the world and in some cases difficult to back-out of. 

Be aware.

push github tags
push github tags
Push the changes to Github.

Code Block
git push origin --tags


The maven release task relies on the tag existing in the repository, make sure there is not a branch with the same name or it will be used instead and cause errors.


This does not push the changes on to any branch. The commits exist on Github but are not associated with a branch, this will come later in case something goes wrong with Sonatype.

Sonatype Release

Release the build artifacts to the Sonatype repository.

Code Block
mvn release:perform -DperformRelease -Dgoals=deploy

You will be prompted to enter your GPG passphrase. Ensure you have setup your ~/.m2/settings.xml file with the servers defined on Fedora Release Process

titleYour GPG passphrase may not be masked in terminal.

titleIf you have more than one GPG key? Click here to expand...

If you have more than one personal key on your GPG keyring, you can specify the correct key by adding

-Darguments=-Dgpg.keyname=<Your Key ID>

to the above mvn command.

Code Block
titlefor example
mvn release:perform -DperformRelease -Dgoals=deploy -Darguments=-Dgpg.keyname=<your signing key ID>




If you get a warning like:


[ERROR] Provider message:
[ERROR] The git-clone command failed.
[ERROR] Command output:
[ERROR] Cloning into '/working_directory/fcrepo/fcrepo-storage-ocfl/target/checkout'...
[ERROR] Permission denied (publickey).
[ERROR] fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
[ERROR] Please make sure you have the correct access rights
[ERROR] and the repository exists.

You may need to generate a SSH key, associate it with your Github account and with your local ssh client. More instructions are available on Github

publish on sonatype
publish on sonatype
Publishing on Sonatype

The above has pushed artifacts to Sonatype in a staging repository. Now you can log in to Sonatype and release them if everything went well

  • Go to and log in
  • Click Staging Repositories in left navigation

  • Search for "fcrepo" in upper right search box (project will not have the repository name in title)

  • Select the resource and verify that it appears correct.
    Ensure the published date and user appear correct, it should be you.
    Click on the Content tab and check that inside the modules you see artifacts with the correct version numbers.
  • Click Close, enter a brief description. Normally something like "Release X.Y.Z" (using the actual version i.e. 6.0.0) is fine.
  • Click Refresh, you might have to do this a couple of times until it is in a Closed state.

titleFinal step - Be aware

If anything seems wrong, you should select the resource and click Drop. Then nothing is published to Sonatype. This will require re-running the release process to publish a new artifact to Sonatype, but better to be safe than sorry.

If everything went smoothly and you are ready to release, select the resource and click Release. Again enter a brief description, the same "Release X.Y.Z" is fine as above.


You have not pushed your commits to a branch on Github yet (See push changes to github).

If you are NOT working on a past version release, i.e. you are releasing the latest version of the software. Now is a good time to push your main branch onto the repository.

This should always be a fast-forward push and should never require a "force push"

Code Block
git push origin ${CURR}-RC:main

Now browsing Github you should see two commits with "[maven-release-plugin]" in the label. See examples in Verify local updates

On some repositories (like fcrepo/fcrepo) you are not able to push directly on to main, in this case you should push your release branch up to origin

Code Block
git checkout ${CURR}-RC
git push origin ${CURR}-RC  # i.e. git push origin 6.5.0-RC

Then open a pull request from the release branch to main, it will have the 2 release related commits. This pull request should NOT be squash merged.


If you are working on a past version, see Push Release Branch to Maintenance

Docker Release (fcrepo only)


You should still have your built Fedora webapp war file. (i.e. fedora-webapp-${CURR}.war)

Checkout the tagged version of Fedora and build it.

Code Block
git checkout fcrepo-${CURR}
mvn clean install -Pfast-build

This assumes you fcrepo and fcrepo-docker repositories are checked out as siblings. 





If you don't have a fcrepo-docker repository checked out then run

Code Block
git clone

Change into the fcrepo-docker directory


We want to release with 3 tags for each release.

  • MAJOR-tomcat9
  • MAJOR.MINOR-tomcat9

Code Block
titleFor example - for version 6.5.0
* 6-tomcat9
* 6.5-tomcat9
* 6.5.0-tomcat9

These tags are provided at the end of command below separated by spaces

Code Block
titleFor example - for version 6.5.0
./ <path to your fcrepo repository>/fcrepo-webapp/target/fcrepo-webapp-${CURR}.war 6-tomcat9 6.5-tomcat9 6.5.0-tomcat9


titleFinal step - Be aware

If anything seems wrong, you should select the resource and click Drop. Then nothing is published to Sonatype. This will require re-running the release process to publish a new artifact to Sonatype, but better to be safe than sorry.

If everything went smoothly and you are ready to release, select the resource and click Release. Again enter a brief description, the same "Release X.Y.Z" is fine as above.


You have not pushed your commits to a branch on Github yet (See push changes to github).

If you are NOT working on a past version release, i.e. you are releasing the latest version of the software. Now is a good time to push your main branch onto the repository.

This should always be a fast-forward push and should never require a "force push"

Code Block
git push origin ${CURR}-RC:main

Now browsing Github you should see two commits with "[maven-release-plugin]" in the label. See examples in Verify local updates

On some repositories (like fcrepo/fcrepo) you are not able to push directly on to main, in this case you should push your release branch up to origin

Code Block
git checkout ${CURR}-RC
git push origin ${CURR}-RC  # i.e. git push origin 6.5.0-RC

Then open a pull request from the release branch to main, it will have the 2 release related commits. This pull request should NOT be squash merged.


If you are working on a past version, see Push Release Branch to Maintenance

Docker Release (fcrepo only)

This should run automatically based on tagged releases to Github, so you can check to see if it appears in before proceeding.

You should still have access to your built fcrepo-${CURR}.war file for this.

This assumes you fcrepo and fcrepo-docker repositories are checked out as siblings.





If you don't have a fcrepo-docker repository checked out then run

Code Block
git clone


Code Block
cd fcrepo-docker

DOCKER_PASSWORD=<password> DOCKER_USERNAME=<username> ./ <path to your fcrepo repository>/fcrepo-webapp/target/fcrepo-webapp-${CURR}.war latest ${CURRTAGS as defined above}

Make checksums for artifacts


push rc to maintenance
push rc to maintenance
Push Release Branch to Maintenance


  1. Changing from SNAPSHOT version to release version. Something like [maven-release-plugin] prepare release $REPO-$CURR
  2. Changing from release version to next development version. Something like [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration

If this appears correct, you can push your release branch on to the maintenance branch.
