Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3


Popular schemas such as XHTML suffer from the problem of not relating elements together explicitly. For example, if a heading precedes a paragraph, the heading is related to the paragraph not because it is encoded as such but because it happens to precede it. When these structures are attempted to be translated into formats where these types of relationships are explicit, the translation becomes tedious, and potentially problematic. More structured schemas, like TEI or DocbookDocBook, are domain specific (much like DRI itself) and therefore not suitable for our purposes.


A Theme is a collection of XSL stylesheets and supporting files like images, CSS styles, translations, and help documents. The XSL stylesheets are applied to the DRI Document to covert it into a readable format and give it structure and basic visual formatting in that format. The supporting files are used to provide the page with a specific look and feel, insert images and other media, translate the content, and perform other tasks. The currently used output format is XHTML and the supporting files are generally limited to CSS, images, and JavaScript. More output formats, like PDF or SVG, may be added in the future.unmigrated-wiki-markup

A DSpace installation running Manakin may have several Themes associated with it. When applied to a page, a Theme determines most of the pageís look and the page's look and feel. Different themes can be applied to different sets of DSpace pages allowing for both variety of styles between sets of pages and consistency within those sets. The xmlui.xconf configuration file determines which Themes are applied to which DSpace pages (see the Chapter 7. Manakin \ [XMLUI\] Configuration and Customization for more information on installing and configuring themes). Themes may be configured to apply to all pages of specific type, like browse-by-title, to all pages of a one particular community or collection or sets of communities and collections, and to any mix of the two. They can also be configured to apply to a singe arbitrary page or handle.

Aspect Chains

Manakin Aspects are arrangements of Cocoon components (transformers, actions, matchers, etc) that implement a new set of coupled features for the system. These Aspects are chained together to form all the features of Manakin. Five Aspects exist in the default installation of Manakin, each handling a particular set of features of DSpace, and more can be added to implement extra features. All Aspects take a DRI Document as input and generate one as output. This allows Aspects to be linked together to form an Aspect chain. Each Aspect in the chain takes a DRI Document as input, adds its own functionality, and passes the modified Document to the next Aspect in the chain.


Many elements in the DRI system (all top-level containers, character classes, and many others) contain one or several of the three standard attributes: id, n, and rend. The id and n attributes can be required or optional based on the elementís element's purpose, while the rend attribute is always optional. The first two are used for identification purposes, while the third is used as a display hint issued to the styling step.


The name attribute n is simply the name assigned to the element, and it is used to distinguish an element from its immediate peers. In the example of a particular list, all items in that list will have different names to distinguish them from each other. Other lists in the document, however, can also contain items whose names will be different from each other, but identical to those in the first list. The n attribute of an element is therefore unique only in the scope of that elementís element's parent and is used mostly for sorting purposes and special rendering of a certain class of elements, like, for example, all first items in lists, or all items named "browse". The n attribute follows the same rules as id when determining whether or not it is required for a given element.


Merging the options elements is somewhat different. First, list elements under options of both documents are compared with each other. Those unique to either document are simply added under the new options element, just like divs under body. In case of duplicates, that is list elements that belong to both documents and have the same n attribute, the two lists will be merged into one. The new list element will consist of the main documentís document's head element, followed label-item pairs from the main document, and then finally the label-item pairs of the feeder, provided they are different from those of the main.


There were major structural changes between these two version numbers. Several elements were removed from the schema:includeSet, include, objectMeta, and object. Originally all metadata for objects were included in-line with the DRI document, this proved to have several problems and has been removed in version 1.1 of the DRI schema. Instead of including metadata in-line, external references to the metadata is included. Thus, a reference element has been added along with referenceSet. These new elements operate like their counterparts in the previous version except refrencing metadata contained on the objectMeta element they reference metadata in external files. The repository and repositoryMeta elements were alse modified in a similar mannor manner removing in-line metadata and refrencing external metadata documents.


The cell element contained in a row of a table carries content for that table. It is a character container, just like p, item, and hi, and its primary purpose is to display textual data, possibly enhanced with hyperlinks, emphasized blocks of text, images and form fields. Every cell can be annotated with a role (the most common being ìheaderî and ìdataî"header" and "data") and can stretch across any number of rows and columns. Since cells cannot exist outside their container, row, their id attribute is optional.


  • cols: (optional) The number of columns the cell spans.
  • id: (optional) A unique identifier of the element.
  • n: (optional) A local identifier used to differentiate the element from its siblings.
  • rend: (optional) A rendering hint used to override the default display of the element.
  • role: (optional) An optional attribute to override the containing row√≠s row's role settings.
  • rows: (optional) The number of rows the cell spans.


The instance element contains the value associated with a form fieldís field's multiple instances. Fields encoded as an instance should also include the values of each instance as a hidden field. The hidden field should be appended with the index number for the instance. Thus if the field is "firstName" each instance would be named "firstName_1", "firstName_2", "firstName_3", etc...


The label element is associated with an item and annotates that item with a number, a textual description of some sort, or a simple bullet.


  • item


  • none


  • id: optionalA (optional) A unique identifier of the element
  • n: optionalA (optional) A local identifier used to differentiate the element from its siblings
  • rend: optionalAn (optional) An optional rend attribute provides a hint on how the label should be rendered, independent of its type.
Code Block

<list n="list-example"
  <head>Example List</head>
  <item> This is the first item  </item>
  <item> This is the second item with <hi ...>highlighted text</hi>,
	<xref ...> a link</xref> and an <figure
  <list n="list-example2"
    <head>Example Sublist</head>
    <item> This is the first item  </item>
    <item> This is the second item with <hi ...>highlighted
	text</hi>, <xref ...> a link</xref> and an <figure
    <item> This is the third item with a <field ...> ... </field>
  <item> This is the third item in the list </item>


Structural Element

The list element is used to display sets of sequential data. It contains an optional head element, as well as any number of item and list elements. Items contain textual information, while sublists contain other item or list elements. An item can also be associated with a label element that annotates an item with a number, a textual description of some sort, or a simple bullet. The list type (ordered, bulleted, gloss, etc.) is then determined either by the content of labels on items or by an explicit value of the type attribute. Note that if labels are used in conjunction with any items in a list, all of the items in that list must have a label. It is also recommended to avoid mixing label styles unless an explicit type is specified.


  • div
  • list


  • head


  • (zero or one)
  • label


  • (any)
  • item


  • (any)
  • list


  • (any)


  • id: requiredA (required) A unique identifier of the element
  • n: requiredA (required) A local identifier used to differentiate the element from its siblings
  • rend: optionalAn : (optional) An optional rend attribute provides a hint on how the list should be rendered, independent of its type. Common values are but not limited to:
    • alphabet: The list should be rendered as an alphabetical index
    • columns: The list should be rendered in equal length columns as determined by the theme.
    • columns2: The list should be rendered in two equal columns.
    • columns3: The list should be rendered in three equal columns.
    • horizontal: The list should be rendered horizontally.
    • numeric: The list should be rendered as a numeric index.
    • vertical: The list should be rendered vertically.
  • type: optionalAn (optional) An optional attribute to explicitly specify the type of list. In the absence of this attribute, the type of a list will be inferred from the presence and content of labels on its items. Accepted values are:
    • form: Used for form lists that consist of a series of fields.
    • bulleted: Used for lists with bullet-marked items.
    • gloss: Used for lists consisting of a set of technical terms, each marked with a label element and accompanied by the definition marked as an item element.
    • ordered: Used for lists with numbered or lettered items.
    • progress: Used for lists consisting of a set of steps currently being performed to accomplish a task. For this type to apply, each item in the list should represent a step and be accompanied by a label that contains the displayable name for the step. The item contains an xref that references the step. Also the rend attribute on the item element should be: √¨available√Æ "available" (meaning the user may jump to the step using the provided xref), √¨unavailable√Æ "unavailable" (the user has not meet the requirements to jump to the step), or √¨current√Æ "current" (the user is currently on the step)
    • simple: Used for lists with items not marked with numbers or bullets.
Code Block

<div ...>
   <list n="list-example"
    <head>Example List</head>
    <item> ... </item>
    <item> ... </item>
     <list n="list-example2"
      <head>Example Sublist</head>
      <label> ... </label>
      <item> ... </item>
      <label> ... </label>
      <item> ... </item>
      <label> ... </label>
      <item> ... </item>
    <label> ... </label>
    <item> ... </item>


Top-Level Container

The meta element is a top level element and exists directly inside the document element. It serves as a container element for all metadata associated with a document broken up into categories according to the type of metadata they carry.


  • document


  • userMeta


  • (one)
  • pageMeta


  • (one)
  • repositoryMeta


  • (one)


  • None
Code Block
<document version=1.0>
    <userMeta> ... </userMeta>
    <pageMeta> ... </pageMeta>
    <repositoryMeta> ... </repositoryMeta>
  <body> ... </body>
  <options> ... </options>


The metadata element carries generic metadata information in the form on an attribute-value pair. The type of information it contains is determined by two attributes: element, which specifies the general type of metadata stored, and an optional qualifier attribute that narrows the type down. The standard representation for this pairing is element.qualifier. The actual metadata is contained in the text of the tag itself. Additionally, a language attribute can be used to specify the language used for the metadata entry.


  • userMeta
  • pageMeta


  • none


  • element: requiredThe (required) The name of a metadata field.
  • language: optionalAn (optional) An optional attribute to specify the language used in the metadata tag.
  • qualifier: optionalAn (optional) An optional postfix to the field name used to further differentiate the names.
Code Block

     <metadata element="identifier" qualifier="firstName"> Bob
	</metadata> <metadata element="identifier" qualifier="lastName"> Jones
	</metadata> <metadata ...> ...
     <metadata element="rights"
	qualifier="accessRights">user</metadata> <metadata ...> ...


Top-Level Container

The options element is the main container for all actions and navigation options available to the user. It consists of any number of list elements whose items contain navigation information and actions. While any list of navigational options may be contained in this element, it is suggested that at least the following 5 lists be included.


  • document


  • list


  • (any)


  • None
Code Block
<document version=1.0>

    <meta> Ö... </meta>

    <body> Ö... </body>


        <list n="navigation-example1"

            <head>Example Navigation List 1</head>

            <item><xref target="/link/to/option">Option

            <item><xref target="/link/to/option">Option



        <list n="navigation-example2"

            <head>Example Navigation List 2</head>

            <item><xref target="/link/to/option">Option

            <item><xref target="/link/to/option">Option







Rich Text Container


The p element is a rich text container used by divs to display textual data in a paragraph format. As a rich text container it can contain hyperlinks, emphasized blocks of text, images and form fields in addition to plain text.


  • div


  • hi


  • (any)
  • xref


  • (any)
  • figure


  • (any)
  • field


  • (any)


  • id: optionalA (optional) A unique identifier of the element.
  • n: optionalA (optional) A local identifier used to differentiate the element from its siblings.
  • rend: optionalA (optional) A rendering hint used to override the default display of the element.
Code Block

<div n="division-example"

     <p> This is a regular paragraph.
	</p> <p> This text is normal, while <hi rend="bold">this text is bold
	and this text is <hi rend="italic">bold and italic.</hi></hi>
	</p> <p> This paragraph contains a <xref
	target="/link/target">link</xref>, a static <figure
	source="/image.jpg">image</figure>, and a <figure target=
	"/link/target" source="/image.jpg">image link.</figure>



Metadata Element

The pageMeta element contains metadata associated with the document itself. It contains generic metadata elements to carry the content, and any number of trail elements to provide information on the userís user's current location in the system. Required and suggested values for metadata elements contained in pageMeta include but are not limited to:

  • browser (suggested): The user√≠s user's browsing agent as reported to server in the HTTP request.
  • browser.type (suggested): The general browser family as derived form the browser metadata field. Possible values may include "MSIE" (for Microsoft Internet Explorer), "Opera" (for the Opera browser), "Apple" (for Apple web kit based browsers), "Gecko" (for Netscape, Mozilla, and Firefox based browsers), or "Lynx" (for text based browsers).
  • browser.version (suggested): The browser version as reported by HTTP Request.
  • contextPath (required): The base URL of the Digital Repository system.
  • redirect.time (suggested): The time that must elapse before the page is redirected to an address specified by the redirect.url metadata element.
  • redirect.url (suggested): The URL destination of a redirect page
  • title (required): The title of the document/page that the user currently browsing.

See the metadata and trail tag entries for more information on their structure.



  • meta


  • metadata


  • (any)
  • trail


  • (any)



  • None
Code Block

    <userMeta> ... </userMeta>


        <metadata element="title">Examlpe>Example DRI


        <metadata ...> ... </metadata>


        <trail source="123456789/6"> A bread crumb item

        <trail ...> ... </trail>





The params element identifies extra parameters used to build a form field. There are several attributes that may be available for this element depending on the field type.


  • field


  • none


  • cols: optionalThe (optional) The default number of columns that the text area should span. This applies only to textarea field types.
  • maxlength: optionalThe (optional) The maximum length that the theme should accept for form input. This applies to text and password field types.
  • multiple: optionalyes(optional) yes/no value. Determine if the field can accept multiple values for the field. This applies only to select lists.
  • operations: (optional) The possible operations that may be preformed on this field. The possible values are "add" and/or "delete". If both operations are possible then they should be provided as a space separated list. The "add" operations indicates that there may be multiple values for this field and the user may add to the set one at a time. The front-end should render a button that enables the user to add more fields to the set. The button must be named the field name appended with the string "_add", thus if the field√≠s field's name is "firstName" the button must be called "firstName_add".The "delete" operation indicates that there may be multiple values for this field each of which may be removed from the set. The front-end should render a checkbox by each field value, except for the first, The checkbox must be named the field name appended with the string "_selected", thus if the field√≠s field's name is "firstName" the checkbox must be called "firstName_selected" and the value of each successive checkbox should be the field name. The front-end must also render a delete button. The delete button name must be the field√≠s field's name appended with the string "_delete".
  • rows: optionalThe : (optional) The default number of rows that the text area should span. This applies only to textarea field types.
  • size: optionalThe (optional) The default size for a field. This applies to text, password, and select field types.
Code Block


    <field id="" n="name" type="text"

         <params size="16"

        <help>Some help text with <i18n>localized

        <default>Default value goes here</default>




Metadata Reference Element

reference is a reference element used to access information stored in an extarnal external metadata file. The url attribute is used to locate the external metadata file. The type attribute provides a short limited description of the referenced object's type.

reference elements can be both contained by includeSet elements and contain includeSets themselves, making the structure recursive.


  • referenceSet


  • referenceSet


  • (zero or more)


  • url: requiredA (required) A url to the external metadata file.
  • repositoryIdentifier: requiredA (required) A reference to the repositoryIdentifier of the repository.
  • type: optionalDescription (optional) Description of the reference object's type.
Code Block

            <includeSet n="browse-list"
             <reference url="/metadata/handle/123/4/mets.xml"
	repositoryID="123" type="DSpace
	Item"/> <reference url="/metadata/handle/123/5/mets.xml"
	repositoryID="123" />


Metadata Reference Element

The referenceSet element is a container of artifact or repository references.


  • div
  • reference


  • head


  • (zero or one)
  • reference


  • (any)


  • id: requiredA (required) A unique identifier of the element
  • n: requiredLocal (required) Local identifier used to differentiate the element from its siblings
  • orderBy: optionalA (optional) A reference to the metadata field that determines the ordering of artifacts or repository objects within the set. When the Dublin Core metadata scheme is used this attribute should be the element.qualifier value that the set is sorted by. As an example, for a browse by title list, the value should be sortedBy=title, while for browse by date list it should be sortedBy=date.created
  • rend: optionalA (optional) A rendering hint used to override the default display of the element.
  • type: requiredDetermines (required) Determines the level of detail for the given metadata. Accepted values are:
    • summaryList: Indicates that the metadata from referenced artifacts or repository objects should be used to build a list representation that is suitable for quick scanning.
    • summaryView: Indicates that the metadata from referenced artifacts or repository objects should be used to build a partial view of the referenced object or objects.
    • detailList: Indicates that the metadata from referenced artifacts or repository objects should be used to build a list representation that provides a complete, or near complete, view of the referenced objects. Whether such a view is possible or different from summaryView depends largely on the repository at hand and the implementing theme.
    • detailView: Indicates that the metadata from referenced artifacts or repository objects should be used to display complete information about the referenced object. Rendering of several references included under this type is up to the theme.
Code Block

            <div ...>
            <head> Example Division </head>
            <p> ... </p>
            <table> ... </table>
             <referenceSet n="browse-list"
	id="XMLTest.referenceSet.browse-list" type="summaryView"
            <head>A header for the includeset</head>


Metadata Element

The repository element is used to describe the repository. Its principal component is a set of structural metadata that carrier information on how the repositoryís repository's objects under objectMeta are related to each other. The principal method of encoding these relationships at the time of this writing is a METS document, although other formats, like RDF, may be employed in the future.


  • repositoryMeta


  • none


  • repositoryID: requiredA unique identifier assigned to a repository. It is referenced by the object element to signify the repository that assigned its identifier.
  • url: requiredA url to the external METS metadata file for the repository.
Code Block


     <repository repositoryID="123456789"
	url="/metadata/handle/1234/4/mets.xml" />



Metadata Element

The repositoryMeta element contains metadata refernces references about the repositories used in the used or referenced in the document. It can contain any number of repository elements.

See the repository tag entry for more information on the structure of repository elements.


  • Meta


  • repository


  • (any)


  • None
Code Block

  <userMeta> ... </usermeta>

  <pageMeta> ... </pageMeta>


        <repository repositoryIID="..." url="..."




The row element is contained inside a table and serves as a container of cell elements. A required role attribute determines how the row and its cells are rendered.


  • table


  • cell


  • (any)


  • id: optionalA (optional) A unique identifier of the element
  • n: optionalA (optional) A local identifier used to differentiate the element from its siblings
  • rend: optionalA (optional) A rendering hint used to override the default display of the element.
  • role: requiredIndicates (required) Indicates what kind of information the row carries. Possible values include "header" and "data".
Code Block

<table n="table-example" id="XMLExample.table.table-example" rows="2"


      <cell cols="2">Data Label One and

        <cell>Data Label Three</cell>


     </row> <row>

      <cell> Value One </cell>

      <cell> Value Two </cell>

      <cell> Value Three </cell>






Structural Element

The table element is a container for information presented in tabular format. It consists of a set of row elements and an optional header.


  • div


  • head


  • (zero or one)
  • row


  • (any)


  • cols: requiredThe (required) The number of columns in the table.
  • id: requiredA (required) A unique identifier of the element
  • n: requiredA (required) A local identifier used to differentiate the element from its siblings
  • rend: optionalA (optional) A rendering hint used to override the default display of the element.
  • rows: requiredThe (required) The number of rows in the table.
Code Block

<div n="division-example"

     <table n="table1" id="XMLExample.table.table1" rows="2"

        <row role="head">

          <cell cols="2">Data Label One and

            <cell>Data Label Three</cell>




          <cell> Value One </cell>

          <cell> Value Two </cell>

          <cell> Value Three </cell>






Text Container

Metadata Element

The trail element carries information about the userís user's current location in the system relative of the repositoryís repository's root page. Each instance of the element serves as one link in the path from the root to the current page.


  • pageMeta


  • none


  • rend: optionalA (optional) A rendering hint used to override the default display of the element.
  • target: optionalAn (optional) An optional attribute to specify a target URL for a trail element serving as a hyperlink. The text inside the element will be used as the text of the link.
Code Block


    <metadata element="title"


>Example DRI


    <metadata ...> ... </metadata>


     <trail target="/myDSpace"> A bread crumb item pointing to a
	page. </trail> <trail ...> ... </trail>




Metadata Element

The userMeta element contains metadata associated with the user that requested the document. It contains generic metadata elements, which in turn carry the information. Required and suggested values for metadata elements contained in userMeta include but not limited to:

  • identifier (suggested): A unique identifier associated with the user.
  • (suggested): The requesting user√≠s user's email address.
  • identifier.firstName (suggested): The requesting user√≠s user's first name.
  • identifier.lastName (suggested): The requesting user√≠s user's last name.
  • identifier.logoutURL (suggested): The URL that a user will be taken to when logging out.
  • identifier.url (suggested): A url reference to the user√≠s user's page within the repository.
  • language.RFC3066 (suggested): The requesting user√≠s user's preferred language selection code as describe by RFC3066
  • rights.accessRights (required): Determines the scope of actions that a user can perform in the system. Accepted values are:
    • none: The user is either not authenticated or does not have a valid account on the system
    • user: The user is authenticated and has a valid account on the system
    • admin: The user is authenticated and belongs to the system√≠s system's administrative group

See the metadata tag entry for more information on the structure of metadata elements.



  • meta


  • metadata


  • (any)


  • authenticated: requiredAccepted (required) Accepted values are "yes", "no". Determines whether the user has been authenticated by the system.
Code Block



        <metadata element="identifier" qualifier="email"



        <metadata element="identifier" qualifier="firstName"



        <metadata element="identifier" qualifier="lastName"



        <metadata element="rights"



        <metadata ...> ... </metadata>


        <trail source="123456789/6"


>A bread crumb 



        <trail ...> ... </trail>



    <pageMeta> ... </pageMeta>



Rich Text Container

Structural Element

The value element contains the value associated with a form field and can serve a different purpose for various field types. The value element is comprised of two subelements: the raw element which stores the unprocessed value directly from the user of other source, and the interpreted element which stores the value in a format appropriate for display to the user, possibly including rich text markup.


  • field


  • hi


  • (any)
  • xref


  • (any)
  • figure


  • (any)


  • optionSelected: optionalAn (optional) An optional attribute for select, checkbox, and radio fields to determine if the value is to be selected or not.
  • optionValue: optionalAn (optional) An optional attribute for select, checkbox, and radio fields to determine the value that should be returned when this value is selected.
  • type: requiredA (required) A required attribute to specify the type of value. Accepted types are:
    • raw: The raw type stores the unprocessed value directly from the user of other source.
    • interpreted: The interpreted type stores the value in a format appropriate for display to the user, possibly including rich text markup.
    • default: The default type stores a value supplied by the system, used when no other values are provided.
Code Block

  <hi> ... </hi>
  <xref> ... </xref>
  <figure> ... </figure>
  <field id="" n="name" type="text"
    <params size="16" maxlength="32"/>
    <help>Some help text with <i18n>localized
     <value type="default">Author,


Text Container

Structural Element

The xref element is a reference to an external document. It can be mixed freely with text, and any text within the tag itself will be used as part of the linkís link's visual body.


  • cell
  • p
  • item
  • hi


  • none


  • target: requiredA (required) A target for the reference, using either a URL or an id of an existing element as a destination for the xref.
Code Block



     <xref target="/url/link/target">This text is shown as a



