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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3


The way data is organized in DSpace is intended to reflect the structure of the organization using the DSpace system. Each DSpace site is divided into communities, which can be further divided into sub-communities reflecting the typical university structure of college, departementdepartment, research center, or laboratory.


Items are further subdivided into named bundles of bitstreams. Bitstreams are, as the name suggests, streams of bits, usually ordinary computer files. Bitstreams that are somehow closely related, for example HTML files and images that compose a single HTML document, are organised organized into bundles.

In practice, most items tend to have these named bundles:



The format is recognized, and the hosting institution is confident it can make bitstreams of this format useable usable in the future, using whatever combination of techniques (such as migration, emulation, etc.) is appropriate given the context of need.


The format is recognized, and the hosting institution will promise to preserve the bitstream as-is, and allow it to be retrieved. The hosting institution will attempt to obtain enough information to enable the format to be upgraded to the 'supported' level.


The format is unrecognized, but the hosting institution will undertake to preserve the bitstream as-is and allow it to be retrieved.


Although many of DSpace's functions such as document discovery and retrieval can be used anonymously, some features (and perhaps some documents) are only available to certain "privileged" users. E-People and Groups are the way DSpace identifies application users for the purpose of granting privileges. This identity is bound to a session of a DSpace application such as the Web UI or one of the command-line batch programs. Both E-People and Groups are granted privileges by the authorization system described below.


DSpace hold holds the following information about each e-person:

  • E-mail address
  • First and last names
  • Whether the user is able to log in to the system via the Web UI, and whether they must use an X509 certificate to do so;
  • A password (encrypted), if appropriate
  • A list of collections for which the e-person wishes to be notified of new items
  • Whether the e-person 'self-registered' with the system; that is, whether the system created the e-person record automatically as a result of the end-user independently registering with the system, as opposed to the e-person record being generated from the institution's personnel database, for example.
  • The network ID for the corresponding LDAP record, if LDAP authentication is used for this E-Person.


Groups are another kind of entity that can be granted permissions in the authorization system. A group is usually an explicit list of E-People; anyone identified as one of those E-People also gains the privileges granted to the group.

However, an application session can be assigned membership in a group without being identified as an E-Person. For example, some sites use this feature to identify users of a local network so they can read restricted materials not open to the whole world. Sessions originating from the local network are given membership in the "LocalUsers" group and gain the corresonding corresponding privileges.

Administrators can also use groups as "roles" to manage the granting of privileges more efficiently.


Authentication is when an application session positively identifies itself as belonging to an E-Person and/or Group. In DSpace 1.4 and later, it is implemented by a mechanism called Stackable Authentication: the DSpace configuration declares a "stack" of authentication methods. An application (like the Web UI) calls on the Authentication Manager, which tries each of these methods in turn to identify the E-Person to which the session belongs, as well as any extra Groups. The E-Person authentication methods are tried in turn until one succeeds. Every authenticator in the stack is given a chance to assign extra Groups. This mechanism offers the following advantages:


DSpace's authorization system is based on associating actions with objects and the lists of EPeople who can perform them. The associations are called Resource Policies, and the lists of EPeople are called Groups. There are two special built-in groups: 'Administrators', who can do anything in a site, and 'Anonymous', which is a list that contains all users. Assigning a policy for an action on an object to anonymous means giving everyone permission to do that action. (For example, most objects in DSpace sites have a policy of 'anonymous' READ.) Permissions must be explicit - lack of an explicit permission results in the default policy of 'deny'. Permissions also do not 'commute'; for example, if an e-person has READ permission on an item, they might not necessarily have READ permission on the bundles and bitstreams in that item. Currently Collections, Communities and Items are discoverable in the browse and search systems regardless of READ authorization.


  • Assigns an accession date
  • Adds a "date.available" value to the Dublin Core metadata record of the item
  • Adds an issue date if none already present
  • Adds a provenance message (including bitstream checksums)
  • Assigns a Handle persistent identifier
  • Adds the item to the target collection, and adds appropriate authorization policies
  • Adds the new item to the search and browse indicesindex

Workflow Steps

A collection's workflow can have up to three steps. Each collection may have an associated e-person group for performing each step; if no group is associated with a certain step, that step is skipped. If a collection has no e-person groups associated with any step, submissions to that collection are installed straight into the main archive.


When a step is invoked, the task of performing that workflow step put in submission is put into the 'task pool' of the step's associated group. One member of that group takes the task from the pool, and it is then removed from the task pool, to avoid the situation where several people in the group may be performing the same task without realizing it.


The reason for this apparently arbitrary design is that is was the simplist simplest case that covered the needs of the early adopter communities at MIT. The functionality of the workflow system will no doubt be extended in the future.


In order to facilitate, as a primary objective, the opportunity for thesis authors to be supervised in the preparation of their e-thesistheses, a supervision order system exists to bind groups of other users (thesis supervisors) to an item in someone's pre-submission workspace. The bound group can have system policies associated with it that allow different levels of interaction with the student's item; a small set of default policy groups are provided:


Researchers require a stable point of reference for their works. The simple evolution from sharing of citations to emailing of URLs broke when Web users learned that sites can disappear or be reconfigured without notice, and that their bookmark files containing critical links to research results couldn't be trusted in the long term. To help solve this problem, a core DSpace feature is the creation of a persistent identifier for every item, collection and community stored in DSpace. To persist identifieridentifiers, DSpace requires a storage- and location- independent mechanism for creating and maintaining identifiers. DSpace uses the CNRI Handle System for creating these identifiers. The rest of this section assumes a basic familiarity with the Handle system.

DSpace uses Handles primarily as a means of assigning globally unique identifiers to objects. Each site running DSpace needs to obtain a unique Handle 'prefix' from CNRI, so we know that if we create identifiers with that prefix, they won't clash with identifiers created elsewhere.


Similar to handles for DSpace items, bitstreams also have 'Persistent' identifiers. They are more volatile than Handles, since if the content is moved to a different server or organizaionorganization, they will no longer work (hence the quotes around 'persistent'). However, they are more easily persisted than the simple URLs based on database primary key previously used. This means that external systems can more reliably refer to specific bitstreams stored in a DSpace instance.


  • Web pages tend to consist of several files – one or more HTML files that contain references to each other, and stylesheets and image files that are referenced by the HTML files.
  • Web pages also link to or include content from other sites, often imperceptably imperceptibly to the end-user. Thus, in a few year's time, when someone views the preserved Web site, they will probably find that many links are now broken or refer to other sites than are now out of context.In fact, it may be unclear to an end-user when they are viewing content stored in DSpace and when they are seeing content included from another site, or have navigated to a page that is not stored in DSpace. This problem can manifest when a submitter uploads some HTML content. For example, the HTML document may include an image from an external Web site, or even their local hard drive. When the submitter views the HTML in DSpace, their browser is able to use the reference in the HTML to retrieve the appropriate image, and so to the submitter, the whole HTML document appears to have been deposited correctly. However, later on, when another user tries to view that HTML, their browser might not be able to retrieve the included image since it may have been removed from the external server. Hence the HTML will seem broken.
  • Often Web pages are produced dynamically by software running on the Web server, and represent the state of a changing database underneath it.
    Dealing with these issues is the topic of much active research. Currently, DSpace bites off a small, tractable chunk of this problem. DSpace can store and provide on-line browsing capability for self-contained, non-dynamic HTML documents. In practical terms, this means:
  • No dynamic content (CGI scripts and so forth)
  • All links to preserved content must be relative links, that do not refer to 'parents' above the 'root' of the HTML document/site:
    • diagram.gif is OK
    • image/foo.gif is OK
    • ../index.html is only OK in a file that is at least a directory deep in the HTML document/site hierarchy
    • /stylesheet.css is not OK (the link will break)
    • is not OK (the link will continue to link to the external site which may change or disappear)
  • Any 'absolute links' (e.g. are stored 'as is', and will continue to link to the external content (as opposed to relative links, which will link to the copy of the content stored in DSpace.) Thus, over time, the content refered referred to by the absolute link may change or disappear.


DSpace supports the OpenURL protocol from SFX, in a rather simple fashion. If your institution has an SFX server, DSpace will display an OpenURL link on every item page, automatically using the Dublin Core metadata. Additionally, DSpace can respond to incoming OpenURLs. Presently it simply passes the information in the OpenURL to the search subsystem. A list of results is then displayed, which usually gives the relevant item (if it is in DSpace) at the top of the list.

Creative Commons Support

Dspace DSpace provides support for Creative Commons licenses to be attached to items in the repository. They represent an alternative to traditional copyright. To learn more about Creative Commons, visit their website. Support for the licenses is controlled by a site-wide configuration option, and since license selection involves redirection to the Creative Commons website, additional parameters may be configured to work with a proxy server. If the option is enabled, users may select a Creative Commons license during the submission process, or elect to skip Creative Commons licensing. If a selection is made a copy of the license text and RDF metadata is stored along with the item in the repository. There is also an indication - text and a Creative Commons icon - in the item display page of the web user interface when an item is licensed under Creative Commons.


Various statistical reports about the contents and use of your system can be automatically generated by the system. These are generated by analysing analyzing DSpace's log files. Statistics can be broken down monthly.

The report includes following sections

  • A customisable customizable general overview of activities in the archive, by default including:
    • Number of items archived
    • Number of bitstream views
    • Number of item page views
    • Number of collection page views
    • Number of community page views
    • Number of user logins
    • Number of searches performed
    • Number of license rejections
    • Number of OAI Requests
  • Customisable Customizable summary of archive contents
  • Broken-down list of item viewings
  • A full break-down of all performed actions
  • User logins
  • Most popular searches
  • Log Level Information
  • Processing information!stats_genrl_overview.png!
    The results of statistical analysis can be presented on a by-month and an in-total report, and are available via the user interface. The reports can also either be made public or restricted to administrator access only.


*File Downloads information is only displayed for item-level statistics. Note that downloads from separate bitstreams are also recorded and represented separatlyseparately. DSpace is able to capture and store File Download information, even when the bitstream was downloaded from a direct link on an external website.


This is a configurable framework that lets you define plug-in classes to control the choice of values for a given DSpace metadata fields. It also lets you configure fields to include "authority" values along with the textual metadata value. The chociechoice-control system includes a user interface in both the Configurable Submission UI and the Admin UI (edit Item pages) that assists the user in choosing metadata values.
