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titleThis site is outdated!

This site is outdated. Since DOI support was inculded in DSpace, the official  DSpace documentation contains a site about DOIs. Please use the documentation of your DSpace version!


Code can be found in our DSpace repository on GitHub, in the DOI branch:


The downside of this design decision is that there's a delay in reservation and registration of DOIs. However the duration of the delay depends on how often you run the cronjob. The big advantage is that DSpace stays independent from the status of external services (in this case the registration agencies API). For further information how to use the DOIOrganiser see the online help ([dspace-install]/bin/dspace doi-organiser --help).

A DOI will be registered in the item metadata after online registration. If you activate DOI support within DSpace every new Item gets an DOI. The DOI will be added to item metadata when the DOIOrganiser was able to register it at the registration agency.

How to Test

Of course you first have to get our code and compile it on your test system. You can find the code on github ( If you use this code on an existing DSpace test installation, you have to add the DOI table to your database. Please make sure you have a backup first. Please dump your database! You can use either or depending on the database system you use.


DOI support is disabled by default. So even with our code your have to configure DSpace to use it. In dspace.cfg you'll have to configure the properties identifier.doi.user, identifier.doi.password, identifier.doi.prefix and identifier.doi.namespaceseparator. The namespaceseparator will be prefixed to every suffix DSpace generates. If you use 10.0128 as prefix, "abc-" as namespaceseparator the DOIs generated by DSpace will look like 10.0128/abc-1, 10.0128/abc-2, ..., 10.0128/abc-1024, ... The namespace separator is usefull if different software or multiple DSpace installations use the same prefix. For testing please use something you think it's unique as namespace separator (f.e. your name, your login, ...). In dspace.cfg you have to remove the comments from event.consumer.doi class and event.consumer.doi.filters and add doi to event.dispatcher.default.consumers. The second file you have to configure is dspace/config/spring/api/identifier-service.xml. In this file you have to remove to comments around the bean for the DOIIdentifier and around the bean for the DataCiteConnector. The properties for the DataCiteConnector has to be set as following:


As with every code there is always something left that could be improved. But we think our code is ready to get tested and included in DSpace. We would be glad to here about your ideas and everything you think we should change. All discussions should happen in the JIRA ticket (

serverDuraSpace JIRA
). In the comments to this ticket you can see what's currently on our todo list.
