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Comment: Add note on enabling ORCID auth



Configuration File:



Example Value: = org.dspace.authenticate.OidcAuthentication

(NOTE: This setting may be repeated to support multiple AuthenticationMethods)

(WARNING: it's easy to miss, the "camel case" for OidcAuthentication might catch you off guard. It's important to not use OIDCAuthentication in this line, because that class does not exist. Case matters.


Configuration File:




Example Value:

authentication-ldap.search_scope = 2

Informational Note:

This is the search scope value for the LDAP search during autoregistering (autoregister=true). This will depend on your LDAP server setup, and is only really necessary if your users are spread out across a hierarchical tree on your LDAP server. This value must be one of the following integers corresponding to the following values:
 object scope : 0 
 one level scope : 1 
 subtree scope : 2

Please note that "search_context" in the LDAP configurations must also be specified.


Example Value: = true

Informational Note:

If true, DSpace will anonymously search LDAP (in the "search_context") for the DN of the user trying to login to DSpace. This setting is "false" by default. By default, DSpace will either use "search.user" to authenticate for the LDAP search (if search.user is specified), or will use the "object_context" value to create the user's DN.


Example Value: = cn=admin\,ou=people\, = password

Informational Note:

The full DN and password of a user allowed to connect to the LDAP server and search (in the "search_context") for the DN of the user trying to login. By default, if unspecified, DSpace will either search LDAP anonymously for the user's DN (when search.anonymous=true), or will use the "object_context" value to create the user's DN.

NOTE: As of DSpace 6, commas (,) are now a special character in the Configuration system. Therefore, be careful to escape any required commas in this configuration by adding a backslash (\) before each comma, e.g. "\,"

ORCID Authentication

Enabling ORCID Authentication


Enabling ORCID Authentication requires also enabling Configurable Entities and Researcher Profiles

To enable ORCID Authentication, see the documentation for enabling the ORCID Integration.  You do not need to enable ORCID synchronization, but you currently must enable Researcher Profiles and Configurable Entities.

IP Authentication

Enabling IP Authentication
