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This guide


will help you setup the OAI-PMH provider for Fedora 4


on Tomcat 7


. For further details, please refer to the project's documentation on GitHub.

Setting up Tomcat7

Set up Tomcat. On Install Tomcat. Use the appropriate package manager (e.g. yum, portage) to install Tomcat (on Xubuntu, for example, setting up Tomcat is accomplished by a simple command: "

Code Block
sudo apt-get install tomcat7

Alternatively, tomcat7".  On other systems, use the appropriate build-in package manager (yum, portage) to install Tomcat (or visit the Apache Tomcat project documentation for more installation options). After installing and deploying Tomcat. Once Tomcat is installed and running, you should be able see the Tomcat welcome screen when you visit http://localhost:8080.

Setting up Fedora Repository

Use either the pre-packaged WAR file (.war) from webapp-plus project or build Fedora from source to get a WAR file. Copy the WAR to the Tomcat root directory <CATALINA_HOME>/webapps. Start/restart Tomcat, and http://localhost:8080/<fcrepo>/rest should display the Fedora repository front page.(

<fcrepo> is the name of the .war file minus the .war extension and


the exact file name can vary on build


/release number.


Install the fcrepo-oaiprovider library dependencies


Building fcrepo-oaiprovider

  1.  Obtain and build the fcrepo-oaiprovider source code:




  1. Code Block
        git clone
        cd fcrepo4-oaiprovider
        mvn package



  1.  Move the generated JAR to


    Tomcat's lib folder:

    Code Block
        cp target/fcrepo4-oaiprovider-4.0.0-beta-


  1. 05-SNAPSHOT.jar <CATALINA_HOME>/webapps/<fcrepo>/WEB-INF/lib



  1.  Copy the oai.xml file to the fcrepo config directory:

    Code Block
        cp fcrepo4-oaiprovider/src/main/resources/spring/oai.xml /<CATALINA_HOME>/webapps/<fcrepo>/WEB-INF/classes/spring/



  1. Edit the fcrepo master.xml file


  1. in <CATALINA_HOME>/webapps/<fcrepo>/WEB-INF/


  1. class/spring/master.xml


  1. to paste the following <import> declaration after other <import> declarations:

    Code Block
    <import resource="classpath:/spring/oai.xml"/>


  1. You may have to add the following namespace element

4b) Make sure the OAI namespace is defined as a Compact Node Definition Type. Add:

<oai = ''>
  1. to fcrepo-kernel-impl/src/main/resources/fedora-node-types.cnd in the




  1. fcrepo4 project and rebuild it, or reference your .cnd file in repository.json, if necessary. 

    Code Block
    <oai = ''>
  2. Restart Tomcat. Go to http://localhost:8080/<fcrepo>/rest/oai?verb=Identify. If


  1. everything is in order, you should see an XML


  1. file outlining the default configuration for the OAI-PMH provider.

Common errors are either the OAI-PMH provider generating either 4xx HTTP error codes or producing the default values (see mentioned below). The 4xx HTTP Error codes are a manifestation that the namespace having not been defined (Step 4b above), so make sure the OAI compact node definition has been added to the fedora-node-types.cnd file or however you have found to add the definition is correct.The default values appearing instead of properties you have defined would mean status codes indicate an undefined namespace (Step 5 above). If default values appear instead of the properties you populated, this means the properties are not available or defined incorrectly. 

Configuring the OAI-PMH provider

The OAI - Provider relies on four properties being present in the main repository for the IDENTIFY verb. The properties and the corresponding default values are:

oai:repositoryName "Fedora 4"
oai:description "An example repository description"
oai:version<build version>


adminAddress ""

These properties have to populated manually for now (with the exception of oai:version, which is populated automatically to reflect the build version), using the following SPARQL/Update queries of the pattern:

INSERT {<> oai:repositoryName "exciting repository name here"}


INSERT {<> oai:adminEmail ""}


(oai:version is populated by the software itself, so it should be the software build version)


If one or more of the properties are missing, the OAI provider should use the built-in values:

oai:repositoryName: "Fedora 4"

oai:description: "An example repository description"

oai:version: <whatever the software version is>

oai:adminAddress: ""


As an example:

Code Block
echo "insert data {<> oai:repositoryName coolrepo } " | curl -X PATCH --upload-file - http://localhost:8080/fcrepo/rest