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Table of Contents


The Sync Tool is a utility which was created in order to provide a simple way to move files from a local file system to DuraCloud and subsequently keep the files in DuraCloud synchronized with those on the local system.


Download the sync tool from the Downloads page.

How the Sync Tool Works

  • When you run the Sync Tool for the first time, you must include DuraCloud connection information (host, port, username, password) as well as the space where you would like all of your files stored. You must also provide a list of directories which will be synced to DuraCloud and a directory for the Sync Tool to use for its own work.
  • When the Sync Tool starts up, it will look through all of the files in each of the local content directories and add them to its internal queue for processing. Each of those files will then be written to your DuraCloud space. As this initial write is happening a listener is set up to watch for any file changes within each of the content directories. As a change occurs (a file is added, updated, or deleted), that change is added to the queue, and the appropriate action is taken to make the DuraCloud space consistent with the local file (i.e. the file is either written to the space or deleted from the space.)
  • You can stop the Sync Tool at any time by typing 'x' or 'exit' on the command line where it is running. It will stop all listeners, complete any file transfers that are in progress, and close down.
  • When you restart the Sync Tool, if you point it at the same work directory, it will pick up where it left off. While the Sync Tool is running, it is constantly writing backups of its internal queue, so it first reads the most current backup and begins processing the files there. It then scans the content directories to see if there are any files which have been added or updated since the last backup, and it also pulls a list of files from the DuraCloud space and scans that list to see if any local files have been deleted. Any changes detected are added to the internal queue, and the Sync Tool continues to run as usual.

Operational notes

  • Restarting
    • You can perform a restart of the Sync Tool by using the -g command line option to point to the Sync Tool configuration file, which is written into the work directory (named synctool.config)
    • If you would like the Sync Tool to perform a clean start rather than a restart (i.e. you would like it to compare all files in the content directories to DuraCloud) you will need to either point it to a new work directory, or clear out the existing work directory.
    • The Sync Tool will perform a clean start (not a restart) if the list of content directories is not the same as the previous run. This is to ensure that all files in all content directories are processed properly.
  • Getting a clean start
    • If you specifically do not want to restart from a previous run, and would like to ensure that the sync tool considers every file in all directories specified, you can use the -l (or --clean-start) command line option to indicate this desire.
    • A clean start will also occur by default whenever the host, destination space, destination store, or the list of content directories changes from one run of the tool to the next.
  • Collisions
    • The Sync Tool allows you to sync multiple local directories into a single space within DuraCloud. Because of this, there is the possibility of file naming collisions, where two local files resolve to the same DuraCloud ID. If this happens, one file will be overwritten by the other. There are a few ways to ensure that this does not occur:
      • Ensure that the top level files and directories within the set of content directories do not have overlapping names.
      • Sync only a single directory to a space. You can run multiple copies of the Sync Tool, each over a single local directory, syncing to its own DuraCloud space.
  • Work Directory - these files and directories can be found in the work directory (specified using the -w command line parameter)
    • Config Files
      • When the Sync Tool starts up, it writes the list of parameters and values provided by the user on startup to a file called synctool.config in the work directory. This file can be used to restart the Sync Tool, using the -g parameter to point to the file's location. You can also restart the Sync Tool by indicating the same set of options as used originally. The -g parameter is for convenience only and is not required in any circumstance. Note that this file is overwritten each time the Sync Tool is run with a different set of parameters, so you may choose to copy the file elsewhere (or give it a new name) if you would like to keep a copy of a particular configuration set.
      • You may also see a file named synctool.config.bak in the work directory which is used to compare against the current config in order to determine if a restart is possible. In order for a restart to occur, the list of content directories (-c parameter) must be the same as the previous execution of the tool, and there must be at least one changed list backup (see below.)
    • Changed List Directory
      • While the Sync Tool is running it is constantly updating the list of files which have been changed (when starting the first time, this includes all files in the directories that need to be synced). In order to allow the Sync Tool to restart after it has been stopped, this list of files is continually backed up into the changedList directory. There is no reason to edit these files, but you may choose to delete the changedList directory along with the config files mentioned above to ensure that the Sync Tool does not attempt to perform a restart.
    • Logs Directory
      • Information about what the Sync Tool is doing while it is running can be found in the sync-tool.log file. It is a good idea to monitor this file for errors and warnings as this information is not printed to the console.
      • The duracloud.log file is useful for application debugging when the information in the sync-tool.log file is insufficient to understand a problem.


  • You must have Java version 7 or above installed on your local system. If Java is not installed, or if a previous version is installed, you will need to download and install Java 7. To determine if the correct version of Java is installed, open a terminal or command prompt and enter

    Code Block
    java -version

    The version displayed should be 1.7.0 or above. If running this command generates an error, Java is likely not installed.

  • You must have downloaded the Sync Tool. It is available as a link near the top of this page.

Using the Sync Tool

  • To run the Sync Tool, open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to the directory where the Sync Tool is located
  • To display the help for the Sync Tool, run

    Code Block
     java -jar synctool-{version}-driver.jar 
  • When running the Sync Tool for the first time, you will need to use these options:

    Short Option

    Long Option

    Argument Expected



    Default Value (if optional)





    The host address of the DuraCloud DuraStore application






    The port of the DuraCloud DuraStore application






    The Store ID for the DuraCloud storage provider

    The primary storage provider is used





    The ID of the DuraCloud space where content will be stored






    The username necessary to perform writes to DuraStore






    The password necessary to perform writes to DuraStore






    A list of the directory paths to monitor and sync with DuraCloud. If multiple directories are included in this list, they should be separated by a space.






    The state of the sync tool is persisted to this directory






    The time (in ms) to wait between each poll of the sync-dirs

    10000 (10 seconds)





    The number of threads in the pool used to manage file transfers






    The maximum size of a stored file in GB (value must be between 1 and 5), larger files will be split into pieces






    Indicates that deletes performed on files within the content directories should also be performed on those files in DuraCloud; if this option is not included all deletes are ignored

    Not set





    Indicates that the sync tool should exit once it has completed a scan of the content directories and synced all files; if this option is included, the sync tool will not continue to
    monitor the content dirs

    Not set





    Indicates that the sync tool should perform a clean start, ensuring that all files in all content directories are checked against DuraCloud, even if those files have not changed locally since the last run of the sync tool

    Not set

  • When the Sync Tool runs, it creates a backup of your configuration in the work directory that you specify. When running the tool again, you can make use of this file to keep from having to re-enter all of the options specified on the initial run. In this case you need only a single option:

    Short Option

    Long Option

    Argument Expected







    Read configuration from this file (a file containing the most recently used configuration can be found in the work-dir, named synctool.config)

  • An example for running the Sync Tool

    Code Block
    java -jar synctool-{version}-driver.jar -w C:\tools\synctool\backup -c C:\files\important -f 2000 -h -s important-dir-backup -t 5 -u myname -p mypassword

Runtime commands

. To get started with the Sync Tool, read on, or watch videos of the process here.

Download and Install

Download installers for Mac OSX, Windows, or Linux from the DuraCloud Downloads page. 

The Sync Tool requires that Java version 8 or above be installed on your system in order to run. The installers for your operating system will check to make sure that you have the correct version of Java and will prompt you to download and install Java if necessary. If you would like to update Java directly, it can be downloaded from here.

The Sync Tool defaults to a graphical user interface.

  • The Sync Tool provides a web-browser-based application user interface which begins with a configuration wizard, then provides a dashboard display showing the current status of the sync process. This interface is the default and is started by running selecting any of the shortcuts created by the installer.
  • Once running, this interface will be continually available at this address: http://localhost:8888/sync.

Operational Notes

  • Closing the browser window will not stop the Sync Tool. It will continue to run and transfer files.
  • Getting back to the Sync Tool
    • Once the Sync Tool is started, it will continue to run in the background, even if you close your browser. You can get back to the UI by pointing your browser to: http://localhost:8888/sync (hint: bookmark this page).
    • Selecting any of the shortcuts created by the installer will bring up the Sync Tool UI.
  • Stopping the Sync Tool
    • Within the UI there are options to stop and start the sync. This will allow you to stop syncing for a time, and start it up again later.
  • Stopping the Sync Tool process
    • If you would like to completely shut down the Sync Tool process, such that the UI is no longer available:
      • On Windows: Look for a DuraCloud Sync icon in the task tray, right click on it, select Exit
      • On Mac: Look for a DuraCloud Sync icon in the menu bar, right click on it, select Exit
      • On Ubuntu: Look for a DuraCloud Sync icon in the task bar, right click on it, select Exit
  • Work Directory
    • The work directory is named duracloud-sync-work, and can be found under your home directory (C:\Users\[username] on Windows, /Users/[username] on Mac, /home/[username] on Linux)
    • In the work directory you will find: 
      • A configuration file which includes the data you entered when configuring the tool
      • A logs directory with log files containing runtime status information of the Sync Tool. These can be helpful when diagnosing a problem the tool may have had.
  • Jump Start
    • The Jump Start option available in the SyncTool is designed to streamline the transfer of new file sets to DuraCloud. This is accomplished by removing the checks that the SyncTool traditionally performs before uploading a file. These checks normally try to determine if a file already exists in DuraCloud. With the Jump Start option enabled, the SyncTool assumes that all files are new and need to be moved to DuraCloud. This is option is ideal for the initial data transfer into DuraCloud, when all selected data needs to be transferred. The Jump Start option should be turned off when running the SyncTool over a data set that is already in DuraCloud (in order to discover and transfer any new files), so that unnecessary content transfers can be avoided.
  • Transfer Rate Optimization
    • When performing a transfer of files to DuraCloud, the goal is often to get those files moved as quickly as possible. To assist with this the Sync Tool allows you to adjust the number of simultaneous transfers (a.k.a "threads") on the Configuration tab. One caveat here is that the higher the number of threads, the more system resources will be consumed. Additionally as the number of simultaneous transfers increases, more network bandwidth will be consumed. So what is the best number of threads? It depends on the characteristics of your machine and the network to which it is attached. We've added a handy new feature that will automatically determine the optimal number of threads for your system. In the "Transfer Rate" section of the configuration page you'll notice an "Optimize Automatically" button. Click it to automatically discover and set the optimal number of threads.
    • Note that "optimal", in this context, means the number of threads that will allow content to be transferred as quickly as possible. 
    • The determination of "optimal" thread count is based on testing actual timed transfers, which is why the test may take a while to run when resources such as upload bandwidth or CPU or memory capacity are constrained. This also means that the optimal thread count given will reflect the capability of the machine while the test is running. If other tasks on the machine are consuming significant system resources, this will affect the results of the test.
    • If the machine being used for the transfer of content is not primarily dedicated to this one task (at least while the SyncTool is running), then you may want to set the thread count lower than the determined "optimal" setting. This will, of course, reduce the transfer rate, but would allow the machine to have capacity for other activities.
    • You can use the SyncOptimize Tool to perform these tests if you would prefer to run them on the command line, have more control over the parameters used, and see more details about the testing process.
  • Destination Prefix
    • Using the prefix option, the content IDs that are created for the files being moved to DuraCloud by the SyncTool can be made to begin with a consistent text value. There are several reasons this might be useful, such as to include the name of a top-level directory in the path, or to be able to run the Sync from a new sub-directory, but still maintain the full path included on all existing stored content. Suppose the path to a local file (found within the watch directory) is "dir1/file.txt" and you would like the resulting content stored in DuraCloud to be 'a/b/c/dir1/file.txt. To achieve that result, the destination prefix of "a/b/c/" would need to be set.


      Adding or changing a prefix for content that has already been transferred to DuraCloud will result in those files being duplicated in DuraCloud storage with the new prefix. Removing the duplicate files can be done by using the "sync deletes" option, but this will cause all content in the destination space which does not include the prefix to be deleted (along with any content that is not found in the local watch directories.) Be cautious when using this feature if you have already uploaded content to your DuraCloud space.


      If you use a prefix to include a file path (such as a top level directory name), remember to include the "/" character at the end of your prefix. For example, using the prefix "dir1/" with file "file.txt", your final content ID will be "dir1/file.txt". If you were to forget the slash, your prefix would be "dir1", which would lead to a content ID of "dir1file.txt", which is likely not what you want.

  • Run Modes
    • You may run your synchronization operations in one of two modes: continuous or single pass. In continuous mode, DuraCloudSync will continue indefinitely to watch for additions, updates, and deletions to the file system after adding all the files in your watched directories when the sync starts. In the single pass mode, the application will not continue to watch for changes after making the initial pass of your configured directories and/or files.

Command Line Interface

The Sync Tool provides a command line interface which can be executed directly, used in scripts, or used for scheduling sync activities (such as within a cron job.)  The command line interface provides access to all feature of the Sync Tool, some of which are not available (yet) in the graphical interface.


As the Sync Tool transfers files to DuraCloud, it will attempt to capture certain types of metadata about each file, and include that information as part of the content item added to DuraCloud. The list below describes the metadata that is captured automatically. You have the option to add, update, or delete the properties of each file after it has been transferred to DuraCloud.

  • Mime Type
    • The content type of the file.
    • As the Sync Tool transfers your files to DuraCloud, it attempts to determine the mime type of each file based on the file's extension. If it cannot determine a mime type for a given file, that file's type is set to "application/octet-stream", which is a generic mime type for binary data. Select the "Edit" button on the DuraCloud web interface to change a file's mime type.

    • If you find that files with certain extensions are not being mapped as you would prefer, you can always change the value on uploaded files from within DuraCloud. If you would like to make sure that files with a given extension are given your preferred mime type during upload, you simply need to update the mapping file. The mapping of file extension to mime type is determined by a file included in your Java installation called This file is usually located in the "lib" folder under your Java runtime installation directory. After making a copy of the original file as a backup, simply update it following the formatting conventions used throughout the file to include the mappings you prefer, then save the file. After making changes, you will need to re-start the Sync Tool to ensure that the changes are picked up properly.

  • Space
    • The space in which a content item is stored. This field cannot be edited.
  • Size
    • The size of a content item. This field cannot be edited.
  • Modified
    • The date on which the file was added to DuraCloud. This value is updated when a file is added or updated.
  • Checksum
    • The MD5 checksum of the file. This field cannot be edited.
  • Creator
    • The creator is the DuraCloud user who transferred the file into DuraCloud storage.
  • Content file path
    • The full path of the file in its original storage location
  • Content file created
    • The date when the file was created, as determined by the originating file system. This information may not be available from all file systems.
  • Content file modified
    • The date when the file was last modified, as determined by the originating file system. This information may not be available from all file systems.
  • Content file last accessed
    • The date when the file was last accessed, as determined by the originating file system. This information may not be available from all file systems.


If you encounter an error when running the Sync Tool, please first consult the list of error messages and suggested fixes below. If the error you are experiencing is not included in the list below, please visit the support system and submit a ticket with a detailed description of the issue you are experiencing (and include screenshots when available).


While the Sync Tool is running, these commands are available. Just type them on the command line where the tool is running. These commands are not available when running in exit-on-completion mode.


Short Command


Long Command








Tells the Sync Tool to end its activity and close






Prints the configuration of the Sync Tool (the same information is printed at startup)






Prints the current status of the Sync Tool


l <Level>




Changes the log level to <Level> (may be any of DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR)




