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Quick summary of primary information about each authority.

AuthorityResults FormatExtent of Data ReturnedExample Search API URLDocumentationComments
AGROVOCJSONLD - skos ontologyURI, skos:prefLabel*milk*&lang=en&maxhits=10SKOSMOS REST APIsAdditional Information

ISNIRDF/XML, JSON-LDURI, schema, dcterms, madsrdf, umbel (plus some supporting ontologies)

to be released

ISNI SRU Search API Guidelines and Examples and ISNI Enquiry Response

See ISNI below
Library of Congress - Search APIHTML, ATOM/XML, ATOM/JSONURI (with some formats), preferred label

See "Searching" and "Search Limits..."See LC Search API below
Library of Congress - Suggest APIJSONPreferred label, URI
See LC Suggest API below
Library of Congress - Label SearchHTTP HeadersPreferred label, URI, Albert, 1913-1960See "Known-label search".See LC Label Search below
MeSHJSONValid subject headings in a variety of granularity; Heading context; Entry terms; URIs


The API builder includes matching parameters and maximum results returned

See MeSH below about SPARQL queries.




Share-VDEJSON (for the future Share-VDE APIs); XML (for Stardog APIs)xml/rdf*where{graph?g{?s?p?o}}=&limit=10


1. Share-VDE Stardog databases

2. Share-VDE CKB query examples

3. Stardog APIs

See Share-VDE API below.

If you need to query the system for testing, please, ask me for user/pw information.


add additional authorities

Additional Information

Details that are helpful in understanding and working with authorities.


Information about these can be found at How to Access AGROVOC (Technical Documentation for all Endpoints).


Linked open data: SKOS ontology

All data should be available.

AAT - Cut down amount of data to a more useful profile.  Re-express information in CIDOC CRM? rather than SKOS.  Museums use CRM.  Want to have CRM and simplified SKOS.

ULAN, TGN - Move to same ontology.

Person is a person instead of a representation of a person.  This avoids confusion and mistaken use of a concept of a person as a person.

Suggests sticking to a concept of a person as opposed to the real person.

Data across ontologies becomes more difficult.  Validations become a challenge.  Request data from a specific ontology and only get the data in the ontology as opposed to mixing them.


ISNI is the ISO certified global standard number for identifying the millions of contributors to creative works and those active in their distribution. The mission of the ISNI International Agency (ISNI-IA) is to assign to the public name(s) a persistent unique identifying number in order to resolve the problem of name ambiguity in search and discovery; and diffuse each assigned ISNI across all repertoires in the global supply chain so that every published work can be unambiguously attributed to its creator wherever that work is described. By achieving these goals, the ISNI will act as a bridge identifier across multiple domains and become a critical component in Linked Data and Semantic Web applications.


LC's Suggest API has received minor enhancements over the years, but is largely the same as implemented back in 2009-2010, when the service was still hosted at  Its output format is identical.  It is formally undocumented (and how it has managed this long without being formally documented is a bit of a mystery) but LC readily and willingly shares information about not only its existence but how it works.  LC's Suggest API is a left-anchored, wild-carded search of preferred labels, codes (for example a search for "deu" will return "German" from the ISO-6392 dataset), or tokens (such as "sh12345," which is an LCCN).  Results are ordered alphabetically (based on codepoint).  There is some support for limiting based on MADS/RDF type (PersonalName, Topic, Geographic, etc.).  Notably, it does not search variant/alternate labels.  Under the hood, the code is 100% distinct from the code that runs the Search API, mostly so it can better focus on its purpose, which is to return typeahead suggestions as quickly as possible.  The service's output is outdated, a form of JSON that is difficult to work with given today's typeaheads.  It is also limited to only the URI and label of the hit. 

LC Label API

LC's Label API attempts to match a string representing nominally the authorized label and alternatively a variant label to a resource.  It returns the URI.  LC's Label API has received minor, undocumented enhancements since it was released in 2009-2010.  It is sensitive to spaces and punctuation and only returns a result of the result is strong, though it is not without error.   The response is pure HTTP, with the Location header being that of a matched entity.  A 404 is returned if no match was found. 

MeSH (Medical Subject Headings)

MeSH also provides a SPARQL endpoint, a SPARQL endpoint option on the API page, and a user friendly SPARQL endpoint editor SPARQL query results can be returned in a variety of formats including RDF. 


1. Description of Share-VDE databases available on Stardog triplestore.

2. Instructions for Share-VDE libraries on how to access databases on Stardog triplestore, with some query example.

3. Stardog indications on HTTP APIs.

We are currently working on SVDE backend infrastructure that will support an ad hoc set of APIs specific to SVDE.