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Comment: Add note on enabling ORCID auth



Configuration File:



Example Value: = org.dspace.authenticate.OidcAuthentication

(NOTE: This setting may be repeated to support multiple AuthenticationMethods)

(WARNING: it's easy to miss, the "camel case" for OidcAuthentication might catch you off guard. It's important to not use OIDCAuthentication in this line, because that class does not exist. Case matters.


Configuration File:




Example Value:

authentication-shibboleth.lazysession = true

Informational Note:

Whether to use lazy sessions or active sessions. For more DSpace instances, you will likely want to use lazy sessions. Active sessions will force every user to authenticate via Shibboleth before they can access your DSpace (essentially resulting in a "dark archive").



Example Value:

authentication-shibboleth.lazysession.loginurl = /Shibboleth.sso/Login

Informational Note:

The url to start a shibboleth session (only for lazy sessions). Generally this setting will be "/Shibboleth.sso/Login"


Example Value: = true

Informational Note:

Force HTTPS when authenticating (only for lazy sessions). Generally this is recommended to be "true".



Example Value:

authentication-shibboleth.netid-header = SHIB-NETID

Informational Note:

The HTTP header where shibboleth will supply a user's NetID. This HTTP header should be specified as an Attribute within your Shibboleth "attribute-map.xml" configuration file.


Example Value: = SHIB-MAIL

Informational Note:

The HTTP header where the shibboleth will supply a user's email address. This HTTP header should be specified as an Attribute within your Shibboleth "attribute-map.xml" configuration file.


Example Value: = false

Informational Note:

Used when a netid or email headers are not available should Shibboleth authentication fall back to using Tomcat's remote user feature? Generally this is not recommended. See the "Authentication Methods" section above.



Example Valueauthentication-shibboleth.reconvert.attributes = false
Informational Note:Shibboleth attributes are by default UTF-8 encoded. Some servlet container automatically converts the attributes from ISO-8859-1 (latin-1) to UTF-8. As the attributes already were UTF-8 encoded it may be necessary to reconvert them. If you set this property true, DSpace converts all shibboleth attributes retrieved from the servlet container from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1 and uses the result as if it were UTF-8. This procedure restores the shibboleth attributes if the servlet container wrongly converted them from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8. Set this true, if you notice character encoding problems within shibboleth attributes.



Example Value:

authentication-shibboleth.autoregister = true

Informational Note:

Should we allow new users to be registered automatically?



Example Value:

authentication-shibboleth.sword.compatibility = false

Informational Note:

SWORD compatibility will allow this authentication method to work when using SWORD. SWORD relies on username and password based authentication and is entirely incapable of supporting shibboleth. This option allows you to authenticate username and passwords for SWORD sessions with out adding another authentication method onto the stack. You will need to ensure that a user has a password. One way to do that is to create the user via the create-administrator command line command and then edit their permissions.
WARNING: If you enable this option while ALSO having "PasswordAuthentication" enabled, then you should ensure that "PasswordAuthentication" is listed prior to "ShibAuthentication" in your authentication.cfg file. Otherwise, ShibAuthentication will be used to authenticate all of your users INSTEAD OF PasswordAuthentication.



Example Value:

authentication-shibboleth.firstname-header = SHIB_GIVENNAME

Informational Note:

The HTTP header where the shibboleth will supply a user's given name. This HTTP header should be specified as an Attribute within your Shibboleth "attribute-map.xml" configuration file.



Example Value:

authentication-shibboleth.lastname-header = SHIB_SN

Informational Note:

The HTTP header where the shibboleth will supply a user's surname. This HTTP header should be specified as an Attribute within your Shibboleth "attribute-map.xml" configuration file.



Example Value:

Code Block
authentication-shibboleth.eperson.metadata = \
 SHIB-telephone => phone, \
 SHIB-cn => cn

Informational Note:

Additional user attributes mapping, multiple attributes may be stored for each user. The left side is the Shibboleth-based metadata Header and the right side is the eperson metadata field to map the attribute to.



Example Value:

authentication-shibboleth.eperson.metadata.autocreate = true

Informational Note:

If the eperson metadata field is not found, should it be automatically created?



Example Value:

authentication-shibboleth.role-header = SHIB_SCOPED_AFFILIATION

Informational Note:

The shibboleth header to do role-based mappings (see section on roll based mapping section above)Shibboleth header holding the user's Shibboleth roles.  See the "Role-based Groups" section above for more info.



Example Value:

authentication-shibboleth.role-header.ignore-scope = true

Informational Note:

Weather Whether to ignore the attributeroles' s scope scopes (everything after the @ sign for scoped attributes)



Example Value:

authentication-shibboleth.role-header.ignore-value = false

Informational Note:

Weather Whether to ignore the attributeroles' s value values (everything before the @ sign for scoped attributes)



Example Value:

Code Block
authentication-shibboleth.role.faculty = Faculty, Member
authentication-shibboleth.role.staff = Staff, Member
authentication-shibboleth.role.student = Students, Member

Informational Note:

Mapping of affiliation values to DSpace groups. See the "Role-based Groups" section above for more info.



Example Value:

authentication-shibboleth.default-roles = GenericUser

Informational Note:

These roles are assumed if no roles were sent by Shibboleth or there was no header with name matching the value of authentication-shibboleth.role_header.  May be repeated to provide multiple default roles.

LDAP Authentication

Introduction to LDAP specific terminology


Configuration File:




Example Value:

authentication-ldap.search_scope = 2

Informational Note:

This is the search scope value for the LDAP search during autoregistering (autoregister=true). This will depend on your LDAP server setup, and is only really necessary if your users are spread out across a hierarchical tree on your LDAP server. This value must be one of the following integers corresponding to the following values:
 object scope : 0 
 one level scope : 1 
 subtree scope : 2

Please note that "search_context" in the LDAP configurations must also be specified.


Example Value: = true

Informational Note:

If true, DSpace will anonymously search LDAP (in the "search_context") for the DN of the user trying to login to DSpace. This setting is "false" by default. By default, DSpace will either use "search.user" to authenticate for the LDAP search (if search.user is specified), or will use the "object_context" value to create the user's DN.


Example Value: = cn=admin\,ou=people\, = password

Informational Note:

The full DN and password of a user allowed to connect to the LDAP server and search (in the "search_context") for the DN of the user trying to login. By default, if unspecified, DSpace will either search LDAP anonymously for the user's DN (when search.anonymous=true), or will use the "object_context" value to create the user's DN.

NOTE: As of DSpace 6, commas (,) are now a special character in the Configuration system. Therefore, be careful to escape any required commas in this configuration by adding a backslash (\) before each comma, e.g. "\,"

ORCID Authentication

Enabling ORCID Authentication


Enabling ORCID Authentication requires also enabling Configurable Entities and Researcher Profiles

To enable ORCID Authentication, see the documentation for enabling the ORCID Integration.  You do not need to enable ORCID synchronization, but you currently must enable Researcher Profiles and Configurable Entities.

IP Authentication

Enabling IP Authentication
