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  1. Fedora 4.7.1 release status
  2. Community planning
    1. Pain points
      1. Performance of "many members"
      2. Ugliness of pairtree resources
      3. migration of PIDs from fcrepo3 to fcrepo4
      4. Migration from fcrepo3 to fcrepo4 in general and in a reasonable amount of time for 1M+ objects
      5. Loss of system dates, the migration of creation/modification times from fcrepo3 to fcrepo4
      6. Intra-repository referential integrity can be a pain point, but it has benefits too
    2. Features of interest
      1. RDF1.1 serialization - breaking change
      2. AppleTrees (Java) (Clojure) - only for new installations (ticket for the taking)
      3. Alignment with API spec - breaking change
      4. Bug fixes
    3. Mapping features to releases
      1. 4.7.x and 4.8.x
      2. 5.x - Semantic Versioning: what is the minimum milestone for the transition?
    4. Trajectory of development
      1. Community/ModeShape impl addresses bugs, aligns with API spec
      2. Alt-impls emerging in alignment with API spec
      3. Common API and import/export facilitates transfer between impls
        • Transfer impact mitigated by "external-content"?
  3. Interest in Fedora Docker? ...looking for another maintainer for fcrepo4-docker
  4. Fedora DevOps interest group in collaboration with Islandora and Hydra
  5. Delta analysis between current Fedora impl and the specification
  6. WebApp configuration possibilities - fcrepo-webapp-plus limitations
    1. AuthZ
    2. Audit
    3. Minter
    4. API-X?
  7. ...
  8. Status of "in-flight" tickets


    serverDuraSpace JIRA


  1. Please squash a bug!


    serverDuraSpace JIRA

  2. Tickets resolved this week:


    serverDuraSpace JIRA

  3. Tickets created this week:

    serverDuraSpace JIRA


  1. Fedora 4.7.1 Release
    • Andrew Woods reported for Bethany Seeger that things are looking good.  One issue related to SPARQL updates and deletes surfaced on the fedora-tech mailing list but is not a blocker to 4.7.1 release.  Barring problems, the release process is expected to begin on Monday.
    • Aaron Birkland reported a failing API-X integration test when using RC2 and plans to look more closely at that today.

2. Community Planning

a. Pain Point

    • Jim Coble suggested adding ability to export / import individual objects.  Esmé Cowles pointed out this functionality is already present in Fedora 4 Import/Export Utility .  Discussion ensued about the criteria for moving the Import/Export Utility from fcrepo-labs to fcrepo-exts.

b. Features of interest

c. Mapping features to releases

      • Master branch currently contains two breaking fixes, one related to the use of RDF 1.1 and the other to CND test: namespace.
      • What should be beyond 4.7?  4.8? 5.0?
      • Aaron Birkland: Will functionality not in the API spec move forward to 5.0?  Andrew Woods: Features will be the same; interaction model will be different.  5.0 will not be expected to support 2 API's.  5.0 will introduce breaking changes.  Non-spec functionality can move into fcrepo-exts and will not necessarily be abandoned altogether.
      • Kevin Ford, Aaron Birkland: Good to have list of breaking changes introduced in 5.0.  See agenda item 5 below.
      • General consensus to focus development efforts on alignment with API spec.  Development and bug fixes will go into master branch.  Andrew Woods: May not have resources to port all bug fixes to 4.7 but hopefully will be able to port major bug fixes to 4.7 and possibly 4.6.
      • Nick Ruest: Need to finish API spec.  How close are we?  Andrew Woods: Spec covers the bases; no outstanding PR's.  Need broader input from the community.  Announce Release Candidate of the spec and solicit feedback.  Need to establish dates for review and finalization.  6 months? 3 months? Target 3 months, with feedback due by May 1.  Andrew Woods will communicate this to Fedora Leaders and ask for commitment of staff time for reviewing the spec.
      • Summary: 4.7.1 released next week (hopefully).  Not expecting a 4.7.2 release short of a critical bug fix.  No 4.8 release.  Next release will be 5.0.

3. and 4. Skipped

5. Delta analysis between current Fedora impl and the specification

    • Andrew Woods: Should we begin this now, even though the spec is still in flux?  Yes.  Needs strong leader behind it and core group to work on it.  Aaron Birkland will look into whether he can commit to leading this effort.  Andrew Woods will put a checkin about this on next week's agenda.

6. and beyond Skipped