Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The API supports only HTTP POST calls. GET, HEAD, and other methods are not supported, and will return a response code of 400 Bad Request405 Method Not Allowed.


emailthe email address of a VIVO adminstrator account
passwordthe password of the VIVO administrator account
updateA SPARQL Update request


Code Block
update=DELETE DATA { 
   GRAPH <> { 
          "Design Patterns" . 

A more complex deletion

This update removes an Email address from a Person in VIVO. The Person is related to a VCard:ContactInfo object, which is related to a VCard:EMail object, which has the email address in a data property.

Code Block
curl -i -d '' -d 'password=Password' -d '' 'http://localhost:8080/vivo/api/sparqlUpdate'
Code Block
PREFIX obo:      <>
PREFIX vcard:    <>

  GRAPH <> {
    ?contactInfo vcard:hasEmail ?emailObject .
    ?emailObject ?p1 ?o .
  GRAPH <> {
    <> obo:ARG_2000028 ?contactInfo .
    ?contactInfo vcard:hasEmail ?emailObject .
    ?emailObject vcard:email ""^^<> .
    ?emailObject ?p1 ?o .


Big Files

For big files one can also use the SPARQL LOAD command. For this, you have to first create the RDF file with the triples that you want to add make it accessible at a URL that VIVO can access. In the example below, the RDF file containing the triples are the data.rdf (available in the root directory of the web server that respond by the address and the sparql file below contains the LOAD command to be execute by the SPARQL VIVO API.
