Versions Compared


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titleTable of Contents

Table of Contents


Common command combos...


Starting composition and checking what is running


Code Block
titleCheck which images, containers, and services are loaded and running

Expect this images to include all the images listed in the docker-compose.yml file

Code Block
titleCheck which containers are running

Expect this Expect running containers to include all containers described in the docker-compose.yml file

Code Block
titleCheck which containers are running

This will include all Expect all containers to include all loaded containers whether or not they are running.


titleCheck which containers are running


Expect this services to include all services described in the docker-compose.yml file


Cleaning up

Starting and /stopping containers and building images can create a messy environment.  If you want to start fresh, do the following...

Shut down compositions

Code Block
titleCheck which images, containers, and services are loaded and running

Code Block
titleStart by using docker-compose to clean up its images and containers. This will get rid of a lot.

Code Block
titleCheck which images, containers, and services are still loaded and running

Remove remaining containers

Code Block
titleStop all containers

Code Block
titleCheck all containers are stopped

Expect the running containers and all containers lists to be empty.

Remove images

Code Block
titleRemove all images without container (which should be all images at this point)

Code Block
titleCheck all images were removed

Expect all lists to be empty.


My shortcuts...

shortcutfull commanddescriptionwhen to use
'docker image' command short cuts

docker image help

Docker official help for 'docker image' commands

dib $1

docker image build -t $1 .

Build a docker image from Dockerfile and assign $1=name/tag (e.g. elr/qa_server)

dirm $1

docker image remove $1 .

Remove a docker image given its $1=name/tag (e.g. elr/qa_server)


docker image ls

List docker images


docker image prune -a

Remove all images that do not have containers

dipull $1

docker image pull $1

Pull a docker image from docker hub by $1=name (e.g. solr) or name/tag (e.g. elr/qa_server)

dipush $1

docker image push $1

Push a docker image to docker hub =name or name/tag (e.g. elr/qa_server) NOTE: won't be pushing anything by name only

'docker container' command short cuts

Docker official help for docker container commands


List all docker containers running or not


List only running docker containers


Remove all STOPPED containers


Remove all

containers that are not running

STOPPED and RUNNING containers

dcgo $1

Start a container by docker assigned name (e.g. $1=sleepy_boyd) or id (e.g. $1=fb213)

dcstop $1

Stop a container by docker assigned name (e.g. $1=sleepy_boyd) or id (e.g. $1=fb213)


Stop all running containers

dcrestart $1

Restart a container by docker assigned name (e.g. $1=sleepy_boyd) or id (e.g. $1=fb213)

dckill $1

Kill a container by docker assigned name (e.g. $1=sleepy_boyd) or id (e.g. $1=fb213)

'docker container run' command short cuts

Docker official help for docker container run commands

dcr $@

Execute 'docker container run $@' command appending all arguments with $@

dcrit $@

Execute 'docker container run -it $@' command appending all arguments with $@

dcrport $1 $2

Run a named container identified by $2=name/tag (e.g. elr/qa_server) on a specific port $1 (e.g. 3000)

drrs $1

Run spec tests for docker container identified by $1=name/tag:version (e.g. $1=elr/qa_server:v1)

dbash $1

Run bash command line for docker container identified by $1=name/tag:version (e.g. $1=elr/qa_server:v1) <CTRL><D> to end

'docker-compose' command short cuts

Docker official help for docker-compose commands


List services started by docker-compose based on services defined in docker-compose-yml

dcpa $1

Attach to a service running through docker-compose identified by $1=Name listed by dcpls (e.g. $1=app)

   <CTRL><P> <CTRL><Q> to detach from the container


Build a docker composition based on docker-compose.yml

   NOTE: Containers do not run with build. See dcpup

   NOTE: name is defined in docker-compose.yml at top level (e.g. apache:)

dcpup $1

Build and run a container from the docker composition identified by $1=name (e.g. apache).

Build and run all containers if name is not specified.

dcpdown $1

Stop running and remove a container from the docker composition identified by $1=name (e.g. apache).

Stop and remove all containers defined in docker composition if name is not specified.

dcpstop $1

Stop running a container from the docker composition identified by $1=name (e.g. apache).

Stop all containers defined in docker composition if name is not specified.

dcprestart $1

Restart a running container from the docker composition identified by $1=name (e.g. apache).

Restart all containers defined in docker composition if name is not specified.

dcplogs $1

Show the logs for a container from the docker composition identified by $1=name (e.g. apache)