Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


StepActorActionResultMobile DesignAlternate FlowAccessibility Notes
1PatronInteracts with book display (cover, text, etc)
  • Displays the book detail page
  • The added format attribute is platform independentdisplays the same on iOS and Android


Image Removed

  • The format of the title is displayed in the Information section as the last attribute, i.e. "Format: ePUB", "Format: PDF", "Format: Audiobook"(Mockup format attribute in image)

The item format should be read by a screen reader as

  • Format, E PUB
  • Format, P D F
  • Format, Audiobook



 Patron browses for books

Description: iOS patron  Patron navigates to the catalog and views ebooks, audiobooks, or all formats.


StepActorActionResultMobile DesignAlternate FlowAccessibility Notes
1PatronLogs in and navigates to library catalog
  • Displays header/facet with selectable options for:
    • Books
    • Audiobooks
  • Books is selected by default
  • When Books are selected, PDF books are displayed along with EPUB format books
  • No change to existing mobile design, given the assumption that PDF books will reside alongside ePUB books.
 Selectable interface is accessible and can be read by a screen reader
  • Screen reader must announce if selected.
  • Should indicate how many selections in list, ex "Books, selected, 1 of two"




Patron opens a PDF book

Description: iOS patron opens a PDF book from the catalog or My Books


StepActorActionResultMobile DesignAlternate FlowAccessibility Notes
1PatronClicks on Read Download Button
  • As we are targeting non-DRM PDFs, the button will say 'Download' and change to 'Read' after the title is downloaded, just like any other open access content
  • If DRM PDFs are included in the future, the button will say 'Get'
  • This functionality is equivalent to the action of downloading and reading an ePUB
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  • The Download/Read button is viewable both in the catalog and on the book detail page, but behaves the same regardless.
  • If the button says Read it should be read spoken as 'Download' and then as 'Read'. (Reed Reed and not Red).
2AppPatronClicks on Read buttonPSPDFKit viewer opens
  • The ebook is opened in the PSPDFKit interface
  • If the book was previously opened, the book is opened to the last page read
  • If the book had bookmarks previously added by the patron, those bookmarks will be restored
  • If the book had annotations previously added by the patron, those annotations will be restored
  • (Decision: should the title overlay at the top of the screen be visible or be hidden? should the page numbering at the bottom of the screen be visible or hidden)
Image Modified 
  • Accessible features that occur when an epub is open should also occur when a pdf is opened - if there are any that automatically occur


2a. iOS patron interacts with PDF book - gear menu

Description: iOS patron reads/interacts with an open PDF book


StepActorActionResultMobile DesignAlternate FlowAccessibility Notes
 PatronPage TransitionThe default setting is that pages will scroll horizontally and snap to the next page as the patron swipes with their finger.Image Added Image Added Image Added Image Added

The Page Transition can be set in the gear menu in the top navigation bar to three different settings.

  1. Horizontal transition with snapping action to the next page
  2. Horizontal transition with no snapping action to the next page
  3. Page curl when swiping between pages.
 PatronPage ScrollThe default setting is that pages will scroll horizontally. The page scroll setting can be set to horizontal or vertical. This setting does not apply if the page transition setting is set to page curl. 
 PatronPage ZoomPinch gestures will zoom the page in and out. This zooming action is the same regardless of the page transition setting. 
 PatronPage AppearanceThe default setting is that the page will appear with a white foreground, black background, and white text.Image AddedImage Added
Image Added

The page appearance can be set to three different settings in the gear menu.

  1. White foreground / gray background / black text
  2. Sepia foreground / gray background / black text
  3. Black foreground / black background / white text
 PatronBrightnessThe brightness slider sets the brightness of the device. Note: the brightness level set here stays after the app is backgrounded.   


2b. Android patron


interacts with PDF book - gear menu

StepActorActionResultMobile DesignAlternate FlowAccessibility Notes


3a. iOS patron


annotates PDF book - annotation menu

Description: iOS patron annotates an open PDF book

Actor: Patron

Pre-conditions: PDF title is open and rendered


StepActorActionResultMobile DesignAlternate FlowAccessibility Notes

Begins creating any annotation

  1. Taps the annotation menu (pencil drawing in a square)
Displays the annotation overlay on the current page.Image Added Image AddedIf this is the first time that the patron as accessed the annotation capability, a screen is displayed that asks for the person's name. This becomes the author of all subsequent annotations. 

Creates a highlight annotation

  1. Taps the highlight annotation type
  2. Drags finger over text to create the highlight annotation
The selected text has a yellow highlight by defaultImage Added

The color of the highlight may be changed in two ways:

  1. Before it is created, the default color of a highlight can be changed by tapping the circle of color in the navigation bar.
  2. After it is created, the annotation may be tapped and then may be changed after tapping Style in the popup menu.

Creates an underline annotation

  1. Taps the underline annotation type
  2. Drags finger over text to create the underline annotation
The selected text has a black underline by default.Image Added

The color of the underline may be changed in two ways:

  1. Before it is created, the default color of a underline can be changed by tapping the circle of color in the navigation bar.
  2. After it is created, the underline may be tapped and then may be changed after tapping Style in the popup menu.

Removes an annotation

  1. Taps the annotation in the page
  2. Taps the trash can in the popup menu to delete the annotation
The selected annotation, regardless of type, is removed. Removal of an annotation may occur in the annotation creation screen or when navigating the book.   


3b. Android patron


annotates PDF book - annotation menu

StepActorActionResultMobile DesignAlternate FlowAccessibility Notes



4a. iOS patron


searches the PDF book - search menu

Description: iOS patron searches within an open PDF book

Actor: Patron

Pre-conditions: PDF title is open and rendered


StepActorActionResultMobile DesignAlternate FlowAccessibility Notes

Begins search

  1. Taps the search icon (magnifying glass)
  2. The search screen is displayed
  3. As search terms are typed, results are shown in the grid
  4. Taps a search result, the book is navigated to the page with the search term highlighted.
 Image AddedWhen the search screen is displayed the next time, it retains the previous search and results. 


4b. Android patron searches the PDF book - search menu

StepActorActionResultMobile DesignAlternate FlowAccessibility Notes


5a. iOS patron adds bookmark to PDF book - bookmark icon

Description: iOS patron bookmarks a page in an open PDF book

Actor: Patron

Pre-conditions: PDF title is open and rendered


StepActorActionResultMobile DesignAlternate FlowAccessibility Notes
1PatronCreates Bookmark
  • Tapping the bookmark icon in the top navigation bar, when the icon is not filled in, adds a bookmark for the entire page
  • If the current page is bookmarked, the bookmark icon is filled in
Image AddedBookmarks may also be added by tapping the + icon at the bottom of the listing of bookmarks in the book navigation screen. 
2PatronRemoves Bookmark
  • Tapping the bookmark icon in the top navigation bar, when the icon is filled in, removes the bookmark for the entire page
  • If the current page is not bookmarked, the bookmark icon is not filled in
 Bookmarks may also be removed by tapping the Edit button at the bottom of the listing of bookmarks in the book navigation screen. 


4b. Android patron


adds bookmark to PDF book - bookmark icon

StepActorActionResultMobile DesignAlternate FlowAccessibility Notes


5a. iOS


patron navigates bookmarks/annotations/metadata - book icon

Description: iOS patron navigates added items in an open PDF book

Actor: Patron

Pre-conditions: PDF title is open and rendered


StepActorActionResultMobile DesignAlternate FlowAccessibility Notes
  • Taps the book navigation icon - open book icon
  • The navigation screen is opened

The navigation screen contains three types of information

  • List of all bookmarks
  • List of all annotations
  • Book metadata
2aPatronTaps the bookmark icon in the top selector (left button)
  • All bookmarks are displayed in a list
  • Tapping a bookmark will navigate the book to that page
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2bPatronTaps the annotations icon in the top selector (middle button)
  • All annotations are displayed in a list
  • Tapping the annotation will navigate the book to the page that contains the annotation
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2cPatronTaps the book metadata icon in the top selector (right button)

The book metadata is displayed and contains Content / Security / Changes/ Size

Note: the edit button for the book metadata must be disabled

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5b. Android patron


navigates bookmarks/annotations/metadata - book icon

StepActorActionResultMobile DesignAlternate FlowAccessibility Notes


6a. iOS patron displays book in thumbnail view - four square icon

Description: iOS patron browses an open PDF book by thumbnails

Actor: Patron

Pre-conditions: PDF title is open and rendered


StepActorActionResultMobile DesignAlternate FlowAccessibility Notes
 1Patron Taps the thumbnail view button 
  • The book pages are displayed in thumbnail view
  • Tapping any page in any thumbnail view filtered or not, will navigate the book to that page.
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2aPatronTaps the Annotated button in the top selectorThe displayed book pages are filtered to only show pages that contain annotations.   
2bPatronTaps the Bookmarked button in the top selectorThe displayed book pages are filtered to only show pages that contain bookmarks.   


6b. Android patron displays book in thumbnail view - four square icon

StepActorActionResultMobile DesignAlternate FlowAccessibility Notes