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titleThis page is being updated

The examples on this page are incompatible with Fedora 5, as they do not follow the SOLID WebAC specification. This page is being updated to bring it into alignment with the current specification

Web Access Control (WebAC or WAC) is Fedora's system for authorizing requests for resources in the repository.


An ACL is an RDF document (RDFSource) that contains WebAC statements that authorize access to repository resources.  Each resource may have their own ACL, or implicitly be subject to the ACL of a parent container.    The The location of the acl for a given resource may be discovered via a Link header with relation rel=acl.  


To create an ACL for a resource that does not already have one, a client needs to discover the ACL location (via HEAD or GET), then PUT to that location.


Authorizations are the permissions statements contained within an ACL document.  An ACL may should contain many authorizations, each of which must share the same subject.  The way this is achieved is via hash URIsone or more authorizations. Each authorization should have a hash URI resource as its subject, and an rdf:type of

Code Block
@prefix acl: <>

<#auth1> a acl:Authorization .


Agents are the users of Fedora.  These identify the principals (in a security sense) that have made authenticated requests to the repository.  In ACL Authorizations used by Fedora, these may be represented as strings or as URIs.  The SOLID WebAC spec stipulates that agents are identified by URIs, and suggests (but does not have any normative language requiring) that these URIs are intended to be WebIDs.   The Fedora specification does not comment on the topic of identifying agents.  Nevertheless, for legacy purposes, the Fedora 5.x software allows strings or URIs to identify agents (e.g. "bob" or <>).  When using URIs, there is no expectation be by Fedora that these URIs be resolvable, or have a representation.  It is highly recommended that you use URIs.

The mapping of a logged-on principal to a string or URI depends on the selection and configuration of a Principal Provider, which may provide the identity of users as strings or URIs depending on its implementation.  Because agents are recommended to be represented as URIs, Fedora can be configured to automatically prefix any principals that are provided as strings with a baseURI.  This is achieved by setting the system property fcrepo.auth.webac.userAgent.baseUri.  For example:


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