Versions Compared


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Comment: note about subpath in URL and CORS config


Configuration File Format

In As of DSpace 7.2 and above, the Configuration format is now YAML and is located at ./config/config.*.yaml.


The "rateLimiter" sub-section can be used to protect against a DOS (denial of service) attack when the UI is processed on the server side (i.e. server-side rendering).  Default settings are usually OK. In Angular, server-side rendering occurs to support better Search Engine Optimization (SEO), as well as to support clients which cannot use Javascript.   See also Angular's docs on Server-side rendering.

REST API Settings

The "rest" (REST API) section defines which REST API the UI will use. The REST settings MUST correspond to the primary URL of the backend. Usually, this means they must be kept in sync
with the value of dspace.server.url in the backend's local.cfg

Sub-path in frontend URL:  When using a subpath (nameSpace) in your UI server base URL (e.g. "http://localhost:4000/mysite/" instead of "http://localhost:4000/"), you must make sure that the URL without  the subpath is added to the rest.cors.allowed-origins  list in [dspace]/config/modules/rest.cfg  or the local.cfg  override. The default value used for this configuration assumes that Origin and DSpace URL are identical, but CORS origins do not contain a subpath. Without this change you will see CORS policy errors preventing communication between the frontend and backend servers.

REST API Settings

The "rest" (REST API) section defines which REST API the UI will use. The REST settings MUST correspond to the primary URL of the backend. Usually, this means they must be kept in sync
with the value of dspace.server.url in the backend's local.cfg

This example is valid if your Backend is publicly available at https://apiThis example is valid if your Backend is publicly available at  . Keep in mind that the "port" must always be specified even if it's a standard port (i.e. port 80 for HTTP and port 443 for HTTPS).


Cache Settings - Server Side Rendering (SSR)


Caching options are also available for the User Interface's "server-side rendering" (which uses Angular Universal).  Server-side rendering is used to pre-generate full HTML pages and pass those back to users.  This is necessary for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) as some web crawlers cannot use Javascript.  It also can be used to immediately show the first HTML page to users while the Javascript app loads in the user's browser.


Code Block
  # Authentication UI settings
    # the amount of time before the idle warning is shown
    timeUntilIdle: 900000 # 15 minutes
    # the amount of time the user has to react after the idle warning is shown before they are logged out.
    idleGracePeriod: 300000 # 5 minutes
  # Authentication REST settings
    # If the rest REST settings
    # If the rest token expires in less than this amount of time, it will be refreshed automatically.
    # This is independent from the idle warning. Defaults to automatic refresh when the token will
    # expire within 2 minutes. Because token expires inafter less30 thanminutes this amount of timeby default, itthis will be refreshed automatically.means automatic
    # Thisrefresh iswould independentoccur fromevery the~28 idle warningminutes.
      timeLeftBeforeTokenRefresh: 120000 # 2 minutes


Code Block
  # Amount of years to display using jumps of one year (current year - oneYearLimit)
  oneYearLimit: 10browseBy:
  # AmountLimit offor years to display using jumps of onefive yearyears (current year - oneYearLimitfiveYearLimit)
  fiveYearLimit: 30
  # The absolute lowest year to display in the dropdown (only used when no lowest date can be found for all items)
  oneYearLimitdefaultLowerLimit: 101900
  # Limit for years If true, thumbnail images for items will be added to displayBOTH usingsearch jumpsand ofbrowse fiveresult yearslists. (current year - fiveYearLimitdefault: true)
  fiveYearLimitshowThumbnails: 30true
  # The absolute lowest year to display in the dropdown (only used when no lowest date can be found for all items)
  defaultLowerLimit: 1900
  # If true, thumbnail images for items will be added to BOTH search and browse result lists. (default: true)
  showThumbnails: true
  # The number of entries in a paginated browse results list.
  # Rounded to the nearest size in the list of selectable sizes on the settings menu.
  pageSize: 20

# NOTE: The "types" section no longer exists, as it is determined dynamically via the REST API number of entries in a paginated browse results list.
  # Rounded to the nearest size in the list of selectable sizes on the settings menu.
  pageSize: 20

# NOTE: The "types" section no longer exists, as it is determined dynamically via the REST API

NOTE: The "pageSize" configuration will always round to the closest "pageSizeOptions" value listed in "page-component-options.model.ts"

Community-List Settings

The "communityList" section allows you to configure the behavior of the "Communities & Collections" page (/community-list path), which is linked in the header.

Code Block
  # Number of communities to list per expansion (i.e. each time you click "show more")
  pageSize: 20

NOTE: The "pageSize" configuration will always round to the closest "pageSizeOptions" value listed in "page-component-options.model.ts"


Homepage Settings



Available in 7.4 or later

The "communityListhomePage" section allows you to configure the behavior of the "Communities & Collections" page DSpace homepage (/ community-list path), which is linked in the header.

Code Block
  # Number of communities to list per expansion (i.e. each time you click "show more")
  pageSize: 20

NOTE: The "pageSize" configuration will always round to the closest "pageSizeOptions" value listed in "page-component-options.model.ts"

Homepage Settings


Available in 7.4 or later

The "homePage" section allows you to configure the behavior of the DSpace homepage (/ path).

    # The number of item showing in recent submissions list. Set to "0" to hide all recent submissions
    pageSize: 5
    # Date field to use to sort recent submissions
    sortField: ''
    # Number of communities to list (per page) on the home page
Code Block
    # TheThis will always round to the nearest number offrom itemthe showinglist inof recentpage submissions list. Set to "0"sizes. e.g. if you set it to hide7 allit'll recentuse submissions10
    pageSize: 5
  # Enable or disable the Discover filters on the homepage
  showDiscoverFilters: false

NOTE: The "pageSize" configuration will always round to the closest "pageSizeOptions" value listed in "page-component-options.model.ts"

Undo Settings

Both the "item" edit and "collection" edit screens allow you to undo changes within a specific time.  This is controlled by these settings:

Code Block
  edit # Date field to use to sort recent submissions
    sortField: ''
    #undoTimeout: Number10000 of# communities to list (per page) on the home page
    # This will always round to the nearest number from the list of page sizes. e.g. if you set it to 7 it'll use 10
    pageSize: 5

NOTE: The "pageSize" configuration will always round to the closest "pageSizeOptions" value listed in "page-component-options.model.ts"

Undo Settings

10 seconds

    undoTimeout: 10000 # 10 seconds

Item Access Labels 

Item access labels allow to display for each item in search results if it is Open Access, under embargo, restricted or metadata only (does not contain any file/bitstream). This feature is disabled by default, but can be enabled in your config.*.yml.

Code Block
# Item Config
  # Show the item access status label in items lists (default=false)
  showAccessStatuses: true

Item Page Settings

The "item" section allows you to configure the behavior of the Item pages. Both the "item" edit and "collection" edit screens allow you to undo changes within a specific time.  This is controlled by these settings:

Code Block
    # Number undoTimeout: 10000 # 10 seconds

    undoTimeout: 10000 # 10 seconds

Item Access Labels 


Available in 7.3 or later

of entries in the bitstream list in the item view page.
    pageSize: 5

NOTE: The "pageSize" configuration will always round to the closest "pageSizeOptions" value listed in "page-component-options.model.ts"

Community Page Settings

The "community" section allows you to configure the behavior of the Community pages (Path: /community/[uuid]).Item access labels allow to display for each item in search results if it is Open Access, under embargo, restricted or metadata only (does not contain any file/bitstream). This feature is disabled by default, but can be enabled in your config.*.yml.

Code Block
  # Search Itemtab Configconfig
  # Show the item access status label in items lists (default=false)
  showAccessStatuses: true

Item Page Settings


Available in 7.5 or later

    # When set to "true", the search filter sidebar will be displayed on the "Search" tab
    showSidebar: true

Collection Page Settings

The "collectionThe "item" section allows you to configure the behavior of the Item pages. Collection pages (Path: /collection/[uuid]).

Code Block
   ...# Search tab config
      ## NumberWhen ofset entries into "true", the bitstream list insearch filter sidebar will be displayed on the item view page."Search" tab
    pageSizeshowSidebar: 5

NOTE: The "pageSize" configuration will always round to the closest "pageSizeOptions" value listed in "page-component-options.model.ts"


Theme Settings

The "themes" section allows you to configure which theme(s) are enabled for your DSpace site (with the default theme being the "dspace" one).  You can enable a single theme across all pages, and/or enable specific alternative themes based on a specific Community, Collection or Item (by UUID or Handle), or based on a Regex match of a URL pattern.  This allows you fine grained control over how your site looks, including the ability to customize it per Community or Collection or even per specific pages in the site.  See User Interface Customization for details of how to create a new, custom theme.

Code Block
  # Add additional themes here. In the case where multiple themes match a route, the first one
  # in this list will get priority. It is advisable to always have a theme that matches
  # every route as the last one
  # # A theme with a handle property will match the community, collection or item with the given
  # # handle, and all collections and/or items within it
  # - name: 'custom',
  #   handle: '10673/1233'
  # # A theme with a regex property will match the route using a regular expression. If it
  # # matches the route for a community or collection it will also apply to all collections
  # # and/or items within it
  # - name: 'custom',
  #   regex: 'collections\/e8043bc2.*'
  # # A theme with a uuid property will match the community, collection or item with the given
  # # ID, and all collections and/or items within it
  # - name: 'custom',
  #   uuid: '0958c910-2037-42a9-81c7-dca80e3892b4'
  # # The extends property specifies an ancestor theme (by name). Whenever a themed component is not found
  # # in the current theme, its ancestor theme(s) will be checked recursively before falling back to default.
  # - name: 'custom-A',
  #   extends: 'custom-B',
  #   # Any of the matching properties above can be used
  #   handle: '10673/34'
  # - name: 'custom-B',
  #   extends: 'custom',
  #   handle: '10673/12'
  # # A theme with only a name will match every route
  # name: 'custom'
  # # This theme will use the default bootstrap styling for DSpace components
  # - name: BASE_THEME_NAME
  - name: dspace
    # Whenever this theme is active, the following tags will be injected into the <head> of the page.
    # Example use case: set the favicon based on the active theme. 
    - tagName: link
        rel: icon
        href: assets/dspace/images/favicons/favicon.ico
        sizes: any
    - tagName: link
        rel: icon
        href: assets/dspace/images/favicons/favicon.svg
        type: image/svg+xml
    - tagName: link
        rel: apple-touch-icon
        href: assets/dspace/images/favicons/apple-touch-icon.png
    - tagName: link
        rel: manifest
        href: assets/dspace/images/favicons/manifest.webmanifest

Bundle Settings

The "bundle" section allows you to customize which bundles will be displayed as suggestions whenever you upload a new Bitstream:

Code Block
  standardBundles: [ ORIGINAL, THUMBNAIL,  href: assets/dspace/images/favicons/manifest.webmanifestLICENSE ]

Media Viewer Settings

The DSpace UI comes with a basic, out-of-the-box Media Viewer (disabled by default).  This media viewer can support any files which have a MIME Type that begins with either "image/*", "video/*", or "audio/*".


Toggle end-user agreement and privacy policy



The DSpace UI comes with basic end-user agreement and privacy policy functionality. Since release 7.4 these features can be disabled in a configuration file. More information on what disabling on of these features results in is documented in the default app configuration (see code snippet below).


Settings for rendering Markdown, HTML and MathJax in metadata


Available in 7.4 or later

The DSpace UI can support Markdown (using and MathJax ( in metadata field values. Both Markdown and MathJax are disabled by default.

HTML is a part of markdown, so enabling the markdown option will ensure HTML tags in metadata field values get rendered as well

Code Block
# Whether to enable Markdown ( and MathJax (
# display in supported metadata fields. By default, only dc.description.abstract is supported.
  enabled: false
  mathjax: false


Controlled Vocabularies in Search Filters



Available in 7.5 or later

When using hierarchical controlled vocabularies (e.g. SRSC as described in Authority Control of Metadata Values), it's possible to search using the controlled vocabulary hierarchy via the search filters.  To enable this feature, you must specify the filter and vocabulary to enable as follows:

Code Block
# Which vocabularies should be used for which search filters
# and whether to show the filter in the search sidebar
# Take a look at the filter-vocabulary-config.ts file for documentation on how the options are obtained
  - filter: 'subject'
    vocabulary: 'srsc'
    enabled: true


When this feature is enabled, you should see a "Browse [filter] tree" link in the search filter on the search results page (and anywhere search filters are shown).  This "Browse [filter] tree" link will allow you to select a search filter from within the configured hierarchical vocabulary.

Universal (Server-side Rendering) Settings

titleOnly valid for 7.1 or 7.0

As of DSpace 7.2, these settings are no longer editable. Universal is automatically enabled at all times to support Search Engine Optimization.

The "universal" section pertains to enabling/disabling Angular Universal for Server-side rendering.  DSpace requires server-side rendering to support Search Engine Optimization. When it's turned off, your site may not be able to be indexed in Google, Google Scholar and other search engines.

filter from within the configured hierarchical vocabulary.

Search settings

The "search" section allows you to customize how the Search page works (Path: /search)

Code Block
  # Settings to enable/disable or configure Advanced Search filters.
    enabled: false
    # List of filters to enable in "Advanced Search" dropdown
    filter: [ 'title', 'author', 'subject', 'entityType' ]
Code Block
// Angular Universal settings
universal: {
  preboot: true,
  async: true,
  time: false

Debug Settings

The "debug" property allows you to turn on debugging in the Angular UI.  When enabled, your environment and all Redux actions/transfers are logged to the console.  This is only ever needed if you are debugging a tricky issue.
