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  1. (REST Contract) Collecting statistics - (Dimitris PierrakosAndrea Bollini (4Science) (warning) Feedback provided, Ben Bosman , (tick) Tim Donohue )
  2. (REST Contract) Update bitstream properties and format ((tick)Tim DonohueAndrea Bollini (4Science)(warning) Feedback provided)
  3. (NEW) (REST Contract) DS-4317 bundles in REST ((tick) Tim Donohue - minor tweaks suggested, NEEDS SECOND REVIEWERAndrea Bollini (4Science) )
  4. (NEW) (REST Contract) upload bitstream to archived item - update ((tick) Tim DonohueNEEDS SECOND REVIEWERAndrea Bollini (4Science) )
  5. (REST) Pagination bug with withdrawn items: (Dimitris Pierrakos , Ben Bosman - Feedback provided)
  6. (REST) implement upload bitstream to archived item ((tick) Tim Donohue ,  Andrea Bollini (4Science)- (warning) Feedback provided)
    1. Questions on Bitstream Sequence ID. Should it be deprecated & made read-only? MAKE READ-ONLY
  7. (NEW) (REST) Issue when community has multiple dc.title values ((tick) Tim Donohue , Andrea Bollini (4Science) )
  8. (NEW) (REST) Oai harvesting setup (Tim Donohue, NEEDS SECOND REVIEWERAndrea Bollini (4Science))
  9. (Angular) (Entities) Deleting relationships: (Paulo Graça - will test againTim Donohue )
  10. (Angular) Move Item Component: (Giuseppe Digilio (4Science) - REREVIEW, Tim Donohue - REREVIEW)
  11. (Angular) Item-Collection Mapper: ( Tim Donohue - REREVIEW, NEEDS SECOND REVIEWER)
  12. (Angular) Shibboleth integration support:  (Julius running into an error with 'yarn start' only) (Giuseppe Digilio (4Science) feedback provided, Fernando FCT/FCCN, Paulo Graça )
  13. (Angular) Submission Miscellaneous fixes: ((tick)Art Lowel (Atmire) will re-review, Julius Gruber )
  14. (Angular) UI Language Cookie ((tick) Tim Donohue, Paulo Graça)
  15. (Angular) Convert i18n files to JSON5 format (Tim DonohueNEEDS SECOND REVIEWER)
  16. (Angular) Search Performance optimizations #2 (NEEDS REVIEWERSTim DonohueGiuseppe Digilio (4Science))
  17. (Angular) bitstream format registries (Tim Donohue(tick) Art Lowel (Atmire))
  18. (New) (Angular) Fix the labels on edit collection and community pages (NEEDS REVIEWERS(Giuseppe Digilio (4Science) , Tim Donohue )
  19. Indirect entity refs during CSV import (Ben Bosman - (warning) reviewed and provided feedback, Tim Donohue )
  20. (Backend) Solr 7 fixes for upgrading to DSpace 7 (Chris Wilper(question) , NEEDS SECOND REVIEWER) 

PRs Merged this week!

  1. (First PR merged goes here)


  1. (REST) Scripts & Processes endpoint
    1. How do we move this forward? In our Jan 24 meeting, Tim noted a risk of "scope creep" with this feature suggestion. This idea has been tabled since then.
    2. In July 25 meeting, Atmire said they'd come back with notes on the proposed backend implementation.
  2. Managing Authorization info in Angular UIHow to pass Authorization rights (i.e. logged in user's access rights) from REST API to Angular?  See for example:
    1. Can this be achieved via passed HAL "_links" (e.g. the existence of an "edit" link in REST response means you must have Edit rights)?
    2. In July 25 meeting, we noted this probably cannot be resolved with just one simple solution. May need to look at different options for different scenarios
      1. Also likely to need to store/cache a user's Groups in UI layer, as some areas (e.g. Administrative) require knowledge of user group membership
  3. Initial Performance Testing from Chris.
  4. (REST Contract) Edit Homepage News:
    1. Delayed until after Preview release. General agreement (in meeting on March 21, 2019) that storing HTML in metadata fields is not really ideal behavior.  Metadata (from a librarian standpoint) tends to be free of format-related markup (as that allows for easier sharing, understanding of metadata.  Currently Community & Collection homepage information is HTML-based and is stored in metadata that is appropriate for a minor subset of information (like the title) but it is better to move large/rich text to bitstreams.  
    2. Proposal here is to consider storing HTML-based markup (for Site, Community & Collection homepages) in Bitstream(s) associated with the object in question.  May allow for more CMS-lite behavior in the future
    3. Timeline for this is uncertain.  Possibly in 7 or 8. May depend on how/whether it can be scoped.
  5. Concurrency in DSpace 7 (or 8).  What do we want to do when multiple editors are editing the same object?  Needs further analysis regarding implementation details
    1. We've decided (in meeting on March 7, 2019) to use ETags to implement concurrency. REST Contract notes on ETags:
    2. ETags only update of the two fields match. If someone edits first, your edit would fail and you would get a fail response (422?)
    3. ETags seems to have broader support in other REST APIs.  Recommended also by both Art and Andrea.
  6. Improve/Re-enable End To End (e2e) Testing. Could there be opportunities to use Travis CI + Docker Compose for testing of Angular??


  • Lots of individuals just returning from holidays.  Welcome back!
  • Quick update on Improved Estimation Strategy for Beta release.
    • Heather Greer Klein has been working on this while Tim was out on holiday. She has some initial spreadsheets nearly ready, and Tim will be reviewing today/tomorrow
    • Anticipate that estimation spreadsheets will be ready to share either on Aug 29 or Sept 5....once ready, we'll go through them in detail and get some estimators lined up, etc.
  • Discussion: Revisiting REST API Projections.
    • Relevant tickets: 
      • Jira
        serverDuraSpace JIRA
      • Jira
        serverDuraSpace JIRA
      • Jira
        serverDuraSpace JIRA
    • Main point is to improve performance by limiting the amount of information returned via the REST API.
      • Performance will improve because REST API is gathering less information (via DB & Hibernate), and UI is retrieving/parsing less information (smaller JSON)
    • Old PR (from Tom Desair, previously of Atmire) began some Projections work based on Spring Data REST Projections
      • Basic idea is that Spring Data REST provides a `@Projections` annotation that can be used to define named projections.  In requests to the REST API, by default you still get all data back, but you can pass in a "projections=" parameter to limit the information you need based on one (or more) defined projections.
    • Will require changes both to REST API and Angular UI
      • Art Lowel (Atmire) notes that UI's current caching system may need some rethinking.  All objects currently cached in UI layer.  If some requests are only returning partial objects (e.g. metadata only), then the UI may need to "know" when it only has a partial object – so that it can make a new request for the full object when necessary.  Ideally though, we obviously should figure out the REST API implementation first, then brainstorm how this affects the UI cache.
      • Andrea Bollini (4Science) notes that Tom's initial PR had a good approach of building off Spring Data REST Projections... however , as noted in this PR comment, Andrea feels that the Projection itself should be using the "*Rest" classes, like ItemRest.class, (instead of the Hibernate classes, like Item.class), as Projections are a REST API level concept...and should therefore be implemented at that level.  Currently, it seems odd that they are bypassing the "*Rest" classes to define projections on the Hibernate classes themselves
        • Tim notes point well taken. However, it sounds like this needs further investigation / thinking on how to change the implementation to use "*Rest" classes. Perhaps we can do this in two stages?  Start with Tom's current strategy just to get an initial implementation (that the UI can start to use & implement).  Then, we can refactor to use the "*Rest" Classes once we figure out a way to do so.
        • Andrea agrees.  We should do the REST Contract first, then an initial implementation to build from.  Will need to scope the idea of Projections to make this easier to approach.
    • Scoping Projections: What types of Projections do we need?
      • Andrea notes that Projections should be based on use cases, e.g. a "list" of objects (Items, Collections, Communities) should return less information about objects in that list than an Object page would return.
      • Tim suggests we start small.  One initial projection.
      • ACTION: Start with a "list" projection that ONLY returns:  all metadata and one thumbnail (if exists)
        • Others agree.  Andrea notes this also seems like it would resolve our two outstanding bugs related to projections (DS-4306 and DS-4307, see above for links)
    • Next Steps:
      • Need a REST Contract for Projections. This is already somewhat detailed in Tom's initial PR's description...just needs to be formalized into a REST Contract
      • Initial implementation will be limited to a projection(s) for the "list" use case (all metadata + thumbnail).  This might be one "list" projection, or maybe two projections: "metadata only" projection and "thumbnail" projection.
      • Keep an eye out for other possible Projection use cases / needs...this "list" projection though seems to be the biggest need (and may provide massive performance improvements)
      • May then need to investigate using the "*Rest" classes & refactor that initial implementation (see comments from Andrea above)
    • Who will start this work?
      • Ben notes that Chris Wilper might be interested.  Will check with him though
      • ACTION: Tim Donohue will update JIRA tickets with what we decided today & then we can look to assign the ticket(s).
  • Assigning PR Reviews
    • One discussion topic came up
    • Questions on Bitstream Sequence ID in two PRs: and
    • Should Sequence ID still exist in DSpace 7?  It seemed to be used as an alternative URL for bitstream downloads (in DSpace 6).  Bitstreams could be downloaded via sequence ID (unique in an Item) or name, or both.
    • Sequence ID is misnamed. It's not defining a sequence (ordering) in terms of's also not managed by the database layer (not a database sequence).  It's an integer defined (by the UI in DSpace 6) for each bitstream, and it must be unique within an Item.
    • Andrea notes that Sequence ID had another purpose in DSpace was a "persistent" Identifier for Bitstreams, especially since a Bitstream's name could be changed
    • Ben notes that in DSpace 7, the Bitstream's "persistent" Identifier is its UUID
    • We need to keep Sequence IDs around in DSpace 7 to allow for redirects from old (DSpace 6 style) URLs to new URLs
    • However, the way they were managed in DSpace 6 was odd.  In DSpace 7, we'll make Sequence IDs READ-ONLY at the REST API layer.
    • Need a ticket to discuss whether Sequence IDs should remain a key feature (in which case they probably should be auto-assigned by the Database or Java API layer, they currently are not), or if they are only being kept for backwards compatible URLs (redirecting pre-DSpace 7 URLs to new URLs).  Tim Donohue will create this ticket
    • POST-MEETING UPDATE: After further analysis, Tim realized that Sequence IDs are being managed by ItemService.update().  Therefore they should not  be deprecated.  Instead, Tim created a small PR to better document sequence IDs in the code / javadocs: