Versions Compared


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  1. (Angular) Adding Accessibility via Travis CI (work in progress) (Lower priority)
  2. (warning) (Angular Bug) ( Art Lowel (Atmire) )
  3. (REST Contract) Edit Homepage news: (Ben Bosman  - has outstanding questions/comments) (Lower priority)
  4. (REST) DS-4043: Revisit the security layer of the submission  (work in progress) Andrea Bollini (4Science)
  5. (warning) (REST Contract) Group and eperson management: (Waiting on updates fromBen Bosman )
  6. (REST) Pagination bug with withdrawn items: (Dimitris Pierrakos , Ben Bosman - Feedback provided)

PRs Needing Review

  1. (REST Contract) Scripts & Processes endpoint: Updated based on feedback during the meeting
  2. (REST) Issue when community has multiple dc.title values ((tick) Tim Donohue , Andrea Bollini (4Science) - feedback provided)
  3. (REST) Oai harvesting setup (Tim Donohue - (warning) Minor improvements requested, Andrea Bollini (4Science))
  4. (REST) Spring security for createAndReturn with parent id (Tim Donohue - (warning) Minor improvements requested, NEEDS SECOND REVIEWER
  5. (NEW)(REST) Endpoints to collect statistics (Ben Bosman , Mark H. Wood )
  6. (Angular) Move Item Component: (Giuseppe Digilio (4Science) - REREVIEW, (tick) Tim Donohue )
  7. (Angular) Item-Collection Mapper: ( Tim Donohue - (warning) noted errors in testingArt Lowel (Atmire) )
  8. (Angular) Shibboleth integration support:  (Julius running into an error with 'yarn start' only) (Giuseppe Digilio (4Science) reviewed again and provided feedback will help with debugging, Fernando FCT/FCCN, Paulo Graça)
  9. (Angular) Submission Miscellaneous fixes: ((tick)Art Lowel (Atmire), Tim Donohue -  (warning)Noted performance issues)
  10. (Angular) Redirecting user to same page after login ((tick)Art Lowel (Atmire)Giuseppe Digilio (4Science)- REREVIEW)
  11. (NEW) (Angular) forceBypassCache should be removed from the RequestService: (Art Lowel (Atmire) - feedback provided, Giuseppe Digilio (4Science))
  12. (NEW) (Angular) Collection pages WIP: (Art Lowel (Atmire)Tim Donohue)
  13. (Backend) Solr 7 fixes for upgrading to DSpace 7 ((tick)Chris Wilper, Tim Donohue


Scripts & processes endpoint discussion:

  • Change the name of the script to the identifier
  • Add message when a task is scheduled:
  • Should we use the long or short format for the parameters? Keep the short format for now
  • What is the added value of a curation task vs performing scripts from REST:
    • Both can be executed from REST in DSpace 7
    • Curation tasks can also be scheduled during the workflow
    • Migrating current command line script to curation tasks wouldn't make much sense
    • Is there sufficient added value to keep curation tasks?
    • Continue this discussion next week when Tim is present