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Table of Contents

What is Solr?

Solr is an open-source, enterprise level search platform, available from Apache. It is based on the popular Lucene search engine. VIVO uses a standard instance of Solr, without modification. You can learn more about Solr at the Apache Solr home page.


Solr maintains its own index of data, which reflects the contents of the triple-store. As the data in VIVO changes, the contents of the Solr index must change also. In most cases this happens automatically, but not always. Sometimes the search index must be rebuilt to bring it into synchronization with the triple-store. See the section below called "How When is the index kept up to dateupdated?" for more information.

Solr is implemented as a self-contained web application, separate from VIVO. At most VIVO sites, Solr and VIVO run on the same machine, but this is not the only possible configuration. It is possible to host Solr on a different computer from VIVO.

In a typical VIVO installation, Solr is hidden behind VIVO, and the users do not access it directly. In general, they don't know that Solr exists as an application. Before releasing VIVO to the public, a site admin should take steps to secure their Solr installation to ensure only administrators and the VIVO application can modify the search index.

How does VIVO use Solr?

VIVO uses the Solr search engine in two ways:

  • as a service to the end user,
  • as a tool within the structure of the application.

Solr for the end user

Like many web sites, VIVO includes a search box on every page. The person using VIVO can type a search term, and see the results. This search is conducted by Solr, and the results are formatted and displayed by VIVO.


Solr allows for a "faceted" search, and VIVO displays the facets on the right side of the results page. These allow the user to filter the search results, showing only entries for people, or for organizations, etc.

Solr within VIVO

VIVO is based around an RDF triple-store, which holds all of its data. However, there are some tasks that a search engine can do much more quickly than a triple-store. Some of the fields in the Solr search index were put there specifically to help with these tasks.


Record counts on VIVO's index pages are obtained using the same type of Solr query.

How is Solr created and configured?

The VIVO distribution includes a copy of Solr WAR file. When VIVO is installed the Solr WAR file is deployed to Tomcat as a web applicationSolr is an external component to VIVO and must be installed separately. See "Configure and Start Solr" for detailed installation instructions.

The behavior of Solr depends extensively on its configuration files. These are stored in a directory that is called the Solr Home directory. In the standard VIVO installation, this is the solr sub-directory in the VIVO Home directory. When VIVO is installed, the Solr configuration files are copied to the Solr Home directory. When VIVO runs, the Solr search index is built inside the Solr Home directory.If you are installing VIVO in a servlet container other than Tomcat, or if you are installing Solr in a separate servlet container, you will need to tell Solr how to find its home directory. See the instructions in Building a VIVO distribution for other servlet containers.

The search index

What is in the index?

The Solr search index contains one record for each Individual in VIVO, unless that individual is explicitly excluded from the index. Exclusions are usually made for individuals that represent "context nodes" in the VIVO data model.


The VIVO data model also contains an individual that represents this teaching activity. That individual will be excluded from the index, since users would almost certainly prefer to find the teacher or the course in their search results, rather than the concept that connects the two.

What is in each record?

Each record in the search index contains several fields (see the chart below). The most commonly used field is alltext, In the record for a faculty member, alltext will contain her name, the name of her department, the names of her classes, the names of her papers and grants, etc. So, if you search for "Carpenter", you might see results for people named Carpenter, people in the Carpentry department, people who have written papers about carpentry, or have worked on grants about carpentry. You would also see results for the department itself, for the papers, and for the grants.

titleSolr index fields, VIVO 1.6






mostSpecificTypeURIsacNameUntokenized timestamp



When is the index updated?

During normal operation

When an individual is added, edited, or delete deleted through VIVO's user interface, Solr is given the new information and the index is updated.


Finally, data can be modified using the The SPARQL Update API. Again, Solr receives the changes and the index remains current.

On demand

Some tools, such as the VIVO Harvester, bypass VIVO and write directly to the data store. Solr is not notified when these tools are used, and the data becomes out of sync with the search index.


In any of these circumstances, the solution is to log in login to VIVO as an administrator, navigate to the Site Administration page and click on Rebuild search index.

The existing search index remains in place while the new index is being built. When the rebuild is complete, the new index replaces the old one, and the old index is deleted.

Customizing the index

Creating custom fields

There are two parts to adding a custom field to VIVO's search index, defining the VIVO SPARQL query and defining the search engine's fields that will be populated.

Custom queries can be added to any file in the vivo-home/rdf/display/everytime directory (or any other file directory read by VIVO during startup). Using searchIndexerConfigurationVivo.n3 as a template, create a query that returns the data you wish to add to the search index. For example, if you wanted to create a search field for tracking open access publications you flag the content with a custom data property:


Code Block
curl -X POST -H 'Content-type:application/json' --data-binary '{
  "add-field": {
  }' http://localhost:8983/api/cores/vivocore/schema

Excluding specific classes from the search index

Exclusions can be added to any file in the vivo-home/rdf/display/everytime directory (or any other file directory read by VIVO during startup). You may want to overwrite searchIndexerConfigurationVivo.n3 to keep the search configuration in one place. You can exclude individual class types:


Code Block
@prefix : <> . 
@prefix rdfs: <> .

    a   <java:edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.searchindex.exclusions.ExcludeBasedOnNamespace> ,
        <java:edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.searchindex.exclusions.SearchIndexExcluder> ;
        "http://localhost/private/" .

How does VIVO contact Solr?


In progress


  • Authorization tests, now obsolete


VIVO must be configured to communicate with Solr. This is accomplished by updating the "" to point to the URL of Solr. More installation details can be found in the "Configure and Start Solr" documentation.