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The OR2024 conference is an in-person only conference taking place June 3-6, 2024 in Gothenburg, Sweden.  See

Table of Contents

titleProposals below are not guaranteed for OR2024

None of the below proposals are guaranteed to be accepted to the Open Repositories 2024 conference.  Final proposal acceptance will be announced by Open Repositories sometime in Q1 of 2024.

We will remove this warning (and update the below list) once the list of DSpace-related talks is finalized.

DSpace Workshops

(Please add in a description of any workshop proposals you plan to submit to OR2024.  You are also welcome to provide a link to your proposal if you'd like others to provide feedback.)

DSpace Developer Meet-Up and Q&A

DSpace Workshops

(Please add in a description of any workshop proposals you plan to submit to OR2024.  You are also welcome to provide a link to your proposal if you'd like others to provide feedback.)

DSpace Developer Meet-Up and Q&A

Creating DOIs with rich metadata using DSpace

  • Description: In this workshop, DSpace administrators will learn how to enable, configure, and maximize the benefits of the DSpace 7 DataCite DOI integration. Workshop facilitators will cover the DataCite DOI registration process, the DataCite Metadata Schema, configuration options within DSpace and DSpace-CRIS, and how to customize the metadata mapping between local repository metadata and the DataCite Metadata Schema.
  • Workshop Facilitators: Kelly Stathis (DataCite), Pascal-Nicolas Becker (The Library Code GmbH), Andrea Bollini (4Science), Claudio Cortese (4Science), Jordan Piščanc (4Science) & Sheila Rabun (Lyrasis)
  • Audience: The audience for this workshop is repository managers, developers, administrators, and librarians who are administering DSpace repositories. The workshop is suitable for all DSpace users interested in learning about DataCite DOI registration through the platform.
  • Requirements: Those interested in actively working on their configuration should have a DataCite repository test account, which can be requested in advance by emailing
  • Link to Description on the OR Conference Site:
  • Slides:

DSpace Panel Discussions

(Please add in a description of any presentation proposals you plan to submit to OR2024.  You are also welcome to provide a link to your proposal if you'd like others to provide feedback.)


  • PanelistsMichele Mennielli , Andrea Bollini (4Science) , Ignace Deroost (Atmire)
  • Description: This panel session will provide an update on all DSpace activities from the institutions most involved in the latest release, DSpace 8.0.  It will include updates on the 8.0 release (and other community activities) as well feature demonstrations from 4Science and Atmire.
  • Submitted by: Tim Donohue
  • Proposal:
  • Description: This panel session will provide an update on all DSpace activities from the institutions most involved in the latest release, DSpace 8.0. DSpace 8.0 is scheduled to be released in April 2024 and follows in the footsteps of the transformative 7.x series of releases. This release prioritizes new features which empower your administrators, including a new data correction/notification service which allows DSpace to be notified of potential data quality improvements to existing research objects in the system. The panel will include demonstrations of DSpace 8 features from some of the institutions which built them. It will also provide updates from the DSpace Steering Group on the upcoming roadmap, including priorities for version 9.0 (due in April 2025) and maintenance of 7.x and 8.x. Finally, this panel will discuss current and planned DSpace community activities, along with ways that institutions can get involved or support DSpace by becoming a member or contributor.
  • Link to Description on the OR Conference Site:
  • Slides:

The Repository Rodeo

  • Presenters: Heather Greer Klein1Gustavo Durand2Rory McNicholl3, Arran Griffith4Alex Ioannidis5, Kirsta Stapelfeldt6, Kristi Park7Donald Moses8Kate Dohe9 (1Samvera, United States of America; 2Harvard University, United States of America; 3CoSector, University of London, United Kingdom; 4Lyrasis, United States of America; 5CERN, Switzerland; 6University of Toronto, Canada; 7Texas Digital Library, United States of America; 8University of Prince Edward Island, Canada; 9University of Maryland, United States of America)
  • Description: The Repository Rodeo returns for another round of questions and answers! This popular panel, featured since Open Repositories 2016 in Dublin, offers a broad overview of repository platforms at Open Repositories and provides an opportunity for spirited discussion amongst panelists and attendees. Join community representatives from Dataverse, DSpace, EPrints, Fedora, InvenioRDM, Islandora, and Samvera as we briefly explain what each of our repositories actually does. We'll also talk about the directions of our respective technical and community developments and related to the conference theme of “Empowering Global Progress,” we’ll discuss the work our repository communities do to support research transparency, implement sustainable practices, and empower global progress. This panel will be a great opportunity for newcomers to Open Repositories to get a crash course on open repository options and to meet representatives from each of their communities. After a brief presentation from each representative, we'll open the session up for questions from the audience.
  • Slides:

DSpace Presentations

(Please add in a description of any workshop proposals you plan to submit to OR2024.  You are also welcome to provide a link to your proposal if you'd like others to provide feedback.)


  • Presenters: Tatyane Guedes Martins da Silva, Marcio Ribeiro Gurgel do Amaral, Cássio Teixeira de Morais, Marcel Garcia de Souza, Washington Luís Ribeiro de Carvalho Segundo (Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (Ibict), Brazil)

  • Description: Scientific publications repositories contribute to the access, use and reuse of information, which benefits the advent of Open Science in Brazil through the Brazilian Network of Digital Repositories (RBRD). This proposal aims to present and make available to the world the DSpace Updater Tool and its contribution to the development of RBRD, both created by the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (Ibict). Ibict is the Brazilian governmental body, which operates at the forefront of Open Science, promoting and participating in the introduction of national and international good practices, using collaborative work to promote Open Science in various services and products, highlighting in this article the creation of digital repositories in Brazilian institutions. Documentary and descriptive research was used as a methodological strategy. As a result, we found that using the tool makes it possible to install or update DSpace software quickly and pragmatically. 

The Distribution of DSpace
