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  1. 4.7.5 Release
    1. bringing it over the finish line:
    Post Op
  2. Sign up for API Alignment sprints by adding your name JiraserverDuraSpace JIRAserverIdc815ca92-fd23-34c2-8fe3-956808caf8c5keyFCREPO-2520
    1. Any remaining questions?
  3. Updates from spec editors on External Content: Redirect or Proxy?
    1. PR needs review
  4. Compatibility Test Suite Results as of last night: LDP Test Suite Report.pdf
  5. Delta Document Progress Review and Sprint Planning
  6. Code4Lib report
  7. OR 2018<add your agenda item here>

Ticket Summaries

  1. Please squash a bug!


    serverDuraSpace JIRA

  2. Tickets resolved this week:


    serverDuraSpace JIRA

  3. Tickets created this week:

    serverDuraSpace JIRA


  1. Open Repositories registration is now open
  2. Release went out smoothly. Jenkins was not working because Sonar has needed an upgrade. Danny Bernstein was able to perform the release with no issues.
    Andrew Woods cut the cord between Jenkins and Sonar as there is not the resources to fix this problem at UMD at this time.
    UMD does have the Sonar issue on their radar and will hopefully be able perform the upgrade.
  3. API Alignment sprints - Two sprints coming to get the Modeshape implementation in alignment with the specification. Is there anyone else that we need? Do you need additional support?
    1. Maybe some people specifically for documentation and testing.
    2. Some sprint planning, perhaps a call to determine what the work for the first sprint will be.
  4. Delta Document - few questions regarding different points.
    1. What about the spec being silent on PUTs to LDPCvs.
    2. The Memento specification is probably
    3. Loose enough to allow editing the LDPCvs
    4. 3.6.1 says that all LDP-RS MUST allow PUT, so the LDPCvs would have to support PUT (and PATCH)
    5. Esmé Cowles will create an issue on the specification to lay out this issue and the agreed need to extend the language of 4.3.3 to PUT and PATCH.
    6. WebAC ACLdefaultForNew which disables implicit defaulting. This is being renamed to just "default" and needs to be implemented.
    7. 5.4 Do we want to support adding the Link reference to an ACL on a LDPR creation or reject those requests. We aren't doing either correctly
      1. Jared Whiklo suggests that it seems like a nice feature but maybe we worry about it once the other MUSTs are complete. Peter Eichman agreed.
    8. 5.6 Do we support Cross-Domain groups. It seems that all these parts should remain internal to the repository to avoid a whole bunch of security concerns. It seems that we are supporting a baseUrl for users, would we be removing functionality? This was around allowing the use of strings (which the SOLID spec does not allow), we used this.
  5. Fedora introductory workshop at Code4Lib on the first day. Well attended and well received
  6. 4.7.5 Release
    1. Danny Bernstein had a question regarding 4.7.5 RC branch push to 4.7.5 maintenance.  Have to open a PR from release branch to maintenance branch.   As it's no longer an RC, we don't need that in the name.  So 4.7.5_RC pushed to → 4.7.5 release pushed to → 4.7 maintenance.  
  7. Jira
    serverDuraSpace JIRA
    1. Bethany Seeger created PR this am. No remaining questions. 
  8. Updates from spec editors on External Content: Redirect or Proxy?
    1. no spec editors here, so tabled til next week. 
  9. Compatibility Test Suite 
    1. Looked at  LDP Test Suite Report.pdf
    2. Some of the things failing here are MAY or SHOULD, so does that count as a failure?  
    3. Throwing of a 409 - is acceptable and expected in some case, but shows up as a 'fail'.  The report could use another column that shows if the test is a MAY or SHOULD and whether or not a faillure is acceptable in certain cases (as in expected, in which case it wouldn't really be a failure). 
    4. Jared Whiklo to make an issue on in the test repo for this.    
  10. Delta Document Progress Review
    1. Jared Whiklo made a minus box for things that are not applicable.  There are cases where you must be able to distinguish between something and that sounds more like a SHOULD then a MUST. 
    2. Changing interaction model - Jared was able to add NonRDFSource to something that was an RDFSource - it worked but what does it mean?  Not clear on how to change the RDF interaction model. Ie, how to go from an RDF Container to a RDF Direct container.  Was it patch or link header?  Jared will look into this more. Danny Bernstein thinks there might be a JIRA ticket for this. 
    3. Danny Bernstein worked on the versioning part.  He noted how the memento stuff is on a separate branch so he needed to test from there.  When to merge?  Probably only after we can create mementos, so not yet.  Noted that there was a spec change in how versions are created.  Most of the things in section 4.1 were not working yet.  Many of the 'x's are due to not having finished the memento work yet. 
      1. Should be able to get the LDPRv, but it won't have any mementos and will not accept Date-Time or do anything with that (since memento creation code is not complete yet)
    4. If folks work on the Resource Authorization section - put your name by the pieces you're working on so everyone knows someone is working on it. 
  11. David Wilcox gave a brief update on the leadership meeting. Jared Whiklo has given them an update the state of Islandora CLAW.

Action Items

  •  Danny Bernstein to look for JIRA ticket around changing interaction model type. 
  •  Danny Bernstein to touch base with Peter and Aaron regarding the Resource Authorization portion of the delta spec. 
  •  Jared Whiklo to create issue for the pass/fail on the Compatibility Test Suite Suite
  •  Danny Bernstein reach out for more documentation/testing people.
  •  Danny Bernstein determine whether there is any case where a PUT on a TimeMap would make sense. If there is it should be raised with the specification editors.