Versions Compared


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This meeting is a hybrid teleconference and IRC chat. Anyone is welcome to's the info:



  1. 4.7.5 Release
    1. bringing it over the finish line:
  2. Sign up for API Alignment sprints by adding your name
  3. Delta Document Progress Review
  4. Compatibility Test Suite 
  5. Jira
    serverDuraSpace JIRA
    1. Any remaining questions?
  6. Updates from spec editors on External Content: Redirect or Proxy?
  7. Compatibility Test Suite 
    1. Results as of last night: LDP Test Suite Report.pdf
  8. Delta Document Progress Review
  9. <add your agenda item here>

Ticket Summaries

  1. Please squash a bug!


    serverDuraSpace JIRA

  2. Tickets resolved this week:


    serverDuraSpace JIRA

  3. Tickets created this week:

    serverDuraSpace JIRA

Action Items



  1. 4.7.5 Release
    1. Danny Bernstein had a question regarding 4.7.5 RC branch push to 4.7.5 maintenance.  Have to open a PR from release branch to maintenance branch.   As it's no longer an RC, we don't need that in the name.  So 4.7.5_RC pushed to → 4.7.5 release pushed to → 4.7 maintenance.  
  2. Jira
    serverDuraSpace JIRA



  1. 4.7.5 release testing on track
    1. 1-2 tests for Danny Bernstein to complete
    2. Esme: will do RC-2 testing with ActiveFedora/Hyrax, or find someone to delegate to
    3. Andrew Woods: contacted Carrick Rogers about testing on their custom fedora with RC-2
    4. release is slated for next week (Feb 12)
  2. API Alignment Sprint: if you haven't signed up for API alignment sprint, please do so
  3. delta document for documenting the differences between 4.7.5 and 5.0
    1. make it a goal to fill out each section by next week's call
    2. identify items that are out of alignment
      1. Peter: authz
      2. Danny will ping Aaron Birkland about nofitications
      3. Danny: versioning
      4. Jared & Yinlin: resource management
    3. keep in mind the spec may have been updated; make sure section numbers match up
  4. compatibility test suite: needs work
    1. try running the compatibility suite
    2. add git issues as feedback
    3. code review would be extra helpful
    4. mainly covers section 3 (resource management)
    5. cross-check test suite report to manual test results
    6. "trust but verify"
    7. Yinlin: Python vs. Java test suite?
    8. Andrew: we will focus on the Java version as the official test suite
  5. close to landing pairtree issue
    1. remaining question: what is the behavior of the pairtree nodes?
    2. Esme: we need to support the current behavior
    3. Aaron Birkland feels strongly that pairtree nodes should not resolve
    4. Andrew: concerned about complexity of code and introducing bugs
    5. Bethany: could we only have 1 setting?
    6. Andrew: need to support migration of existing pairtrees, so generation needs to be separate from retrieval
    7. Esme: minting behavior is easy and tidy; UUID-only minter should be very easy to write
  6. MIME type validation
    1. Bethany: putting in a check of object values in PUT/PATCH requests that mime types are syntactically correct
    2. ebucore:hasMimeType is treated as a special case since it is used as the content-type of a binary resource on GET
  7. external content design: send over to spec team for further work
    1. Peter, Esme, Doran agree
    2. Peter: start from the draft Prefer header spec that Ben Pennell created
    3. Doran: NLM has a particular interest of this
    4. Doran: there could be interplay between this and the Oxford Common File Layout
    5. Andrew: need to make sure we capture real uses cases
  8. changes in the Java release schedule
    1. new major versions every 6 months
    2. LTS releases
    3. Oracle seems to be expecting folks to start paying for Java releases that last longer than 6 months that aren't LTS releases
    4. we need to prepare for supporting new Java releases more quickly
    5. Java 8 will be LTS
    6. Java 11 will be LTS
    7. Andrew: do we support LTS releases only? or short-term releases as well?
    8. Esme: LTS versions seem like a better bet
    9. transition times between LTS will be smaller
    10. need to prepare for new Java versions farther in advance
    11. Danny: what is the history of Java updates?
    12. Andrew: Policy - Supported JVM
    13. Esme: several issues
      1. many repos set up once and then not update to maintain stability as long as they can
      2. desire for compatibility with new versions of Java
      3. new language features that implementors might want to use
    14. Andrew: users tend to stability, developers tend to latest
    15. Esme: supporting the most stable/predictable Java makes the most sense for the user base
    16. Esme: keeping up with latest release is a nice-to-have, but user needs are prioritized
    17. Danny: may be able to compile Java 9 code to target a Java 8 JVM
    18. Andrew: start with consensus-building on tech call and the committers call
    19. Danny: next steps: clarify the different pathways and get feedback from committers and community
  1. 2520
    1. Bethany Seeger created PR this am. No remaining questions. 
  2. Updates from spec editors on External Content: Redirect or Proxy?
    1. no spec editors here, so tabled til next week. 
  3. Compatibility Test Suite 
    1. Looked at  LDP Test Suite Report.pdf
    2. Some of the things failing here are MAY or SHOULD, so does that count as a failure?  
    3. Throwing of a 409 - is acceptable and expected in some case, but shows up as a 'fail'.  The report could use another column that shows if the test is a MAY or SHOULD and whether or not a faillure is acceptable in certain cases (as in expected, in which case it wouldn't really be a failure). 
    4. Jared Whiklo to make an issue on in the test repo for this.    
  4. Delta Document Progress Review
    1. Jared Whiklo made a minus box for things that are not applicable.  There are cases where you must be able to distinguish between something and that sounds more like a SHOULD then a MUST. 
    2. Changing interaction model - Jared was able to add NonRDFSource to something that was an RDFSource - it worked but what does it mean?  Not clear on how to change the RDF interaction model. Ie, how to go from an RDF Container to a RDF Direct container.  Was it patch or link header?  Jared will look into this more. Danny Bernstein thinks there might be a JIRA ticket for this. 
    3. Danny Bernstein worked on the versioning part.  He noted how the memento stuff is on a separate branch so he needed to test from there.  When to merge?  Probably only after we can create mementos, so not yet.  Noted that there was a spec change in how versions are created.  Most of the things in section 4.1 were not working yet.  Many of the 'x's are due to not having finished the memento work yet. 
      1. Should be able to get the LDPRv, but it won't have any mementos and will not accept Date-Time or do anything with that (since memento creation code is not complete yet)
    4. If folks work on the Resource Authorization section - put your name by the pieces you're working on so everyone knows someone is working on it. 
  5. David Wilcox gave a brief update on the leadership meeting. Jared Whiklo has given them an update the state of Islandora CLAW.

Action Items

  •  Danny Bernstein to look for JIRA ticket around changing interaction model type. 
  •  Danny Bernstein to touch base with Peter and Aaron regarding the Resource Authorization portion of the delta spec. 
  •  Jared Whiklo to create issue for the pass/fail on the Compatibility Test Suite