Versions Compared


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  1. Download and install VirtualBox:
  2. Download and install Vagrant:
  3. Download and unzip the 4.7.4 release of the Fedora 4 VM:
  4. Using a Command Line Interface, navigate to the VM directory from step 3 and run the command: vagrant up
    1. Note that this step will take a while as the VM downloads and installs a full virtual environment
  5. Test the VM by opening your web browser and navigating to: http://localhost:8080/fcrepo
    1. The administrator username/password is fedoraAdmin/secret3
  6. Turn off the VM by running the command: vagrant halt



  • Albertin, Jean-Claude, Bibliothèque Cantonale et Universitaire - Lausanne
  • Alberts, Volker, Verein für Ökologie und Umweltbildung Osnabrück
  • Awoyemi, Robert Akinade, Adeyemi Federal College of Education, College Library
  • da Silva, João Miguel, University of Helsinki, Helsinki University Library
  • Denenberg, Ray, Library of Congress
  • Gillis-Webber, Frances Ellen, UCT
  • Hansen, Kent Gottschalk, The Odense Libraries
  • Jones, Jim, Universität Münster
  • Khalid, Bilal, University of Toronto Libraries
  • Klee, Carsten, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Zeitschriftendatenbank (ZDB)
  • Lavik, Tarje, University of Bergen, University of Bergen
  • Lemus-Rojas, Mairelys, IUPUI University Library
  • Lendvay, Miklos, NSZL National Széchényi Library, Hungary
  • Pachzelt, Adrian, Universitätsbibliothek Frankfurt a.M.
  • Ring, Tobias, Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz (Max Planck Institut), Library
  • Rolschewski, Johann, Berlin State Library
  • Saurbier, Felix, Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB)
  • Schnasse, Jan, hbz, Publikationssysteme
  • Seeman, Dean, University of Victoria Libraries
  • Trail, Nathan L., Library Of Congress
  • Wonke-Stehle, Jens, Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg


13:00 - 13:20Welcome, introductions, VM setup
13:20 - 14:2030Introduction to Fedora
14:30 - 15:00Break
15:00 :20 - 15:1050

Linked Data Basics and Data Modelling with PCDM

15:10 - 15:30Break15:30 50 - 16:3040Extended Services
16:30 40 - 17:00Wrap-up and Discussion
