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This is a brief introduction to wiring in additional JAX-RS resources into Fedora 4.



Code Block
@Path("/{path: .*}/fcr:text")
public class MyCustomTextExtractionEndpoint extends AbstractResource {

    protected Session session;

    private final Logger logger = getLogger(FedoraContent.class);


Code Block
     * Create an anonymous DS with a newly minted name
     * and content from request body
     * @param pathList
     * @throws RepositoryException 
    public String extractText(@PathParam("path")
    final List<PathSegment> pathList) {
       String path = toPath(pathList);
       try {
         final FedoraResource resource =
                    nodeService.getObject(session, path);
         // do stuff
         return "";
       } finally {


The "pathList" contains the full REST path up to the static part of the request. Fedora's AbstractResource provides the helper method "toPath" to turn that into a node path. This path can then be used in any of Fedora's Services (or even direct JCR access, although we discourage reaching that far down the stack from a REST endpoint, and instead break the functionality into the high-level REST API and some low-level services).
