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Code Block
<bean name="containerRolesPrincipalProvider" class="org.fcrepo.auth.common.ContainerRolesPrincipalProvider"
<bean name="authenticationProvider" class="org.fcrepo.auth.common.ServletContainerAuthenticationProvider"
          p:fad-ref="fad" p:principalProviders-ref="containerRolesPrincipalProvider"/>

Container Roles Principal Provider


Code Block

Please refer to the How to Configure Servlet Container Authentication servlet container authentication document for further configuration details.


HttpHeaderPrincipalProvider is a Principal Provider that obtains its initial set of principals from HTTP header requests.

Code Block
    <!-- Optional PrincipalProvider that will inspect the request header, "some-header", for user role values -->
    <bean name="headerProvider" class="org.fcrepo.auth.common.HttpHeaderPrincipalProvider">
        <property name="headerName" value="some-header"/>
        <property name="separator" value=","/>
	<bean name="authenticationProvider" class="org.fcrepo.auth.common.ServletContainerAuthenticationProvider"
          p:fad-ref="fad" p:principalProviders-ref="headerProvider"/>

Delegate Header Principal Provider

DelegateHeaderPrincipalProvider is a Principal Provider that uses the On-Behalf-Of HTTP header to switch the user principal to the principal given in the header. This switch is only performed if the authenticated user has the fedoraAdmin container role.

Code Block
<bean name="delegatedPrincipalProvider" class="org.fcrepo.auth.common.DelegateHeaderPrincipalProvider"/>
<bean name="authenticationProvider" class="org.fcrepo.auth.common.ServletContainerAuthenticationProvider"
          p:fad-ref="fad" p:principalProviders-ref="delegatedPrincipalProvider"/>

Implementation Details

The Fedora class org.fcrepo.auth.common.ServletContainerAuthenticationProvider contains a list of PrincipalProvider derivative instances that are called for every authentication query. The union of the authentication traits of the PrincipalProvider instances will be assigned to the FEDORA_ALL_PRINCIPALS session attribute. In the case that the user is has the fedoraAdmin role, a FedoraAdminSecurityContext is provided as the users SecurityContext. If the user does not have the fedoraAdmin role, an ExecutionContext is provided as the users SecurityContext.
