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  1. Updates on 4.7.4 release.

  2. Fedora alignment to API sprints
    1. Delta document - Additions would be helpful
    2. Spec editorial seeks feedback on impact of changes
  3. Versioning the root node? 
  4. Jira
    serverDuraSpace JIRA
  5. Status of "in-flight" tickets


    serverDuraSpace JIRA


  1. Please squash a bug!


    serverDuraSpace JIRA

  2. Tickets resolved this week:


    serverDuraSpace JIRA

  3. Tickets created this week:

    serverDuraSpace JIRA

4.7.4 Release


It's done.  Jared Whiklo had issues with bad html within Javadocs but worked around it.  Now on to 4.8 or maybe 5.0?  Jared will send a note to fedora-tech to let people know it's available.

There's a PR on the 4.7 maintenance branch to bring the RC back in which will need to be handled with care given the nature of the commits to the RC branch.  It might be best to wait for Andrew Woods to get back before moving forward on this.

Fedora Alignment Sprints

People are encouraged to go through the differences and add to the Delta document.  There are also several issues in the fcrepo-specification queue that will bring changes to Web AC and are worth checking out.

Versioning the root node

Consensus was on removing the feature because it is not well advertised through the API and not something we want users to embrace.

Pair-Tree Nodes

serverDuraSpace JIRA
Proposal to create a Prefer header value to allow clients to selectively traverse the tree, which would result in more smaller requests during traversal.  The root node was observed to take over 15 minutes to load, and was timing out during re-indexing.

Andrew Woods threw some POC code up on Github:

  • Hydra testing appears to be done, CurationConcerns deemed not to be on critical path
  • Islandora testing complete
  • Build testing on all platforms
  • Backup/Restore testing complete, Andrew Woods will fill this section out
  • Jared Whiklo handling Postgres testing
  • Should the root node be versionable?  Discussion favors disallowing versioning of the root node and returning a 400 series error indicating the method is disallowed.  No use case has been seen so far for versioning of the root node.
  • Future plans for scripting testing backwards compatibility
    • Spin up previous 4.7.x version
    • Import data using an existing data set
    • Run tests
    • Spin down fcrepo and spin up the 4.7.4-RC
    • Run tests
    • Ensure 4.7.4-RC is capable of restarting 

We appear to be on schedule for 4.7.4 release on 8 August 2017, however Andrew Woods will not be available during this week.  Jared Whiklo is the release manager with support from Danny Bernstein.  Our original release date was planned for 1 August, but was postponed to RC2.  However due to key outages 4.7.4 may release on August 1st or 2nd.  Andrew Woods will email the list to announce the proposal to move to August 1st.

API Alignment Sprints and Delta Document 

Folks are currently signing up for planned sprints.  Further support for for the Delta Document (Agenda Item 2A) would be appreciated.  This delta document will be used to create the tickets for the planned sprints.

Editorial comments are appreciated with regard to use of features within the spec.  There are areas where removal of details (such as acl:accessToClass) would make it easier to conform to WebACL and no one seems to be using these, however this needs to be confirmed with the larger community.  However we need to determine an engagement method for informing the community of changes.  Possible method is to proposal initial removal from the specification on the Tech Call and if approved by the Tech Call announce potential larger to the larger community.  Specific questions regarding removal from the spec to be proposed and placed on the Tech Call Agendas where the initial discussion will take place. 

For the Delta Document, the most useful approach appears to be taking a portion of the specification and reading through it.  Then on the Delta Document note the differences between this and the current implementation.  If you have concerns over your knowledge over Fedora and what it is doing, feel free to reach out to Andrew Woods to work through a section together.  

Check Delta Document pages for notes with regard to someone having committed to perform work on a section (to avoid duplicate work).

Performance and PairTree

For performance reasons it has been suggested you create a three or four level deep path hierarchy of PairTree elements.  Spreading your resources out in a relatively broad tree so that a request to a container will only find a small number of children.  Fedora will automatically skip over these PairTree parents to gather the children directly, subverting the performance gains.  However removing the logic that skips over the PairTree elements will return this performance.  Samvera was having issues indexing large repositories when all children all returned (skipping PairTree elements and gathering directly).  Not skipping these PairTrees allows for more limited scope of returns.  Phuong Dinh and Chris Colvard are investigating the feasibility of indexing a Samvera repo with PairTree elements being returned.  

Interest in community feedback on useful usage of PairTrees and if it works.  

Andrews-less Operations

Jared Whiklo will lead the meeting on 3 August

Danny Bernstein will lead the meeting on 10 August