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Community-driven Features

Web Access Control

Designed by Fedora community stakeholders gathered requirements and designed a WebAccessControl authorization delegatein August, the first WebAccessControl [3] for Fedora code sprint was completed on September 4. This module is an implementation of the W3C WebAccessControl [4] standard for managing authorization using linked data/LDPAn initial implementation is now available, with associated documentation [4] and common scenarios [5] . The first of two code sprints [6] runs from August 24 - September 4, and the second sprint will run from September 28 - October 9. that can be used to demonstrate the current functionality. A second code sprint to complete the work is scheduled to run from October 26 - November 6.

API Extension Architecture 

The API Extension Architecture is , a community approach to extending Fedora 4 capabilities in a way that can be used across the various Fedora 4 client application stacks. The use cases that such an approach may potentially address are:

  • Bulk ingest
  • Ingest pre-processing
  • Content model validation
  • Fedora3-style disseminators
  • Legacy F3 to F4 URL proxying
  • etc.

A design page [7] has been added to the wiki, and an initial batch of use , continues to be a popular topic amongst Fedora community members. The fourth planning meeting [6] was held on September 25, and the next meeting [7] is scheduled for October 9. Use cases [8] continue to be collected and refined, and guidelines for evaluating use cases [9] have been created.

has been collected. The second meeting [9] was held recently, and further discussions will take place on the fedora-community mailing list [10]. If you are interested in this featurethe API Extension Architecture, please join the discussion on the fedora-community mailing list [10] and attend the next meeting [11].

Community Initiatives


As recently discussed on the mailing list [12], interoperability between Hydra, Islandora, and other Fedora front-ends is now a real possibility, thanks largely to a convergence on common practices and procedures in Fedora 4:

  • Islandora is currently in the process of porting content models into PCDM [13]
  • Hydra has groundwork in place (the hydra-pcdm and hydra-works gems)
  • Hydra has some LDP practices to share
  • Islandora has some asynchronous workflow practices to share
  • There is common interest in WebAC (and a working implementation in hydra-access-controls)

Two meetings have been scheduled to help move this initiative forward:

  1. An informal meeting [14] at Hydra Connect [15] in September
  2. A full-day hackfest a Islandora Camp Connecticut [16] in October

If you are interested in helping to move this initiative forward, please follow the discussions on the mailing list, and sign up to attend one or both of the preceding events if you are available.

Conferences and events

Events in August

Islandora Conference

Last month's Islandora Conference [17] attracted 80 attendees to Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. The conference was very practioner-focudsed, with two full days of workshops and a day-long hackfest to close out the week. David Wilcox (Fedora Product Manager) attended the event to deliver an update on Fedora 4 [18], along with a well-attended Fedora 4 workshop [19]. But the highlight of the conference was the Fedora 4 and Islandora presentation by Nick Ruest (York University) and Danny Lamb (discoverygarden inc.) where they showcased a live demonstration of the Islandora/Fedora 4 prototype with a working basic image solution pack. There is still much work to be done to bring this prototype to production, so please join the interest group [20] to follow along and contribute.

. At a meeting in Minneapolis on September 21st, 15 Fedora stakeholders, including representatives from Hydra and Islandora discussed what would be required for minimal interoperability. In this context, "minimal interoperability" was defined as ingesting/updating resources in Hydra over Fedora 4, and having a simple administrative view of those resources in Islandora over the same underlying Fedora 4 (and vice versa with Islandora on the ingest side). Discussion circled around:

  • common use of PCDM
  • requiring at least an rdfs:label attribute on resources

Fedora 3 to 4 Migration Interest Group

Following a recent Fedora 4 workshop that included a session on migrating from Fedora 3 to 4 [13], a Hydra interest group [14] was formed to work through the details and document the process for migration in the context of a legacy Hydra application. Please join this interest group as it is still in the early planning phase.

Conferences and events

Events in September


Hydra Connect

Hydra Connect [2115] will be was held at the University of St. Thomas, Minneapolis campus, Minneapolis, MN, from 21-24 September. The event (hashtag #HydraConnect) is a chance for Hydra Project participants to gather in one place at one time, with an emphasis on synchronizing efforts, technical development, plans, and community links This event brought together 200 Hydra implementers from 60 institutions around the world. Presentations slides are available on the wiki [16].

Paris Fedora 4 Workshop and User Group Meeting

A one-day Fedora 4 Workshop and User Group Meeting will be was held on Sept. 25, 2015 in Paris, France. The event coincides with the Sixth RDA Plenary Meeting [22] and will take place in the same venue – the Conservatoire national des arts et métiers. The agenda includes a Fedora 4 workshop, Fedora user group presentations from regional Fedora users, and will conclude with a wrap-up discussion. There is no charge for this event, but space is limited so please register in advance [23]. Additional information, including a draft agenda, David Wilcox, the Fedora Product Manager, delivered a Fedora 4 workshop that included an overview of core and extended features along with a hands-on section.  Regional Fedora users also presented updates on local projects and use cases for features in Fedora 4. All workshop and user group slides can be found on the wiki [2417].

DC Area Fedora User Group Meeting

The DC Area Fedora User Group, which meets twice annually, will hold held its next meeting Fall meeting [2518] on October 7-8 at the Univesity of Maryland. The meeting will include included both user group presentations and a Fedora 4 workshop. Attendance is free but space is limited, so please register [26] if you Presentation and workshop slides can be found on the wiki [18].

Upcoming Events

Islandora Camp Connecticut

Islandora Camp is a three day event centered around the community of people who use and improve Islandora. The schedule offers two days of conference sessions and a full day of hands-on workshop training working with Islandora as either a developer or front-end site administrator. This camp will take place in downtown Hartford, CT from October 20 - 22. For full information and to register, please visit the camp web page [19].

eResearch Australasia

David Wilcox will travel to Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, to deliver a Fedora 4 training workshop [20] on October 23 at the eResearch Australasia conference [21]. This event will also be an opportunity for the regional Australasian Fedora Users group [22] to meet and discuss Fedora implementations in Australasia. An informal meeting has been scheduled [23] for October 22 for anyone who would like to attend.


Mid-West Fedora Users Group Meeting

The first Fedora Camp will be held November 16-18 at Duke University in North Carolina. This Fedora 4 training event will begin with the basics and build toward more advanced concepts–no prior Fedora 4 experience is required. Participants can expect to come away with a deep dive Fedora 4 learning experience coupled with multiple opportunities for applying hands-on techniques working with experienced trainers and Fedora gurus. A draft curriculum [27], including presentations slides, is available on the wiki.

Attendance will be capped at 40 participants so please register now [28]!

meeting [24] of the newly-formed Mid-West Fedora Users Group will take place on October 22-23 at the Art Institute of Chicago. The event will feature presentations from regional Fedora users and a Fedora 4 workshop delivered by Andrew Woods. Please register in advance [25] if you would like to attend.

DLF Forum

David Wilcox will be in Vancouver, BC for the annual DLF Forum [26] to deliver a Fedora 4 workshop on October 27. Please register for the workshop [27] in advance using the Sched app.


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[3]  https
[4]  http
[5]  http
[10] https!forum/fedora-community
[11] https
[12] https!topic/fedora-tech/3dNdSiOytTw
[13] https
[14] https https://docswiki.googleduraspace.comorg/documentdisplay/d/1azsf2HnfKE2po3389sL42OV2VmzAW62JMltHfaScNwk/edithydra/Fedora+3+to+4+Migration+Interest+Group
[16] http
[17] http
[19] httpshttp://speakerdeckislandora.comca/dwilcox/introduction-and-hands-on-with-fedora-4camps/ct2015
[21] httpshttp://wikiconference.eresearch.duraspaceedu.orgau/display/hydra/Hydra+Connect+2015eres2015/
[23] http!topic/anz-fedora-users/LWz39OvReJE
[2827] http://eventsdlfforum2015.r20sched.constantcontact.comorg/register/event?llr=5iy95gcab&oeidk=a07eb3mm0lc1c10b3acevent/19e9d88b84add4d6aabda01203373f77