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Comment: Task marked complete


  • Time: 11:30am Eastern Daylight Time US (UTC-4)
  • Call-in: DuraSpace conference line
    • +1-209641-647715-16003650,   117433#


  • Julie Allinson 
  • Chris Awre
  • Robert Cartolano
  • Stefano Cossu
  • Tom Cramer
  • Steve DiDomenico
  • Jon Dunn
  • Declan Fleming (star)
  • Janet Fletcher
  • Michael Friscia
  • Michael J. Giarlo
  • Michael Gonzales
  • Ladd Hanson
  • Wolfram Horstmann
  • Neil Jefferies
  • Debra Kurtz
  • Susan Lafferty
  • Mark Leggott
  • Jonathan Markow
  • Steve Marks
  • Tom Murphy
  • Matthias Razum
  • Glen Robson 
  • Robin Lindley Ruggaber 
  • Dan Santamaria
  • Tim Shearer
  • Thorny Staples
  • Jim Tuttle
  • David Wilcox
  • Andrew Woods
  • Patrick Yott


Advanced Tables - Table Plus



Face-to-face meeting at CNI in December?

  • Practitioner's forum on data mandates


  • Only impacts Fedora3
  • DuraSpace is retiring a server that hosts Maven build dependencies
  • Two options: 1) make script available 2) find community host

Securing commitments for Fedora maintenance tasks

  • Community feature-sprints are working well (web-ac, API-extension architecture)
  • Core priorities and bugs are not being addressed
  • Ideally, Leaders would be able to commit X-number of developer days per month

Fedora Fundraising Update


Previous Actions

  •  Declan Fleming and David Wilcox will compile a list of vendors and information to support outreach
  •  Michael J. Giarlo will look into F4 performance issues and, if appropriate, engage Hydra and Fedora communities about corroborating/troubleshooting/resolving them

    Lets pilot a Hackathon for Fedora Developers in late 2015 or early 2016

  •  David Wilcox to begin capturing, curating content for an "ambassadors" list of F4 implementations. Start a list / table in Confluence with updated case studies
  •  All: send any additional comments on website content in to Leaders or the Elite Subcommittee


Face-to-face meeting at CNI in December?

  • David will send a message to the list to see if there are enough people to do it
  • Tom has spoken to Cliff about a practitioners room
    • group agrees it's a good idea
    • David will follow up


  • Technical but has community impact, esp with F3
  • Compiling F3 requires external libraries
    • 15-20 of the dependencies are not found in the world
      • so m2 hosts them
      • m2 also host other unused services
      • only older F3 compiles use it?
      • Duraspace would like to shut down the server
      • Older versions can be installed, but need m2 to be built from source code
      • A script could be written to enclose the dependencies for a build
      • A volunteer from the community could step up and host the dependencies
        • Univ of Toronto is willing to host, but needs upper level approval
          • How frequently is this host utilized?
            • Andrew can check logs
            • It was shut down once and 2 people complianed
              • Islandora and UNC
    • As a project, when do we pull the plug on this?
    • Impact if Duraspace just runs it for another 12 months?
      • Would roll into Fedora budget - ~$1k/yr and Andrew's time
  • Group suggests that that we keep m2 around for a year and tell the users who are dependent that it is going away
    • Add to the budget discussion for next year

Securing commitments for Fedora maintenance tasks

  • Healthy development going on
    • Feature Sprints
      • Web Access control
      • Filling in architecture gaps
  • All bugs are assessed against core priorities and assessed higher if they match
  • We are not seeing very much development around the core priorities or their bugs
  • Have tried schedules and maintenance sprints
    • Has not produced much in results
  • Lack of action on bugs is discouraging to community
  • Andrew would like to be able to ask if someone is available to fix a bug directly
  • Andrew suggests a commitment per dev per month to handle bugs that come in
  • Would it be a disincentive to ask leaders to add people time?
  • Maybe we should hire developers?
  • To be discussed at next Steering Call

Fedora Fundraising Update

  • Link to slides
  • Entering last phase
  • Short of goal of 80
  • 9 new members
  • In 2014 we had 24 new members
  • 70 members for the year
    • 2 have left
  • See slides for revenue numbers
    • We are down $60k from ambitious goal
      • Would need to come from new memberships
    • Close to breakeven
  • Growth has been challenging
    • None from Europe
  • See link to prospect list above
    • Yellow = currently working on, in process
    • Green = success
    • Red = fail
    • White = needs contact




  • David Wilcox will talk to CNI about a practitioners room
  •  David Wilcox will mail the community about a CNI face to face meeting
  •  Andrew Woods will reach out to the community on M2 retirement plan
  •  Andrew Woods will determine the actual Amazon costs
  •  David Wilcox will add "Securing commitments for Fedora maintenance tasks" to the Steering Committee agenda

