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  1. 4.3.0 Release planning

    1. Outstanding items? 
    2. Otherwise, code freeze
  2. migration-utils, where do we stand?
  3. WebAC activity
  4. New-developer hack event
  5. Reworking of fcr:fixity 
    serverDuraSpace JIRA
    1. Currently it is a Fedora-ism
    2. Currently there are not audit events from fixity runs
  6. F4 core, extras, and labs (mailing list thread)

    1. (tick) What are the "core" Fedora capabilities/projects?
    2. (tick) Which projects are always included in any given release?
    3. (tick) Should we decouple the version number schemes of optional projects from core releases?
      1. A. Soroka: Yes, there is no advantage to locking them.
    4. (tick) Should optional projects share the same "org.fcrepo" package namespace?
      1. A. Soroka: Only if the responsibility for them is the same as the responsibilities for core (that is, owned by the same people and accompanied by the same promises)
    5. What are the criteria for graduating from (1c)? - Practices from Islandora? Hydra?
      1. A. Soroka: There should never be any expectation that projects will graduate.
    6. What is the policy for deprecating a project from (1a) or (1b)?
    7. (tick) What should the name of a third GitHub organization be, if such an organization is needed?
      1. fcrepo-extras
      2. fcrepo-ext
      3. fcrepo-flaky
      4. fcrepo-chum-bucket
  7. ...

  8. Current Priorities

    1. Performance
      • Jira
        serverDuraSpace JIRA
    2. Single subject
      • Jira
        serverDuraSpace JIRA
      • Jira
        serverDuraSpace JIRA
      • Jira
        serverDuraSpace JIRA
      • Jira
        serverDuraSpace JIRA
    3. fcr:metadata as a container
      • Jira
        serverDuraSpace JIRA
    4. Point-like objects
      • Jira
        serverDuraSpace JIRA
    5. Camel RDF serializer
      • Jira
        serverDuraSpace JIRA
    6. Migration-utils
      • Wait for Mike
    7. Bugs
      • Expand
        • Jira
          serverDuraSpace JIRA
  9. Tickets resolved this week:


    serverDuraSpace JIRA

  10. Tickets created this week:

    serverDuraSpace JIRA



  1. The decision is made on the changing Fedora package names. Fedora users/clients should not be impacted on it. However, software built around Fedora will be impacted.  

1. 4.3


  1. Release 4.3.0 next week. Nick is the release manager. Andrew and Nick will meet on next Friday and proceed 4.3.0 release. People who want to do future Fedora release can contact Andrew.


  1. After discussion, decide to internally store the properties presented as triples in fcr:metadata on the NonRDFSource being described (as opposed to on the fcr:metadata-backing resource). 
  2. [IRC discussion]
    1. ajs6f: I claim that this won't prevent us from doing whatever we want with fcr:metadata later (making it a container, making it have a special lifecycle, filling it with peanut butter and Valvoline and baking it for several hours in a turtle shell, whatever we want).
    2. escowles: i'm fine with storing the properties on the nonRDFsource -- that makes sense since they are about that resource and i'm actually fine with retrieving fcr:metadata and getting triples about the nonRDFsource -- I think it was barmintor who was most concerned with the repository URL and the subject URI being the same
    3. awoods: I think there is good reason for concern about a mismatch between the repository URL (binary/fcr:metadata) and the subject URI (binary)... but there does not appear to be a better solution at the moment.
    4. escowles: i agree -- too many operations required by the binary and its description for them to peacefully coexist at the same rest api URL


  1. F4 core capabilities: Repository CRUD, Transactions, Versioning, Authorization, and Fixity. 
  2. Included in any given release: Fedora reference impl. 
    1. Could be accompanied by a compatibility matrix for non-core modules along the lines of:
  3. Decouple module versioning? 
    1. yes. seems everyone agrees with it. 
  4. Continue discuss 4.d in next week meeting. 

Release is slated for tomorrow.  Thanks Nick!

  • Aaron has two tickets for OSGi that will get squeezed in for the release (one for auth and one for core).  After that, it's a code freeze.

2. Mike isn't present to speak about migration-utils, but Nick chimed in

  • Danny will get allocated onto migration-utils with his remaining time on the 7.x-2.x Islandora project
  • 7 remaining tickets,
    serverDuraSpace JIRA
    jqlQuerylabels = fedora-3-to-4-migration AND status in (Open, "In Progress")
  • From the Isandora perspective 1554 (Audit trail mappings) and Datastream Properties (needs a ticket) mapping are highest priority

3. Web ACL work is continuing, with two upcoming sprints.

4. Feedback on hackfests:

  • Do a larger event 9-5?  Or smaller 'hackhouse' event?
    • Esme has done both types of events.  Both serve different needs.  Formal training builds skills, hackhouse helps people get familiar with project and each other.
    • Nick has lead day long hackfests.  Either would work for him.
    • Bethany (being new) is curious about introductions to contribution.
    • Kevin (via IRC) said that small hackfests are more enjoyable, but that formal training would be more beneficial in getting people contributing.

5. Reworking of fcr:fixity FCREPO-1407

  • Ticket has dropped off the radar.  Call for interest in ticket.  Unfortunately Esme had just left meeting early.
  • Ticket will remain that way for the time being

6. F4 Core, extra, labs

  • Still need criteria from graduation from labs to extras or core.
    • In Islandora, there needs to be a formal declaration of intent to bring into core.  A component manager must be declared and perform their duties, and if they fail to do so, or the code fails testing, then it is not included in core and is demoted into labs.
    • Danny said not to get bogged down into code coverage statistics.  Having a dedicated maintenance team/person and having user acceptance testing is more important.
    • Need a good policy on versioning and declaring owners/maintainers after 4.3 release.
  • What is the deprecation policy?
    • In Islandora, after deprecation things get shuffled into a special github org just for that
    • Danny said to give people a year after deprecation before removal from codebase, with minimal maintenance in that time frame.
    • Andrew proposed demotion into labs after deprecation period has ended
    • Adam proposed 6 months instead of a year for the period
    • Nick feels there should be a distinction between labs and deprecation.  Don't let labs become the trash can.
    • General consensus is after deprecation is declared, there is a grace period, after which the repo is moved to a deprecated github organization.
