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04/14 (IRC)

  • Esme: I'm working on adding an option to use the fcrepo-webapp-plus-rbacl.war instead of the unauthenticated war file, to demonstrate that audit events would pickup the username correctly
  • Andrew: reviewing/testing blanknodes PR and other PRs that float by
  • Aaron: I'm working on FCREPO-1452. It's mostly ready but I still need to move the log4j stuff out


  • Andrew: reviewing/merging completed tickets
  • Aaron: Finished 
    serverDuraSpace JIRA
    • Working 
      serverDuraSpace JIRA
  • Esme: Finished 

    serverDuraSpace JIRA

    • Working 
      serverDuraSpace JIRA
    • On hold until releases are made: 
      serverDuraSpace JIRA
      • Andrew: we can update vagrant to use pre-release/snapshot artifacts instead of waiting for release – I'll do that today
  • Mohamed: Working 
    serverDuraSpace JIRA
    • Created fcrepo-audit module and porting initial audit code to it
      • Andrew: is this a standalone module or part of the core codebase
      • Mohamed: core for now
      • Adam: Definitely NOT core
      • Esme: Want to be easy to enable it, though





  • Esme: cleaning up audit ontology to make mapping easier for f3 event types
    • ready to review fcrepo-1426 when it's ready
    • waiting for feedback on fcrepo-1425 / vagrant setup
  • Aaron: working on fcrepo-1466 (camel workflows for Solr / triplestore)
    • have working code, unit tests are in place, working on integration tests
  • Mohamed: Working on tests for

04/20 (IRC)

  • Aaron: working on FCREPO-1466
    • ITs beginning to behave, should finish solr integration today
    • will work on triplestore integration after that
    • what JSON library should I use?
      • Esme: we're using both Jackson1 and GSON
      • Adam: Should standardize
      • Esme: we're excluding Jacson2 from Modeshape, I'll create a ticket to standadize (FCREPO-1476)
  • Mohamed: still trying to get unit test working.  Having some trouble there as I'm refamiliarizing myself with mockito and powermock

04/21 (IRC)

  • Esme: reviewing and testing internal auditor (FCREPO-1426)
    • starting to verify that internal auditor meets phase 2 requirements (FCREPO-1431)
  • Aaron: still working on FCREPO-1466 (migrate fcrepo-camel examples to fcrepo-camel-toolbox)
    • now have working unit and integration tests for solr integration
    • mvn camel:run also works
    • creating web-deployable artifact now
    • using Jackson2 for JSON reading and writing
  • Mohamed: Updated PR based on feedback (FCREPO-1426)
    • Is there more work to be done here?
    • Esme: will add tickets for adding internal auditor to fcrepo4-vagrant (FCREPO-1480) and adding ITs to internal auditor (FCREPO-1481)
    • Mohamed: Will work on FCREPO-1480

04/22 (IRC)

  • Aaron: finished

    serverDuraSpace JIRA
    (standardized JSON handling)

    • finished first pass of
      serverDuraSpace JIRA
      (solr integration)
    • this is currently in review
    • have working code and unit tests for the second part of fcrepo-1466 (triplestore integration)
    • working on integration tests now
  • Esme: reviewing fcrepo-1466 and fcrepo-1480
    • working on documenting and doing end-to-end test of internal auditor (fcrepo-1431)
  • Mohamed: Created PRs for
  • Standup


  • Standup


  • Standup




  • Sprint Wrap Up
  • Standup
  • Sprint Wrap Up
    • In-review tickets
      • FCREPO-1489: Swapping in DefaultIdentifierTranslator from kernel-impl
      • FCREPO-1484: Good to review/merge now that fcrepo-audit artifacts are published
      • FCREPO-1480: OK to wait for releases instead of making interim release
      • FCREPO-1485: Aaron will review
    • In-progress tickets
      • FCREPO-1431: waiting on FCREPO-1489, query not supported by repository, so need to update docs to have phase 2 complement phase 1 approach
      • FCREPO-1481: Just started this, moving forward
      • Jira
        serverDuraSpace JIRA
        : Not started, but should be able to complete tomorrow
    • Todo tickets
      • FCREPO-1467: remove from sprint
      • FCREPO-1486: won't fix
      • FCREPO-1495: I can do this tomorrow
    • Release
      • Should have this tomorrow or Monday at the latest
        • Andrew will put together vagrant and have Aaron and Esme test before sending out broader message
        • Andrew is traveling Tues-Fri of next week, so it's Monday or the week after
    • Andrew: generally happy with how things have gone
      • Feature sprints often come to the end without being properly wrapped up
      • But phase 1 was solid and we got tester feedback
      • Phase 2 looks like it's on track
      • Happy that the process works without me
        • Ultimately where the project needs to be
        • Good process and leadership spread out among multiple people
      • Glad that Aaron was able to help out even though he wasn't officially scheduled
    • Aaron: Came in not really expecting to be part of the sprint
      • Have been doing a lot of the Camel tooling and was glad to see more of the implementation to see how that went
        • Andrew: side note: a reindexer would be a good tool to have
    • Esme: Fun to run the spring, but harrying
      • Can always do better analyzing the work, writing tickets clearly, breaking down into smaller units
      • Very happy Aaron was able to help out, since he was essential to getting the Camel approach working
      • Glad to learn more about Camel, since I've been hearing about it for a long time
      • I've done code review before, but was the first time I'd been the final word
        • Feel much more confident about squashing and merging PRs since I hadn't done much of that before
    • Mohamed (via email): It would have helped if some of the JIRA tickets had more description
      • The IRC standup worked pretty well.  It took less time than our usual Google hangout