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  1. Meta analysis of sprint process
  2. Summarize final state
  3. Walk through in-process and unstarted tickets
  4. Teeing up for next sprint


Meta analysis of sprint process

During the meta-analysis wrap-up, we discussed things that worked well and things that didn't.  Of course, having a newbie scrum master means there is someone who isn't as experienced at running the meetings at the wheel.  We had a few technical difficulties over the two week period (starting with Kevin's video problems at the very first meeting).  Osman commented that one thing that worked well was shorter stand-ups (in comparison with his last sprint experience, six months or so ago).  Esme noted that much of his work for this sprint was related to the UCSD beta pilot, and there weren't specific tickets associated with that.  He commented that at UCSD one thing they do with similar tasks, in their sprints, is to have a ticket that can just be repeated updated, allowing for a status reporting to take place.  The team did seem to make pretty good progress through the tickets that had been scoped for this sprint.  Of course, since Kevin doesn't do the code reviews or merging, there may be feedback from those tickets that comes back after the sprint has completed.  Longshou did run out of tickets and we picked from available tickets in the icebox (and ones that he could assist Esme with), but a more connected scrum master probably could have done a better job at isolating the most relevant tickets to be added to Longshou's plate.  Overall, though, I think it was a productive sprint.

Summarizing of final state and walk-through of in-process and unstarted tickets

Most of the tickets for the sprint are in the "finished" state, pending code review by Andrew. We didn't discuss those, but focused more on the things which are outstanding.  Kevin started the ACL ticket but didn't make much progress with it.  It will not have a resolution during this sprint.  The fcrepo-test-grinder ticket that Kevin started is still unfinished, but he made progress on it and hopes to have some code to check in before the next sprint starts.  Most of the effort there was spent setting up the framework for how the tests will be run, rather than focusing on the tests themselves.  I think Dan and the technical working group are still working on what should be tested.  Kevin plans to contact Dan before the end of this sprint just to introduce himself, and touch base, since he will be on future sprints in the near future and would like to continue developing this framework.  The Add 'Remove Namespace' to the UI ticket is the only one Osman didn't get to, and he expects to be able to submit a PR by the end of Friday.  Lastly, Longshou has one unresolved ticket ("Document available indexers" ) that he picked up from the icebox. We weren't clear about the status of all the indexers mentioned in that ticket (whether, for instance, the elasticsearch indexer is still active and in need of documentation).  He'll continue on it for the rest of the sprint, but it may be one that goes back in the icebox for more work in the future.

Teeing up for the next sprint

Both Esme and Osman will be on the next sprint.  Esme mentioned that Andrew would be trying to round up developers to participate in that sprint to make a concerted effort at scoping which features should be included, and which should be removed, from the next release. There should be a lot of work (and discussion) there.  There will also be a fcrepo4 hackfest in November(?)


Most of the feedback was covered in the meta-analysis section.