Versions Compared


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  • David Wilcox
  • Andrew Woods (star)Woods
  • Jonathan MarkowMarkow (star)
  • Michael J. Giarlo
  • Tim McGeary
  • Tim Shearer
  • Declan Fleming
  • Robert Cartolano
  • Mark Leggott
  • Robin Lindley Ruggaber
  • Tom Cramer
  • Julie Speer
  • Greg Jansen
  • Glen Robson
  • Jon Dunn
  • Michael Friscia
  • Wolfram Horstmann
  • Thorny Staples
  • Matthias Razum
  • Neil Jefferies
  • Susan Lafferty
  • Andrew Ashton
  • Patrick Yott
  • Philip Konomos


Advanced Tables - Table Plus


Welcome new Leaders

  • Philip Konomos, Arizona State University
Participation in October Hackfest (in Atlanta/DLF)

Update on Beta Pilots

Fedora 4.0 Status Updates

Fedora 4.0 Beta 2 and Beta 3 releases
Technical Working Group update



Welcome newcomers

  • Phil Konomos, ASU
  • Tim Shearer, UNC

October Hackfest

  • 8 devs signed up for sprints so far; half are new
  • Signups for DLF-week hackfest are light and do not reach critical mass yet; 
  • Tom: Might be more feasible to just have orientation session(s)
  • Andrew would like to get core developers together in October or early November as last boost for production release
  • Andrew and David will distribute a list of core developers who would be required for this and we'll see who would be available

Beta Pilot News

  • UCSD (Declan): 


    • Prototype for possibly replacing their backend
    • Developed java library for talking to Fedora 4
    • Created sample dataset
    • Loaded into federated filesystem
    • Mapped their DAMS to Fedora 4
    • Will compare ModeShape ingestion to their federated filesystem
    • Versioning, locking, access control not implemented now
    • Andrew:  Community will find the content model mapping to be informative
    • Andrew:  Pilot will compare direct ingest into Fedora via API vs the "projection" capability
    • Esme will summarize their experience by November
  • Penn State (Andrew)
    • They are interested in upgrading Hydra from Fedora 3 to Fedora 4
    • Valuable feedback being provided by beta testers (including UCSD) re bugs, etc.
  • Will likely be other beta pilots
    • Tom:  Stanford starting a Fedora 4 beta pilot this month for an annotation store
    • David:  We will highlight the beta pilots with webinars

Fedora 4 Status Updates

  • David:  Anything needed to be added to the messaging?
  • Rob:  These have been very helpful and informative
  • Robin:  They have been effective; we have gotten very good feedback
  • David:  New feedback welcome at any time

Fedora 4 beta2 and beta3 releases (Andrew)

  • Beta3 incorporated critical bug fixes and changes to accommodate new Modeshape beta release

Technical Working Group Update (Andrew)

  • Link above lists members
  • Group has been meeting once a week so far
  • Initial work has summarized history of performance testing; brought architecture diagram up to date
  • Group is listing areas of the technology stack that might be of concern:
    • Rest API - interest in assessing the API for suitability and fit
    • Group recommends versioning the API separately from the repository
    • Focus on performance
      • Will evaluate single server setup initially

Other work (Andrew)

  • Acceptance testing needs to be ramped up
  • Virginia Tech called out for its work in this area
  • Jon:  IU has been doing acceptance testing, will document on the wiki
  • Tom:  Stanford pilot will give opportunity to kick the tires
  • Lack of comprehensive acceptance testing could impact production release
  • Robin:  UVa will not do acceptance testing since they're working on the code
  • Tim will look into the feasibility of doing testing at Duke

Andrew:  Asks if Leadership group wants to contribute to agenda for these meeting; response is that things are going well with current approach; all are invited to add items to agenda


