Versions Compared


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  1. Faceted/Filtered Search & Browse (via Solr & DSpace Discovery) - enabled by default since DSpace 4.0
  2. Traditional Browse & Search (via Lucene & Database tables) - this is disabled by default, it was used in older versions of dspace and is being phased out

This particular page only describes the "Traditional Browse & Search" indexing processes. For more information on Faceted/Filtered Browse & Search, please see DSpace Discovery, in particular Discovery Solr Index Maintenance .

Re-Enabling the legacy Lucene Search and/or DBMS Browse providers



TODO: also add the DB-backed itemcounter here (?)


DBMS Browse ProvidersThe old Lucene/DB search and browse will still work, but will need to be configured to work. The three options are SOLR (default), or Postgres/Lucene, or OracleDB/Lucene. When you set the value to these configs, ensure that at most only one provider is chosen.


If a DAOs configuration is not provided the system will use default to using the SOLR Browse Engine



search and browse


to use PostgreSQL

This option enables the browse engine to store its indexes in PostgreSQL database tables. All browsing is then performed via queries to those database tables. This is the traditional browsing option for users of PostgreSQL. The configuration is as follows:.

Alter dspace.cfg to set the browseDAO to postgres.

Code Block
titlebrowseDAO - Postgres
Code Block
browseDAO.class = org.dspace.browse.BrowseDAOPostgres
browseCreateDAO.class = org.dspace.browse.BrowseCreateDAOPostgres


Alter dspace.cfg to have ItemCount use Postgres

Code Block
titleItemCount - Postgres
ItemCountDAO.class = org.dspace.browse.ItemCountDAOPostgres

Configure search and browse to use Oracle

This option enables the browse engine to store its indexes in Oracle database tables. All browsing is then performed via queries to those database tables. This is the traditional browsing option for users of Oracle. The configuration is as follows:.

Alter dspace.cfg to set the browseDAO to Oracle

Code Block
titlebrowseDAO - Oracle
Code Block
browseDAO.class = org.dspace.browse.BrowseDAOOracle
browseCreateDAO.class = org.dspace.browse.BrowseCreateDAOOracle

Alter dspace.cfg to have ItemCount use Oracle

Code Block
titleItemCount - Oracle
ItemCountDAO.class = org.dspace.browse.BrowseCreateDAOOracleItemCountDAOOracle

Creating the Browse & Search Indexes

It is possible that the database tables to hold the search and browse data do not exist, so they must be created:

Code Block
titleCreate the DB search/browse tables
[dspace]/bin/dspace index-db-browse


To create (or recreate) all the various browse/search indexes that you define as described in this page there are a variety of options available to you. You can see these options below in the command table.

Command used:

[dspace]/bin/dspace index-lucenedb-initbrowse

Java class:


Arguments short and long forms):


-r or -rebuild

Should we rebuild all the indexes, which removes old tables and creates new ones. For use with -f. Mutually exclusive with -d

-s or -start

-s <int> start from this index number and work upwards (mostly only useful for debugging). For use with -t and -f

-x or -execute

Execute all the remove and create SQL against the database. For use with -t and -f

-i or -index

Actually do the indexing. Mutually exclusive with -t and -f.

-o or -out

-o <filename> write the remove and create SQL to the given file. For use with -t and -f

-p or -print

Write the remove and create SQL to the stdout. For use with -t and -f.

-t or -tables

Create the tables only, do no attempt to index. Mutually exclusive with -f and -i

-f or -full

Make the tables, and do the indexing. This forces -x. Mutually exclusive with -f and -i.

-v or -verbose

Print extra information to the stdout. If used in conjunction with -p, you cannot use the stdout to generate your database structure.

-d or -delete

Delete all the indexes, but do not create new ones. For use with -f. This is mutually exclusive with -r.

-h or -help

Show this help documentation. Overrides all other arguments.
