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As the Fedora development employs the common Agile approach of sprints (two-week long sprints in our case) which are facilitated by a Scrum Master, this document is intended to provide some detail to the role and responsibilities of the scrum master.


The scrum master should facilitate the following meetings

  • Sprint Planning (first day of sprint)
  • Sprint Stand-ups (every day for 15-min)
  • Thursday Fedora Committers (every Thursday)
  • Sprint Wrap-up (last day of sprint)

Wiki Pages


  1. The scrum master should ensure the agendas are created for the following meetings (in conjunction with the Technical Lead), as well as ensure meeting minutes are captured
  2. Encourage developers to contribute wiki pages on software design.
  3. Ask developers to provide at least a minimal how-to page for acceptance testing a new feature. (Create a template page if necessary.)
  4. Make sure new sprint wiki pages are situated properly within the project wiki.


The scrum master should be in touch with the theme of the sprint and the progress of the relevant tickets. In regards to JIRA, the scrum master has the following responsibilities:

  • Facilitate the creation of tickets
  • Help prioritize tickets by arranging them in priority order within JIRA
  • Review/Build/Test tickets when they have been put into "In Review" (in coordination with the Tech Lead)
  • "Close" or "Reopen" tickets based on review (in coordination with the Tech Lead)
  • Squash/Merge/Push commits if they have been "Closed"