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The following is a framework for the design, description, and evaluation of the functionality of research networking and related systems.


Dagobert Soergel <> and Barbara Tafuto <>

Department of Library and Information Studies, University at Buffalo


Version 0 2013-12-28

We present a framework for describing /designing / analyzing / evaluating the functions and characteristics of Research Networking Systems (Research Networking Tools, Faculty Reporting Systems, …) and related systems. (For simplicity, we use RNS in this much expanded sense).

This framework can be used to organize both implemented functions (in whole systems or through apps) and design ideas. The resulting inventory of ideas can be used by system designers as inspiration for added functionality and by managers of local systems as a source of ideas for customizing their systems by adding functions (apps) useful to their system users.

This draft is meant to start community discussion. Either post a comment below or change/comment on the document directly (track changes) and send to The document will be updated periodically.

Table of Contents

  • Basic RNS information

  • Administrative arrangements

  • Main types of entities dealt with

  • Application functionality, capabilities

  • What the system can do for the user

  • Technical functionality processing / analysis, using other systems to enhance functionality, search, communication

  • Data content elements included in or accessible through the RNS

  • Data needed for the application functionality. Includes Data Facets 1-4

  • Data, technical aspects: Data format, data-sharing, and data origin management 

  • General system characteristics applicable across the RNS


A Framework for Design, Description, and Evaluation of their Functionality