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The DSpace Community Advisory Team, the DuraSpace organization and @mire, a DSpace Registered Service Provider, invite all DSpace enthusiasts to a half day DSpace user group meeting on Wednesday, March 14 from 8:30am to 1:00pm in Kansas City, immediately following the SPARC 2012 Open Access Meeting. The meeting will feature presentations on DSpace update, tutorials and 24x7 presentations from the communitycommunity presentations/networking

Table of Contents


Please note that only coffee and tea will be provided for the meeting. Attendees are on their own for both breakfast and lunch.

Meeting Notes

Some meeting notes are available at

Location and Time

The meeting will be held in same hotel as the 2012 SPARC Conference, the Intercontinental Hotel in Kansas City, on *Wednesday, March 14 from 8:30am until 1:00pm in Salon 3. *Please see the SPARC Conference site for information on hotel accommodations and other logistical info:


We are currently seeking presentation proposals from members of the community with innovative DSpace projects at their institutions. Proposals should be sent to by February 7. Acceptance notification will be sent by February 9.




We are in the process of developing still refining the agenda and recruiting presenters for the Community 24x7.  This has traditionally been a fairly informal meeting with lots of opportunity for networking with other DSpace users. We highly recommend that if possible you plan to allow time after the session to go to lunch and continue small group conversations around specific areas of interest. 


8.30-9.00:     Welcome and Update on


DuraSpace and DSpace by Valorie Hollister: slides

9.00-9.30:     Tutorial on Batch Loading Workflows for DSpace


by Maureen Walsh, Metadata Librarian/Assistant Professor from The Ohio State University Libraries
                    In this presentation, Maureen will discuss the workflows and methods for the automated re-purposing of metadata for batch import into DSpace (including the repurposing of MARC metadata, embedded image metadata, and                     printed text metadata). She will also provide an overview of two methods (Perl scripts and the Simple Archive Format Packager developed at Ohio State) of building the simple archive format for DSpace item importing. slides

9.30-10.00:   Community Involvement and DSpace Innovation by Bram Luyten & Mark Diggory (@mire) slides

10.00-10.15:  BREAK

10.15-12.00:  Community 24 x 7 

                       - Strategic Planning by Hilde Colenbrander cIRcle Coordinator from the University of British Columbia Library: slides

                       - Enhancing item discoverability through personnel collaboration by Amy Lana from the University of Missouri: slides

                       - Gabriela Mircea from the University of Toronto Libraries: slides

                       - Stacy Konkiel from Indiana University Bloomington Libraries: slides

                       - Repository outreach/marketing efforts by Colleen Lyon from the University of Texas Austin: slides

                       - Media RSS Feeds feature (i.e. iTunes U) and the custom feature Ohio States uses for handling proxy licenses by Maureen Walsh from The Ohio State University Libraries: Media RSS slides / Proxy slides

                       - All attendees are encouraged to do a 24x7 -- see suggested topics below or just tell us about your current work with DSpace

12.00-1.00:    Structured Networking (see below)


If you have specific suggestions for other content (presentations, tutorials, discussions, etc.) to include in the meeting please feel free to email me at

Community 24 x 7

24x7 presentations were a favorite at Open Repositories 2011 and generated a lot of discussion and information sharing. It is a version of the Pecha Kucha style presentations and is intended to provide as many people as possible an opportunity to share information about their projects/efforts/ideas. Presentations are limited to 7 minutes and no more than 24 slides. We strongly encourage all attendees to participate! Suggested topics include best (or worst) practices on the following topics:

  • Budget: managing the repository budget and responding to user needs
  • Strategic planning: developing a strategy and costing for future development of the repository
  • Fundraising: sourcing funding opportunities for repository projects
  • Personnel: coordinating and managing activities of repository personnel and coordinating repository development with associated departments
  • Your projects/ideas.....

Structured Networking Session


The meeting is being sponsored by the DuraSpace organization and @mire, a Registered DSpace Service Provider. The event is free for anyone who wishes to participate. For planning purposes, please send an email with your name and institution to March 1

Meeting Crowdvine

A Crowdvine has been set up for anyone attending the DSpace user group meeting (or the SPARC meeting) in an effort to promote making connections. Here is the link:

Planning Committee

DSpace Community Advisory Team
Valorie Hollister - DuraSpace
Bram Luyten - @mire