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Comment: add missing docs for content_disposition_format


Informations from the script will be printed to stderr while the XML output of the dissemination crosswalk will be printed to stdout. You can give a third parameter containing a filename to write the output into a file, but be careful: the file will be overwritten if it exists. 

When you are working on XSLTCrosswalks it is very helpful to get the original XML on which the XSLT processor works. Use the crosswalk dim to get the original XML:

Code Block
[dspace]/bin/dspace dsrun org.dspace.content.crosswalk.XSLTDisseminationCrosswalk dim 123456789/3

Testing a submission crosswalk works quite the same way. Use the following command-line utility, it calls the crosswalk plugin to translate an XML document you submit, and displays the resulting intermediate XML (DIM). Invoke it with:




Example Value:

metadata.hide.dc.description.provenance = true

Informational Note:

Hides the metadata in the property key above except to the administrator. Fields named here are hidden in the following places UNLESS the logged-in user has WRITE permissions on the Item:

  1. REST API (and therefore the User Interface)
  2. RDF (everywhere as there is currently no possibility to authenticate)
  3. OAI-PMH server (everywhere as there is currently no possibility to authenticate)

To designate a field as hidden, add a property here in the form: metadata.hide.SCHEMA.ELEMENT.QUALIFIER = true. This default configuration hides the dc.description.provenance field, since that usually contains email addresses which ought to be kept private and is mainly of interest to administrators.


Hiding Submitter in Provenance Metadata

As of DSpace 8, it's possible to configure DSpace to no longer include Submitter details (name and email) in the "dc.description.provenance" field.

webuisubmituploadrequiredwebuisubmituploadrequired Whether or not a file is required to be uploaded during the "Upload" step in the submission process. The default is true. false






Example Value:




provenance = true

Informational Note:

If set to "

true", all Submitter details (name and email) are excluded from the "dc.description.provenance" metadata field during Submission and Workflow.

Default value is "false", which means the Submitter name and email will be included in "dc.description.provenance" metadata fields. 

Settings for the Submission Process



Example Value:

webui.submit.upload.required = true

Informational Note:

Whether or not a file is required to be uploaded during the "Upload" step in the submission process. The default is true. If set to "false", then the submitter (human being) has the option to skip the uploading of a file. then the submitter (human being) has the option to skip the uploading of a file.

Configuring the Sherpa/RoMEO Integration




Example Value:

websvc.opensearch.enable = true/false

Informational Note:

Whether or not OpenSearch is enabled. By default, the feature is enabled to support RSS/Atom feeds.  Change to "false" to disable.

Example Value:websvc.opensearch.svccontext = opensearch
Informational Note:The URL path where OpenSearch is made available on the backend.  For example, "opensearch" means it is available at ${dspace.server.url}/opensearch



Example Value:

websvc.opensearch.uicontext = simple-search

Informational Note:

Context for HTML request URLs. Change only for non-standard servlet mapping.



Example Value:

websvc.opensearch.autolink = true

Informational Note:

Present autodiscovery link in every page head.



Example Value:

websvc.opensearch.validity = 48

Informational Note:

Number of hours to retain results before recalculating. This applies to the Manakin interface only.



Example Value:

websvc.opensearch.shortname = DSpace

Informational Note:

A short name used in browsers for search service. It should be sixteen (16) or fewer characters.



Example Value:

websvc.opensearch.longname = ${}

Informational Note:

A longer name up to 48 characters.



Example Value:

websvc.opensearch.description = ${} DSpace repository

Informational Note:

Brief service description



Example Value:

websvc.opensearch.faviconurl =

Informational Note:

Location of favicon for service, if any. They must by 16 x 16 pixels. You can provide your own local favicon instead of the default.



Example Value:

websvc.opensearch.samplequery = photosynthesis

Informational Note:

Sample query. This should return results. You can replace the sample query with search terms that should actually yield results in your repository.



Example Value:

websc.opensearch.tags = IR DSpace

Informational Note:

Tags used to describe search service.



Example Value:

websvc.opensearch.formats = html,atom,rss

Informational Note:

Result formats offered. Use one or more comma-separated from the list: html, atom, rss. Please note that html is required for auto discovery in browsers to function, and must be the first in the list if present.

Content Inline Disposition Threshold / Format

The following configuration is configurations may be used to change the disposition behavior of the browser. That is, when the browser will attempt to open the file or download it to the user-specified location. For example, the default size is 8MB. When an item This allows you to specify when a file (bitstream) in DSpace should be downloaded, or attempt to be opened in a user's browser. 



Example value:

webui.content_disposition_threshold = 8388608

Informational Note:

The default filesize is set to 8MB. When a file/bitstream being viewed is larger than 8MB, the user's browser will download the file to


their local machine and the user will have to open it manually. All files smaller than this threshold will be sent "inline" to the user's browser, allowing the browser to decide whether to open it within the browser or download it. 

The value provided is always in bytes.  For example: 4 MB = 4194304, 8 MB = 8388608, 16 MB = 16777216

NOTE: This threshold is only applied if the file/bitstream does NOT match the below "webui.content_disposition_format" list.





Example value:


threshold = 8388608

format = text/html, text/richtext

Informational Note:

The default value is set to 8MB. This property key applies to the REST API.


Set which file mimetypes or file extensions will be forced to download, regardless of the "threshold" set above. Multiple values may be provided by setting this property several times, or by passing it a comma-separated list.

For example, setting this to "text/html, text/richtext" will ensure that all files/bitstreams matching those MIME Types will always be downloaded (and never open inline in the user's browser).

File extensions may also be used to reference formats. For example, setting "pdf, xls" will ensure all files ending in ".pdf" or ".xls" will always be downloaded.

Multi-file HTML Document/Site Settings
