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  1. Announcements:
    1. Lyrasis office closure for holidays - Dec 25-29th
      1. Last meeting for the year Dec 13?
      2. When are people returning?
    2. Lyrasis Members Summit date announced - Feb 22, 2024
  2. Pop-up/Other Topics:
    1. DLF Debrief
    2. Anyone else going to submit for OR?
    3. For Arran's sake - Review of Fedora 3 Apache workaround
      1. Looking to draft communication for the community
    4. Security monitoring process
      1. What other types of things should we be monitoring outside of what Github does with the pom files?
    5. Herbert Van de Sompel's request from Slack:
      1. Suggestions on individuals he can connect with?
  3. Migration Updates:
  4. Updates on:

    1. Open Tickets (but assigned in some cases): 

      1. Jira
        serverFedora JIRA
      2. Jira
        serverFedora JIRA
      3. Jira
        serverFedora JIRA
        - Did this get added to documentation? If yes, can we close this ticket?
      4. Jira
        serverFedora JIRA
    2.  In Progress and older but still relevant open tickets:

      1. Jira
        serverFedora JIRA
      2. Jira
        serverFedora JIRA
      3. Jira
        serverFedora JIRA
        - This one still lives?!
    3. In Review:

      1. Jira
        serverFedora JIRA
      2. Jira
        serverFedora JIRA
      3. Jira
        serverFedora JIRA
      4. Jira
        serverFedora JIRA
  5. New tickets:

  6. Backlog Tickets to consider working:
  7. Next Meeting Chair:
    1. Chair: Dan Field Arran Griffith
    2. Note Taker: Arran GriffithDemian Katz

See Rotating Schedule here 


Announcements: None
Pop-up/Other Topics:
TAC Performance Testing Update? 
<Holding this over as Dan not present>
Were there any Apache-related vulnerabilities we needed to look at in any of the fcrepo-exts?
Camel-toolbox - client-only but Dan has put in a PR 
FCRepo -4.x - this is not maintained - could it be archived?
fcrepo-webapp-plus is possibly still in use 

It looks like some of the fcrepo-exts could be archived 
Docker 6.4.1 - an image has been released

Migration Updates
Updates on:

Open Tickets (but assigned in some cases): 

FCREPO-3913 - pipeline to build fcrepo Docker image does not correctly find latest tag in fcrepo/fcrepo RECEIVED
              Assigned to Thomas, perhaps specify the release, would be preferable to avoid manual configuration. 
FCREPO-3912 - tag name of fcrepo Docker image built by release pipeline of fcrepo/fcrepo does not follow new naming scheme RECEIVED
              There would be git complications around changing the release pattern to match this. 
              Demian shared te VuFind documentation release process branching, see -
FCREPO-3911 - CRITICAL Apache ActiveMQ Exploit in the wild OPEN - does this just need to get closed?
              This work is done except for patching 3.x (ie 4,5 & 6), which is problematic. 
              Thomas will ask Arran to circulate an email saying that 3.x will not be patched. 
              Notes on how to lock down ActiveMQ ports would be constructive. 
FCREPO-3910 - Ingests against Fedora 6 hang indefinitely RECEIVED
              Need to be able to set out the steps to reproduce the problem that Thomas reported. 
              Perhaps trying to do this via docker instance would be an option. 
              Thomas will try to get more data before looking for more logging options., such as -
              [Jared] Use of relic/new relic could be constructive in providing this, or using TRACE (or further enhanced logging).
FCREPO-3908 - Data provenance RECEIVED - I think this one is just here to hold an idea?

FCREPO-3907 - tomcat reindexing resume capability OPEN
              Jared will take this.
FCREPO-3906 - FCREPO uses json-ld-1.0 processing mode but silently accepts json-ld-1.1 directives RECEIVED
              Documentation issue, Thomas will take the ticket.
FCREPO-3905 - Upgrade util should support destination host that does not match source OPEN
              Ben looking to work on this.
FCREPO-3897 - incorrect error when nesting AGs in the UI OPEN
              [ie Cannot create an AG inside an AG but the error is not correct]
 In Progress and older but still relevant open tickets:

FCREPO-3875 - Document Archive Group Considerations for Fedora 6 IN PROGRESS
In Review:

FCREPO-3883 - Allow PUT over a tombstone IN REVIEW
FCREPO-3881 - Disallow DELETE of tombstone of objects in an Archival Group IN REVIEW
     Mike will action Jared's comments.
FCREPO-3882 - Allow access to the timemap and versions from a tombstone. IN REVIEW
     ready to merge
New tickets: 

Mike Sharp: some notes on how to lock down ActiveMQ ports would be constructive. 
ActiveMQ ports could be closed - Thomas will talk to Mike Sharp about locking down their config.

Next week's meeting  (Thurs 23rd Nov) is cancelled because of Thanksgiving, unless a Slack notice to the contrary is issued..


  1. Holiday break coming, probably most will be away. Last meeting with be December 14, 2023. First meeting will be January 11, 2024.
  2. Member summit date announced. If you or your institution is a member, your contact will get all the registration information. If you are a Gold or Platinum Fedora member or a Lyrasis member.
  3. DLF debrief
    1. Fedora workshop, 5-6 people there none of who had attended a Fedora workshop before.
    2. Found U of Louisville, Duke, Iowa State (Islandora Legacy), Case Western (Islandora legacy), Bucknil University (moving out of Digital Commons), Atlanta University Center who use Fedora and Arran was not aware of.
    3. Met with some service providers, trying to identify more and do some information gathering with them to find their client needs and any barriers they are finding.
  4. Open Repositories - Gottenburg, Sweden - Anyone proposing a Fedora topics? Deadline is Dec. 15, 2023.
  5. Herbert Von Soppel Looking for a production Fedora 5, 6 supporting Memento that he could reference in his new specification
  6. What best to spend time monitoring? Tomcat, ActiveMQ... Rely on the community advise us of other bits? fcrepo-docker is running on a schedule, but it is not building 6.4.1 right now. Need to perhaps add a variable to use if set.
  7. Fedora 3 work-around is being tested by NLM. Have other issues to deal with on the server at this moment.
  8. Tickets
    1. FCREPO-3916 - Dan is just fixing up the unit tests. Maybe we need a 6.5.0 release in the near future (talked about end of Jan 2024)
    2. FCREPO-3912 - Not taken, should have some way to force a tag to build.
    3. FCREPO-3906 - Thomas hopes to get to this soon, not here today to update.
    4. FCREPO-3913 - See FCREPO-3912
    5. FCREPO-3907 - Jared is working on it.
    6. FCREPO-3875 - Mike hopes to get it done soon.
    7. FCREPO-3915 - This is good, should do the same in migration-utils to force OCFL version to 1.1
    8. FCREPO-3914 - Needs review
    9. FCREPO-3883 & FCREPO-3881 - Jared needs to complete retest