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  1. Announcements:
    1. UX/UI Project - Call for proposals open for a UX/UI Designer to look at Lyrasis Community Supported Programs websites ( - pls forward to anyone you might know
    2. Sys Admin Position open at Lyrasis -
  2. Pop-up/Other Topics:
    1. PUT for non-RDF resources from Slack ( - resolved?
    2. Fedora Commons Wikipedia page out of date (
  3. Migration Updates?
  4. Updates on:

    1. Tombstone Work - Jared and Mike?
    2. Open Tickets (but assigned in some cases): 

      1. Jira
        serverFedora JIRA
      2. Jira
        serverFedora JIRA
        - Do we need to update documentation somewhere?
      3. Jira
        serverFedora JIRA
      4. Jira
        serverFedora JIRA
      5. Jira
        serverFedora JIRA
    3.  In Progress and older but still relevant open tickets:

      1. Jira
        serverFedora JIRA
    4. In Review:

      1. Tombstone Tickets - Mike
  5. New tickets:

  6. Backlog Tickets to consider working:
  7. Next Meeting Chair:
    1. Chair: Jared Whiklo
    2. Note Taker: Ben Pennell

See Rotating Schedule here  


  1. Announcements
    1. UI/UX position (see above)
    2. Sys admin position at Lyrasis (see above)
  2. Pop-up/Other Topics
    1. PUT for non-RDF resources – this has been resolved (it was related to the user's Camel routing issue, which has been fixed).
    2. Fedora Commons Wikipedia page
      1. Dan will make simple updates; Arran will start drafting changes outside of the wiki to discuss with Dan.
      2. Arran/Dan to take a note to watch this periodically (maybe include in release procedure).
  3. Migration Updates
    1. Demian is not sure whether the S3 storage solution he's been working on will actually be used at Villanova (possible technology stack changes) but is happy to share results and details if anybody wants them.
    2. Digirati is assisting University of Leeds with setting up an F6 stack; Tom Crane has joined Slack and has begun collecting information. Arran has invited Tom to a future tech meeting to make introductions and describe the project.
  4. Updates on
    1. Open tickets
      1. FCREPO-3907 - feature request rather than bug; next step: try to implement it and see where it leads. Questions on ticket are from brainstorming; input welcome but no specific answers needed to move forward.
      2. FCREPO-3906 - the JSON-LD library we're currently using has not been updated yet; still a work in progress. An alternative Java implementation exists but is significantly slower than the library currently being used. The best solution in the short term may be documentation, as this is not a bug but rather a spec-related issue (new JSON-LD 1.1 features are not supported yet).
        1. Question: where does this type of documentation need to live?
          1. Possible answer: as part of API documentation
          2. Related comment: API docs are getting "busy" and might benefit from some reorganization to help increase visibility of warnings and critical details
          3. Another follow-on idea: could we generate an OpenAPI spec for the Fedora API?
        2. Islandora uses JSON-LD, though due to its complexity, it may not be the preferred encoding for many other users.
        3. Immediate next step: add a note to the existing API docs and reference this on the ticket; we can follow that with deeper follow-up work as circumstances permit. We can leave the ticket open for now.
      3. FCREPO-3905 - no news
      4. FCREPO-3898 - we do have some logging documentation, but it needs to be updated/expanded to cover Java options for external logback configuration (related to RedHat behavior change in Tomcat logging). No need to go into detail about logback configuration – we can link to that part (and use our existing logback config as an example). Ben will take a look at this.
      5. FCREPO-3895 - providing more information about applied ACL can be resource-intensive (and complex, because ACL is applied as a filter); there is some kind of ACL cache, but that may not be enough to overcome the problem. This was desired to understand exactly where an ACL block is coming from (e.g. current resource, or some higher-level resource). But this is difficult to expose without also potentially exposing things a user should not see. Mike suggested that since we log the effective ACL, maybe this need can be met in the short term through logging rather than through the API itself – e.g. a flag to log effective ACL as INFO instead of DEBUG. Mike will take a look at this.
    2. In progress tickets
      1. FCREPO-3875 - Mike will check to be sure this is up to date and incorporates relevant information from current set of tombstone PRs.
    3. In review
      1. Tombstone tickets - Jared has made progress; Mike will look at this if time permits.
  5. New tickets
    1. None this week
  6. Backlog tickets
    1. None this week
  7. Other:
    1.  Jared was having trouble getting Fedora to allow CORS, but was able to get things working by changing Fedora security configuration around OPTIONS. Dan experienced some similar issues and wants to compare configurations.