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titleMeeting is one hour later for anyone in Daylight Saving Time

Our meeting time remains at 15:00UTC. If you've entered Daylight Saving Time locally, this means that our meeting time will have changed for you:

  • In USA, most states are under DST, which means this meeting is one hour later.  So, the meeting will start now at 11:00am EDT.
  • In Europe, DST doesn't start until March 27, so this meeting is at the same time as last week.

Starting on Thursday, March 31, we will shift this meeting to 14:00UTC (one hour earlier) once all countries have entered DST.

title7.3 Release Plan

Release Schedule (tentative):

  • Thursday, Apr 28 (PR Creation Deadline): All new feature (or larger) PRs should be created by this date. (Smaller bug fixes are welcome anytime)
  • Thursday, May 19 (Review/Test Deadline): All code reviewers or testers should submit their feedback by this date. Code reviews must be constructive in nature, with resolution suggestions. Any code reviews submitted AFTER this date will be considered non-blocking reviews. This means feedback received after Jan 20 is optional to address (unless the team or PR developer decides it is required).
  • Friday, May 27 (PR Merge Deadline): All new feature PRs should be merged by this date. (Bug fixes can still get in, as long as they are small or important)
  • Week of May 30: Internal / Early release goal. If possible, we'd like to release 7.3 in late May or first week of June.
  • Monday, June 6: Public Release Deadline. 7.3 must be announced/released by this date.

Ongoing/Weekly tasks:


  • (30 mins) General Discussion Topics
    1. Any updates on SWORDv2 discussions per
    2. Online DSpace 7 Webinar/Workshop (after OR2022)
      1. Any thoughts on best time for this?  Perhaps mid-to-late June?  Or other ideas?
      2. Should we just run a workshop? Or is there interest in more than that (e.g. a virtual DSpace conference)?
    3. Any assigned 7.3 work needing early discussion?
      1. (Add topics here you wish to discuss)Improve usability of TruncatableComponent:
  • (30 mins) Planning for next week
    • Review the Backlog Board - Are there any tickets here stuck in the "Triage" column?  We'd like to keep this column as small as possible.
    • Review the 7.3 Project Board - Assign tickets to developers & assign PRs to reviewers.
      • Paid (by DSpace project) developers must keep in mind priority. If new "high" or "medium" priority tickets come in, developers should move effort off of "low" priority tasks.
      • Volunteer developers are allowed to work on tickets regardless of priority, but ideally will review code in priority order.


  • Discussing Release Support now that 7.x is out
    1. The DSpace Software Support Policy notes that we support the "most recent three (3) major releases" (where a major release is defined by the changing of the first number, e.g. 6.x → 7.x).  This would mean that 5.x, 6.x and 7.x are all supported at this time.
    2. Should we propose to Committers / Governance a change of policy to the "most recent two (2) major releases"?  This would mean that we move to only supporting 6.x and 7.x.



  • Luca demoed the Spring Boot Admin Server user interface.
  • We decided that we'd still like a very basic Angular UI for the "Control Panel".  It should ONLY display the "info" and "health" actuators, which align well with the sort of basic status updates that the old DSpace XMLUI Control Panel had.
  • Anyone who wants more complex "Control Panel" functionality should install/use the Spring Boot Admin Server.  We should add instructions on how to do so, as this is a very powerful tool for anyone who wants more insight into their DSpace site's performance.
  • The old XMLUI Control Panel also included a "Systemwide Alerts" section. However, this needs to be split out as a separate Ticket, as it cannot be achieved with Spring Boot Actuators. It's more an Angular UI task.


  • Ben went over updates of the new (edge) use case: two Publications linked via a relationship where Publication A is the review of Publication B.  If Publication B is then versioned into B2, it may be important for Publication A to somehow retain an "original" link to Publication B (as that was the version which was reviewed), even if B2 is now the latest version.
    • Feels that the current design can be extended to support this use case easily
    • Mark W noted that this use case may need to be a separate task .  Start simple and address the edge cases later.  Tim agrees.
    • Andrea said he's not sure it's that hard to achieve this use case, but also says the approach of splitting this up is fine.
  • Updated estimate from Ben of 80-120 hours
  • All agree that the original design is good as-is.  Minor feedback is still welcome on either the ticket ( or the Google Doc.  Development can begin.
  • All agree that the edge case can be a secondary PR later on. However, if Ben finds a way to achieve it easily, it's OK to achieve in the same PR.  As of today though, it seems like it may need more analysis & therefore is not required for the first PR.
