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Advanced Tables - Table Plus


Announcements and updates

  1. Sharing sample metadata and objects


  1. What has everyone been working on?
  2. What will you be working on over the next couple weeks?
  3. Are there any blockers that are preventing you from getting work done?

Priorities and areas of focus

  1. What needs attention over the next couple weeks?
Wrap-up and next steps


  1. Metadata work
    1. All collections are updated on the staging server
    2. Newspapers are a special case, may need a specific meeting to sort out the details
    3. Work should be done by the end of the week
    4. Need some clarification on work type
      1. typeOfResource field used for theme. Need to make sure we're talking about the same thing
  2. Sample objects
    1. How best to provide files associated with PIDs
    2. Alan can programatically grab files from site based on PID
  3. Workbench tool
    1. Mark has made some great updates lately
    2. May be a candidate for migration tooling
  4. Site structure
    1. Whitman team making changes to site structure
    2. This will be easy to implement in Islandora 8
  5. Google Scholar tags and vanity URLs
    1. Need to make sure these are implemented in Islandora 8
