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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3


Project Aims


Code Block
<!-- Where submission processes are mapped to specific Collections -->
    <name-map collection-handle="default" submission-name="traditional" /> ...

  <!-- Where "steps" which are used across many	submission processes can be defined in a 
       single place. They can then be referred to by ID later. -->
    <step id="collection">

  <!-- Where actual submission processes are defined and given names. Each 
       <submission-process> has	many <step> nodes which are in the order that 
       the steps should be in.-->
    <submission-process name="traditional">
        <!-- Step definitions appear here! --> 


Code Block
  <!--Step 1 will be to Sign off on the License--> 

  <!--Step 2 will be to Ask Initial Questions-->

  ...[other steps]... 


The same <step> definition is used by both the DSpace JSP user interface (JSPUI) an the DSpace XML user interface (XMLUI or Manakin). Therefore,we can notice each <step> definition contains information specific to each of these two interfaces.


Code Block

Current management of submission forms:
All of the custom metadata-entry forms for a DSpace instance are controlled by a single XML file, input-forms.xml, in the config subdirectory under the DSpace home.
The form-map maps collection handles to forms. DSpace does not require that a collection's name be unique, even within a community .DSpace does however insure that each collection's handle is unique.Form-map provides the means to associate a unique collection name with a form. The form-map also provides the special handle "default"(which is never a collection), here mapped to "traditional". Any collection which does not appear in this map will be associated with the mapping for handle "default".
The XML configuration file has a single top-level element, input-forms, which contains three elements in a specific order. The outline is as follows:


These are the screenshots of the interfaces I have developed so far
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