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Attendees: Jason, Steven, Tim, Adam, Lynette, John, Simeon

Regrets:  Huda (@ BL summit)

Agenda & Notes

Review actions from 2019-10-04 Cornell LD4P2 Meeting notes

  • E. Lynette Rayle will describe current state of wikidata work (as identified on Prioritization page) and then ask Christine Fernsebner Eslao what we might consider "done" for the next pass on wikidata, then perhaps create new and more specific issues for later improvements
    • 2019-10-04 Not done yet, still need to check in with Christine (have been working on other items higher in prioritization)
    • 2019-10-11 Not doneUpdated Issue #15 to touch base with Christine Fernsebner Eslao
  • Tim Worrall to update discogs code to use standard bnode format
    • 2019-09-13 Tim about half way through this
    • 2019-09-27 Have updated discogs code to output ntriples as well as n3, will make PR for this and also the update to use bnodes
    • 2019-10-04 Got back from Justin  a snippet of n3 that now works with Sinopia, and have now replicated this load of n3. Sinopia team are updating the label to list all formats that can be accepted. Have made PR which is awaiting review from E. Lynette Rayle. Have found a new issue with loading Discogs data in that certain extra labels and types break the loading of data → need to identify minimal example(s) to post bug report for Sinopia and potentially use for a workaround. This seems like something that is a general issue and will be a problem with other data sources such as SVDE. General idea is that extra triples should be ignored or loaded without showing, should not cause load to fail
    • 2019-10-11 Sinopia team are following up with this, nothing more for us to do, see ISSUE LINKsee
  • E. Lynette Raylealso to switch output to ntriples instead of n3
    • DONE in Tim's PR, awaiting merge
    • Merged and deployed in production
  • ALL - review , KPAOW Usability results write up 


  • Blacklight LD @ Stanford
    • We watched the video, laughed but didn't get all of it
    • Expecting white paper on knowledge panels - John Skiles Skinnerand others working on draft to be finished soon
    • Will wait to see what follow-up happens at Duke BL meeting
  • Prep for Cataloging Sinatra and other 45's (Discogs data,
    • AWAITING more work in Sinopia to import data. Sinopia work cycle 2 (through December 6) will we hope include the ability to read in RDF back from Trellis. We hope that we can leverage this to import RDF from a lookup in Discogs or ShareVDE. STARTING with items not in DIscogs
    • Steven working on modeling tutorial and Sinopia functionality, hope this will help get cataloger started. Feedback was that some model understanding is necessary to do the cataloging work and that training is essential, even for staff that have worked with VitroLib at some time in the past (over a year ago)
    • Sinopia team asked whether Sinatra profiles up-to-date, Steven has uploaded minor revisions so there are in place
  • Enhanced Discovery (see also and
    • BAM! (to run through end October)
      • For reference: Initial draft of BAM plan
      • John looking at browsing with time eras (currently a facet in Cornell catalog). Have found that these are not always based on FAST, Jason suggests $y with LCSH as source for some. Complicates the issue but still seems possible, not clear how to link to outside data and distinguish from the current faceting
      • John also working on connection to Open Syllabus project that has a notion of classes that assigned texts (based on discussions from BL LD summit)
      • Tim looking at expanding subject browse on work or item view page to give access to broader and narrower concepts. Using OCLC work id → FAST topics → LCSH → broader and narrower. Some of these make clear sense but others, like from "Family" explode, thinking of UI approaches that might help a user see the more useful links over the "exploding" cases → Maybe look at demo next week? Jason points out that cataloging practice is to use the most specific terms possible, so narrower terms might not be very useful in describing the item. Not sure how the idea of narrower terms fits with user browse goals
  • Authority Lookups for Sinopia (Lookup infrastructure:, Authority requests:
    • Lynette will keep will  focus on QA Hyrax Valkyrization and Samvera Connect prep next week
    • RDA registries included as a single authorities with sub-authorities for the different areas, now available in Sinopia. This has been straightforward because of consistent SKOS model and clean data
    • Open question about cohort members who want to use LC versions of RDA vocabs. Discussion on email list and Matt Miller asking for feedback on data dumps
    • Has done more performance AWS productions servers, similar results to previous laptop analysis. Mean delays around 3s total with 2.5s being network load from Dave. The 10th percentile is a small fraction of a second which rules out a consistent network latency (time to first byte). Some suggestion that large responses drive longer times and thus suggests bandwidth or Dave query/response times as the culprit
    • Lynette will continue with some Locust swarm tests on production server (outside of work hours) and work with Dave to better understand the delays from his end Performance – analysis on laptop clearly shows that from QA server perspective the http load is the dominant part of the problem with the slowest third of requests taking 2.5-6s for load. The normalization part is next slowest, taking ~0.8s for the slowest third. Need to check analysis is correct and also run on AWS. Will discuss the load portion with Dave. And also do swarm test.
  • Travel and meetings (see LD4P2 Cornell Meeting Attendances)
    • Blacklight Summit will be at Duke, 9, 10, 11 October at Duke
      • Huda
    • Samvera Connect, week of October 21 (WUStL)
      • Lynette to present on QA (Simeon also going but not on LD4P funds)
    • Fall partner and cohort meeting in DC, November 12/13
    • 5th International LODLAM SUMMIT at the The Getty Center in Los Angeles. February 3-4, 2020
      • Steven is on the planning committee, Lynette and Simeon to apply
      • Expect to have a "tool challenge" - a competition before the conference
    • LD4 Conference at College Station, TX (TAMU) - May 13/14, 2020
      • Jason is on PC
    • rdfs:seeAlso Conferences Related to Linked Data in Libraries
  • Next meetings:
    • 10/11 Huda @ BL summit