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  • E. Lynette Rayle  will work with Michelle to develop a prioritization process. Steven Folsom is starting the slack thread b/t Michelle and Lynette
    • 2019-08-30 Steven and Michelle had a call and will filter new requests using :+1: style voting from the cohort. Have separated 8 or 9 out of 20 requests which are just small drop-downs and wouldn't benefit from QA work – PR for this has and issue that Steven is working with Jeremy on
    • 2019-09-06 Process agreed, waiting on Michelle Futornickto push out request for input
    • 2019-09-13 Request for input had 20 Sep due date, when results collated we'll follow that priority order for QA work. Steven Folsomwill lead our completion of our input on Sinopia requests with focus on show stoppers for Discogs cataloging work
    • 2019-09-27 Prioritization page done 
      • E. Lynette Rayle will describe current state of wikidata work and then ask Christine Fernsebner Eslao what we might consider "done" for the next pass on wikidata, then perhaps create new and more specific issues for later improvements
      • ISNI a bit down the list but don't yet know the way forward
  • Simeon WarnerE. Lynette RayleSteven Folsom to apply for LODLAMNot done, deadline in 30 Sep
    • 2019-09-27 - Simeon applied, Lynette will today
  • Tim Worrall to update discogs code to use standard bnode format
    • 2019-09-13 Tim about half way through this
    • 2019-09-27 Have updated discogs code to output ntriples instead of n3, will make PR for this and also the update to use bnodes
  • Tim Worrall to check that Sinopia actually supports n3 (with prefixes and compacted statements) and not just ntriples
      Steven Folsom to update discogs profiles to remove old pattern resulting in unnecessary bnodes
      • 2019-09-13 all done, demoAnd the answer is... Sinopia doesn't accept n3, it accepts only ntriples → Tim Worrallwill create issue to describe this correctly, E. Lynette Raylealso to switch output to ntriples instead of n3
    • Huda Khan et al. – KPAOW video and write up: Make short video. Write up successes, difficulties, lessons, data and index needs, areas for continued work (if and when)
    •  Issues:
      •  DONE, also did some tests with Astrid at BL meeting
      • @all to read!

    Status updates and planning

    • Prep for Cataloging Sinatra and other 45's (Discogs data,
      • ON HOLD pending more work in Sinopia to import data. Sinopia work cycle 2 will we hope include the ability to read in RDF back from Trellis. We hope that we can leverage this to import RDF from a lookup in Discogs or ShareVDEExpect to start cataloging work on Oct 1, will start with work on things without discogs data pending an update to Sinopia with discogs lookup/
      • loadKick-off meeting on Wednesday next week (Oct 2)
    • Enhanced Discovery (see also and

      • BAM! (to run through end October)
        • Updating Initial draft of BAM plan
        • Had DOG meeting to discuss meaning and intentions of browse
          • One is open ended search like physical browse
          • Another is berry picking, finding stepping stones to desired outcome by refining – this seems easier to design for
        • Huda plans to do some with with Astrid at Stanford LD-BL meeting
        • Tim will extend work connecting in with LOC for subject and perhaps author browse
        • John looking at expanding related searches section
        • Will finalize BAM plan next week and start development
    • Authority Lookups for Sinopia (Lookup infrastructure:, Authority requests:
      • Lynette will focus on QA next 2 weeks. First, analysis and focus on performance (split "load" into network call, response and load into graph). Second, look at infrastructure. The work with Dave in prioritization of fixes and features
      • After this pass, plan to do a test with faster VMs to see what the impact is
      • Still investigating speed and concurrency - this is a high priority for Sinopia team
      • ISNI discussions stalled – will be interested to see how high this comes out in the prioritization. Given that there isn't an LD API the best approach would likely to be a discogs-like conversion from JSON built into QA server
    • Travel and meetings (see LD4P2 Cornell Meeting Attendances)
      • LD4 BL meeting September 23 week in Stanford
        • Huda, John, Steven going
      • European BIBFRAME Summit in September 16-17th-ish
        • Jason going and gave ARM/rare-cohort proposal acceptedtalk – nobody is doing anything with extensions. In Sweden they are simply doing MARC → BF without considering extensions, things just end up as notes though the problem of dealing with rare and other specialize materials is understood. NancyL talked about performed music on panel
        • Hubs in, LC is creating higher level conceptual works than bf:Work with just author(s), title, date but hopefully tying together bf:Works. The hubs, e.g. are typed as `bf:Work` and `bflc:Hub` and point to sub-works with `bf:expressionOf`
        • Casalini doing another version of high level work: SuperWork. Also have notion of MasterInstance which is somehow and "aggregation" of instances
      • Blacklight Summit will be at Duke, 9, 10, 11 October at Duke
        • Huda
      • Samvera Connect, week of October 21 (WUStL)
        • Lynette to present on QA (Simeon also going but not on LD4P funds)
      • Fall partner and cohort meeting in DC, November 12/13
      • 5th International LODLAM SUMMIT at the The Getty Center in Los Angeles. February 3-4, 2020
        • Steven is on the planning committee, Lynette and Simeon to apply
        • Expect to have a "tool challenge" - a competition before the conference
      • LD4 Conference at College Station, TX (TAMU) - May 13/14, 2020
        • Jason is on PC
      • rdfs:seeAlso Conferences Related to Linked Data in Libraries
    • Next meetings:
      • Jason remote, Simeon, Tim out - 20 Sep – will cancel
      • 27 Sep - Steven, Huda, John at Stanford BL meeting10/4: Jason leaves at 10:15