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  1. Danny Bernstein     
  2. Daniel Lamb 
  3. David Wilcox
  4. Jared Whiklo
  5. Ben PennellBethany Seeger Yinlin Chen (star)
  6. Andrew Woods
  7. Peter Eichman
  8. Bethany Seeger 
  9. Joshua WestgardWinckles


  1. Announcements
  2. Fedora 5.1.0  Release  RC 33  (July 26, 2019)
  3. Import Export: 5.x roundtrip is complete
    1. Next steps
  4. Update on Fedora 6 Pilots (NLM, Docuteam, UWM)
  5. fcrepo-migration-utils work
    1. Configure "fedora4Client" to new implementation of the interface
    2. Writing to OCFL instead of Fedora4/5/6 API
    3. Request: Fedora3 sample data
  6. Fedora 6.0.0 Sprint Planning Page
    1.  Update on Remove all JCR dependent code
    2. 6.0 Architecture Review
  7. Your topic here...


  1. In Review


    serverDuraSpace JIRA

  2. Please squash a bug!


    serverDuraSpace JIRA

  3. Tickets resolved this week:


    serverDuraSpace JIRA

  4. Tickets created this week:


    serverDuraSpace JIRA


Fedora 5.1.0 release

  1. The Windows issue has been resolved, the commit that resolved the issue was made to 5.0.2 but needed to be ported to master
  2. Danny is going to put out release candidate 3, we will then run through a manual test on linux
    1. Danny Lamb will test in islandora, Esme will (hopefully) test with valkyrie.
    2. What is the minimum amount of time for a release candidate?
      1. Jared will send out an announcement today indicating that unless any new issues are found, it will be released on the following Friday (July 26)


  1. Roundtripping implemented, PRs need to be reviewed
    1. Ben will look at PRs
  2. Will then need to do community testing
    1. Would anyone be interested in a 4 to 5 migration test?
      1. Josh Westgard is interested in this. Actual production migration they would likely wait for 6, but they are willing to test this.
      2. Danny and Josh will be in contact about testing things

Drastic Test Results

  1. Greg set up instance of DRASTIC, Andrew ran the test suite against it. 45% of MUSTs passed
    1. Should we attempt to do anything about this?
      1. Josh - It should continue to be a goal to push towards having a second implementation. They had a grant to explore the Fedora API on top of DRASTIC.
      2. Peter - there are a lot of MUST failures around digest processing. Is this a limitation of the cassandra backend?
      3. Jared - there are 28 WebAC failures, so that is probably the largest section
    2. Reach out to Greg to see if there is any intention of pursuing these. Try to determine if any of these are resolvable or if they are architectural mismatches.
    3. Josh - check with DRASTIC and Trellis people to see their opinions on the failures
    4. Danny will reach out to Greg


  1. Yinlin needs someone to review a PR, it adds in camel tools
  2. Danny will take a look, Josh will also try running the docker script, Aaron can also try today or tomorrow

Fedora 6 Sprint planning

Plan for master branch

  1. Discussed creating a fedora 6 overhaul branch, keep master in working state until build and test pass
    1. Decided to go with master as the main line of development branch, even though it won't build
    2. Email the tech list about this decision for informational purposes

Pre-sprint tasks

  1.  Folks are largely out today :  just a skeleton crew.
  2. Is it worth exposing an HTTP interface to the OCFL Go client? 
    1. Advantage:  decoupled service that can be used for a variety of purposes, not just Fedora
    2. Disadvantage:  performance could suffer, especially when thinking about supporting S3 (client → http → fedora → http → ocfl → http → S3  =  lots of hops)
  3. migration-utils (f3 → ocfl)  work is moving forward:  Andrew is looking for internally consistent Fedora 3 data sets for testing :  will push something up once he's able to run a successful test.
  4. There is agreement on the team to merge Danny's fcrepo4  PR  that removes modeshape
  5. Danny has started on the demolition, about halfway there.
    1. Removed the modeshape kernel module from the project pom
    2. Been moving Exception classes out to the API module where appropriate
    3. Hasn't revolutionized his understanding of what changes we'll need to make to the codebase for 6.0 yet.
    4. Once this is done, it will be merged into master. Should be next week.
  6. fcrepo-persistence-api is awaiting someone to come along and try to figure out what the API is for a persistence layer
  7. Most likely others will need to wait until after the demolition to start collaborating.
  8. Architectural diagrams, very tentative, how should we proceed with these?
  9. Current plan is to use Aaron's OCFL client as a placeholder, possibly for the final project depending on how well it works.
  10. Aaron take people through the client in the committer's call.
  11. This page can be a good place to use as a white board for gathering ideas
  12. Aaron - Once we start creating the APIs it should be easier to start commenting on it and the bigger picture.

